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MaximumD2 said:United States>Illinois>Galesburg... Ghetto....
Dont forget: dorthy is from kansas ^^Col. Hannibal Smith said:Well, I'm from Kansas, so don't mess with me. Several of our nation's best came from this area. General and president Dwight D. Eisenhower, ,Missouri native, President and WWI veteran Harry S. Truman, Heroine (yeah I know hah hah, we're all just a bunch of 6th graders), and world class pilot Amelia Earhart. Missouri native and General of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe in 1917-1918 John J. Pershing. James "Jimmy Bond" (world class musician who almost was in the rock band Kansas but didn't rise to quite that big of fame. More of a local legend. passed away in March. Please have a moment of silence the day after you read this because I knew him sorta well and have respect for your elders and the parted). Internationally known Missouri-Kansas native, and the last WWI veteran, Frank Woodruff Buckles (as you also know, passed away Februrary 22, 2011, or did you know? also please have a moment of silence the day after you read this. and then have another for all our WWI veterans of the past). there are more. Kansas also was a spark that ignited the war of brother against brother (the civil war). that was because of imbalance between slave and free states. plus the civil war technically started a good decade before the nation divided, and that was with pro-slavery guerrilla forces from Missouri and anti-slavery guerrillas from Kansas (Bushwhackers and Jayhawkers). So we have had QUITE an important role in our nation's history. Think twice if u ever diss Kansas.
FLOWERPOWER said:The Name is Gerry and your Welcome to call me by my name during gaming. I'm from Toronto Ontario Canada where our National Mascot Is the Beaver....Oh Canada, we Love our Beaver.... Already met up with Joe (2Bad4U) a few times for a cup of Tim Hortons Coffee. What a small world. We are just a short drive apart. Seeya all out there. Keep the Peace V, Spread the Love.....with a slug or 2
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