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  1. V

    Have you been a victim of racism?

    Good point that makes since now that I think about it thumbsup0
  2. V

    Have you been a victim of racism?

    I am every one :lol: no but really i just imagine that a lot of people are at work or school for example im not supposed to be on right now. I didnt mean anything by it just its a little long :-)
  3. V

    Have you been a victim of racism?

    thats to long dude u need to sumarize that no one has that kind of time thumbsup0
  4. V

    What would you change?

    YEA CAPITALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. V

    Fallout New Vegas: NCR Vs Legion

    i have been wanting to get Honest hearts or the dlc with indian stuff in it i cant remeber which i looked at the weapons and i really want that tomahawk
  6. V

    Fallout New Vegas: NCR Vs Legion

    Im starting this topic because mainly ive been wanting to hear peoples opinion on this.Which do you think is better New California Republic Vs Ceaser's Legion. Personaly I side with the Legion.
  7. V

    What would you change?

    byrd you are the fool i dont want to change it because there is something wrong with it. I want to change because i would simply like that form of government. Dont judge before you know. :lol: :lol:
  8. V

    What would you change?

    the american government. i would reform us back to a roman oligarchy its the system that seemed to work the longest time
  9. V

    Everyone BUT cash look (it's a suprise >.>)

    Violence is a good thing under certain circumstances like Hitler for instance. or Osama bin Laden, and Saddam insane. some one needed to take them down a few pegs. I thank god for the Corps and the Navy Seals Obama just took credit for something George Bush did.
  10. V

    Everyone BUT cash look (it's a suprise >.>)

    kurk thats just like saying a man leaves his keys in the car and someone steals the car but its the mans fault that the criminal did the wrong thing. And deadly hippo my advice is to stop talking to him if he wants to be a communist loving liberal hippie let him i gave up on him completely. And...
  11. V

    Everyone BUT cash look (it's a suprise >.>)

    I think thats a great idea we owe him at least that
  12. V

    Have you been a victim of racism?

    im mixed with white and black and people are more accepting of that here in the south from what ive seen when i went up past mason dixon line to New york they were racist to everybody including whites weird :roll:
  13. V

    Let's talk sports

    Alabama Vs Auburn Iron bowl biggest rivalry in foot ball history. No stadium gets louder than that.
  14. V

    Let's talk sports

    Go Huntsville Academy Eagles. And ROLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. V

    Need your help

    NCAA 07-11 NHL 09 NHL 08 Oddworld strangers wrath ill think of more later
  16. V


    hey snipers are not grunts the marines are grunts
  17. V

    I would like to join -[hello]-

    welcome to the clan
  18. V


    is there a way we could get more orginization and tactics in all maps
  19. V

    I just made u all name sign

    thats cool thnx man