- Local time
- 2:54 AM
- Joined
- Feb 24, 2011
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- Ryan
You all get 2 votes in the poll. Please choose yes/no/other for if you like FF and yes/no for if you want this weekend uploaded to the server stats at bfv/stats/
Friendly fire is now live!
Friendly fire has now been enabled.
So how does this work?
Any weapon in the code above is likely to cause damage to teammates should it hit them, however, as I expect there will be more accidental than deliberate teamkills we have enabled "TK Forgive" mode. So what does this mean?
It means that any teamkill will be forgiven by default, but should the player feel that it was a deliberate teamkill they can choose to punish the player.
The punish feature is NOT to be used just because you're annoyed you got teamkilled. If your heli is shot down by a teammate's MUTT or SA-7, then that is an accidental teamkill and should not be punished.
Players who misuse the punish feature will find themselves held liable under the disruptive game play and common sense rules.
The friendly fire settings are currently:
Soldier Friendly Fire: 0% - This governs damage from direct fire weapons. Bullets, direct hits from player fired explosives etc. We can perhaps progress to this over the weekend but at the start I think it's best it stays off.
Soldier Splash Damage 100% - This governs damage from weapons that do splash damage, so any explosive.
Vehicle friendly fire 0% - This governs damage from direct fire weapons that originate from vehicles. Vehicle machine guns and direct hits from explosives. Again, this can maybe be turned on later.
Vehicle Splash damage 100% - This governs splash damage from vehicles, shells, bombs, napalm.
Friendly fire kickback 0% - This governs how much direct fire damage is returned to the originator. If we progress to turning the other friendly fire options on then this'll go on too.
Splash Damage Kickback 100% - This governs how much splash damage is returned to the originator. So if you hit a teammate with an explosive, you will take the same damage.
TK forgive mode: Enabled - This will mean teamkillers are forgiven by default. If a player feels it was a deliberate attempt (such as to get a vehicle that they already had) they can decide to punish the player.
Punished TKs before kick: 5 - This means a player must be punished 5 times before they get auto kicked. There will be no auto ban or kick for negative score in place during this trial.
Spawn delay TK penalty: 0.5 - Players who teamkill will receive a 0.5 longer respawn time. This should help against those who teamkill for vehicles but not affect accidental teamkills too much.
Please bear in mind all these settings are subject to change depending on how the trial plays out.
Let us know below what you think of FF and any issues you've noticed.
Friendly fire is now live!
Friendly fire has now been enabled.
So how does this work?
Huey missiles (pilot)
MI-8 missiles (pilot)
Hormone missiles (co-pilot)
Cobra missiles (pilot)
ACH missiles (co-pilot)
F4-Phantom napalm
MIG-21 missiles
MIG-17 bombs
A7 Corsair bombs
AC-47 bombs
Betty bombs
Land mines
Time bombs
Mortar shells
Tank shells
M110 shells
M46 shells
ZSU flak
BM21 rockets
Any weapon in the code above is likely to cause damage to teammates should it hit them, however, as I expect there will be more accidental than deliberate teamkills we have enabled "TK Forgive" mode. So what does this mean?
It means that any teamkill will be forgiven by default, but should the player feel that it was a deliberate teamkill they can choose to punish the player.
The punish feature is NOT to be used just because you're annoyed you got teamkilled. If your heli is shot down by a teammate's MUTT or SA-7, then that is an accidental teamkill and should not be punished.
Players who misuse the punish feature will find themselves held liable under the disruptive game play and common sense rules.
The friendly fire settings are currently:
Soldier Friendly Fire: 0% - This governs damage from direct fire weapons. Bullets, direct hits from player fired explosives etc. We can perhaps progress to this over the weekend but at the start I think it's best it stays off.
Soldier Splash Damage 100% - This governs damage from weapons that do splash damage, so any explosive.
Vehicle friendly fire 0% - This governs damage from direct fire weapons that originate from vehicles. Vehicle machine guns and direct hits from explosives. Again, this can maybe be turned on later.
Vehicle Splash damage 100% - This governs splash damage from vehicles, shells, bombs, napalm.
Friendly fire kickback 0% - This governs how much direct fire damage is returned to the originator. If we progress to turning the other friendly fire options on then this'll go on too.
Splash Damage Kickback 100% - This governs how much splash damage is returned to the originator. So if you hit a teammate with an explosive, you will take the same damage.
TK forgive mode: Enabled - This will mean teamkillers are forgiven by default. If a player feels it was a deliberate attempt (such as to get a vehicle that they already had) they can decide to punish the player.
Punished TKs before kick: 5 - This means a player must be punished 5 times before they get auto kicked. There will be no auto ban or kick for negative score in place during this trial.
Spawn delay TK penalty: 0.5 - Players who teamkill will receive a 0.5 longer respawn time. This should help against those who teamkill for vehicles but not affect accidental teamkills too much.
Please bear in mind all these settings are subject to change depending on how the trial plays out.
Let us know below what you think of FF and any issues you've noticed.