It only speaks to your character.That's actually a very good compromise in my opinion and will offer instant relief as well as still offer the same intended result of having vote kick enabled.
The main purpose of the vote kick is to kick AFK's. The people that suffer the most from an AFK are the players on their team, not the opposite team. So, by making it a team vote kick option only, this allows the team to manage their own AFK's and require alot less votes to do so. The biggest benefit is that it reduces trolls on the opposite team from vote kicking anybody they want by 50% immediately. I had so many vote kicks initiated against me today, more so when I started to get a lot of kills as usual and people get mad and do the vote kick without any reason.
I am convinced that most of the people that voted "yes" to enable vote kick did so with nefarious intent knowing they could use it to troll in game and cause more drama.
I played a round myself and had a standard 50-15 round with homie recording from spectate in Rec Hue, not one vote to kick me.
Maybe its your approach. I can literally join at anytime and not have a vote kick against me. idk. The mask only lasts for so long.