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  1. J

    Bfv mod toolkit problem

    hi, can you post the specific errors please? There is also another editor you can try called ED42, but I think it takes some fiddling to get working for bfv. I like ED42's painting capabilities, it has some interesting features, but takes a bit to figure out.
  2. J

    big problem

    Hey there my man, what be the specific error ?
  3. J

    The way the server is going

    video and spectating may work against map hacks but it isn't going to catch people using accuracy hacks/glitches. you need something better: punkbuster.
  4. J

    The way the server is going

    To screw up these nametag hackers (aka 3d map hackers) you could turn nametags off on the server. This would still leave the problem of mini-map hackers, So what if you could have the server send false nametags, and minimap arrows of the opposite team to a player. For example, if a player is US...
  5. J

    The way the server is going

    What if nametags are turned off: game.ServerNameTagDistance 0 game.ServerNameTagDistanceScope 0 what good is a 3d map cheat when there aren't any nametags
  6. J


    If noob tubers are real issue, change damage tables so that RPG/LAW does not damage infantry materials.
  7. J

    FT vs 360 Clan War

    tanks, apc's, RPGs, and M79s are just part of the game. Removing them would be taking out a large part of the game tactics. You are no longer have a legit clan war.
  8. J


    ~40s looks like switch to SKS rifle which is part of RPG kit and one of the sniper kits
  9. J

    Infantry Map Only

    That was not well said. What does 'Server is Allmaps for a reason' mean? Just add a map to the existing map rotation that has vehicles removed. Please elaborate on the restrictions of the public server that is 1.2 and does not have punkbuster, otherwise why even have this forum section?
  10. J

    Infantry Map Only

    Yea 100% infantry would be cool. Just remove all the vehicle spawners from ObjectSpawns.con in the map's .rfa file on the server-- no additional download by players required.
  11. J

    host event on new map

    Here's an idea for next event, host it on a custom map. Just make the map everyone needs to have available for download on the website. here's one to get started: bfv -6 kontum
  12. J

    Hit detection, especially with helicopters

    Does this gross mismatch between where you hit on your screen and where the server thinks you shot also affect the sniper rifle? I swear its not aligned properly or something because I can only hit people if they are dead still and only at a certain distance. I looked in objects.rfa at...
  13. J

    Hit detection, especially with helicopters

    How does you look at the netcode?
  14. J

    Server crashes

    The crashes seemed similar to bf42 server crashes. Have you guys patched the server using the help of this website(Bfv linux 1.2 version is down at the bottom of the page)? http://www.bfmods.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=790&start=50 -John