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Hate Speech

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Local time
10:58 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Hmm. Okay;

There were other suggestions from me that also made it through (by other means) such as players getting to play all maps. Before that, the static map order prevented players to get to a few maps at the bottom of the static map order for months. The removal of mapvote which was being misused. Running mod events on the regular server which was first ignored but then recognized and accepted.
I'd like to just remind you Al that, as per your reprisal directed at me a few times, we eventually settled on what is currently going on. You had often voiced an understandable disdain towards my then attempts at finding a good neutral ground by having polls, requesting players vote etc. etc. on stuff that was going to affect gameplay often times repeated to try a different outcome and see if the result was any different. Now that all that has basically stopped, I'd like to think we have found mutual ground again.

As per the mod events being hosted on the main server, it was not ignored. Please use better terminology. I argued against it yes but I didn't leave you on read. There is a big difference between being ignored and not being in favor of. And as you have seen, I in fact apologized to you for doing so.

I do remain a bit disappointed that my suggestion for a rule for admins not to kick AFK players when an AFK player does not effect team balance, or the game, didn't go through. My suggestion was because I had noticed (at that time and occasionaly even now) that some trial admins become trigger happy kick AFK players unnecessarily just because they have the power to do so.
Our AFK rule has been amended slightly over the year(s). I do not say it's perfect, but I say it's close as it can be. Our requirements for being AFK that are stipulated in the rules are as clear as can be. In the sense that the person is in fact 100% AFK.

However, if you feel there is an Admin going on a power trip, you know where to report them.

We would be naive to think that ALL admins have landed from heaven and would never misuse the power they have been entrusted with. I am sure you and other senior admins remember that not all new and old admins are made of responsible, ethical, and good moral character. We have seen trial and full-time admins removed due to misconduct, behavioral issues, cheating/hacking, etc.
You are indeed correct and I can tell you all of those times were quite justified because of their own actions despite warnings or course corrections from myself or Heilig at the time. We try fix before such action has to happen.

Heck, even a clan leader admin had to be removed.
Where was this? :confused: Was this before my time?

The leadership timeline:
SK as the HelloClan Leader.
Myself as the second clan leader.
SK sort of left and I became the sole clan leader.
I left and Vmax became the BFV leader (until a full clan leader was decided on).
Vmax resigned.
RussWarrior was installed as the clan leader.
Russ was on the path of leaving.
I came back.
I installed LuccaWulf as a BF1942 Leader during the games infancy with us.
Lucca was...complicated with times so he was removed (are you referring to him?).
BangBangOw installed as the BF1942 leader and then became a HelloClan Leader alongside myself.
Gerhard was installed as a leader for a brief time because of RS2V but it didn't last. (or are you referring to him?).
Heilig was installed as HelloClan leader alongside Bang & myself.

Did I forget someone?
Also sidenote; there are three TRUSTED leaders so that should something happen there will always be two available to assist.

I have even seen an admin using game hacks. Of course we cannot prove it and he knows this.
Even though you've stated it, bring proof, you know where to report it. This will be the last time I entertain such a remark to someone who is in fact proving themselves capable in the position. I say that as it is.

If you think we (leadership and staff that voted the admin in question in) would do so without ensuring the persons credibility, you are mistaken my friend. If you (or anyone) has such proof, come forward. Otherwise, cease this attack on him.

An updated guideline is needed for admins conduct especially for kicking AFK players, taking votes to manually change maps, not being a spoiled-sport by constantly complaining about certain maps that the individual admin doesn't like, not spamming game chat by constantly asking all players to vote to change map even after most players have already decided not to change the current map, not isolating or questioning or singling out one particular player constantly, absolutely prohibit admins to use game-hacks, and be advised to watch a few YouTube videos about how to be responsible, how to be neutral, and how to be ethical. Such published guidelines give players a channel to complain to senior admins, and reprimand admins who misuse or not use their responsibility. If such a code of conduct was published and implemented for admins, we may not have seen the fiasco of some admins removed in recent years.
I'm sorry Al, but that's not going to happen. We are not paid for this, I'm not going to send future admins (or current ones) on a course of ethics. As professional as we try to be, there is still room for error and I do allow for that at times. But if you or anyone feels like there is unfairness happening, you are most welcome to report it. If it has gravity, it will be dealt with and you know this.

If this was a company, with a hierarchy that has so much red tape, then all your points would be 100% acceptable. But this is a gaming community, we vote staff in based on their actions and activity, we account for what they say and do. If they go out of line or break their guidelines then action is taken (again, you know this is true).

Just to dissect a few specific lines from your above quoted text:

not isolating or questioning or singling out one particular player constantly,
Considering that the admin(s) I believe you are referring to, I believe that goes back to what I just said above. They are just as much on the receiving end of it as well and as such they are showing restraint.

Such published guidelines give players a channel to complain to senior admins, and reprimand admins who misuse or not use their responsibility. If such a code of conduct was published and implemented for admins, we may not have seen the fiasco of some admins removed in recent years.
Although I have somewhat answered this;

Al, every single admin that has been removed has been for good reason. Obviously, we have never nor will never publish the reasoning as to why someone was removed. Unless it was...somehow a special circumstance where it became public. When an Admin is reported, I'm not going to tell you what I did to them, but they most likely get a warning, or a course correction if it isn't serious. There has been at least three admins during my time that were giving many chances via course corrections and a warning each until it was clear they weren't going to change. Unfortunately I have been proven to be too lenient.

Point of this is that there already is a basis for players to use to come to the leadership and lodge an official complaint against a member of staff. We are not closed ear about it, we do investigate it when things are reported and we take appropriate action thereon. If the complaint has gravity to it.

not being a spoiled-sport by constantly complaining about certain maps that the individual admin doesn't like
Again going back to complaints;
I'm sorry but this is double standards Al. Why can't they complain? They are also players, they aren't paid to just sit there and watch people. They're here to play and help at the same time in their own free time. They have to hear others complain about the maps, the map rotation, how long maps drag out. Why can't they do it? Why do they have to listen to "spoil sports constantly complaining about stuff in general" yet they can't be allowed to voice their own opinions?

Going back again to your overall request, I'm sorry but I will not ask the staff to be robots. I will not ask them to remove their personalities, their traits and just "exist" there on the server. It's not on. The guidelines we have is what is expected of staff, if it is broken then there is obvious "reprimands" that occur. I'm not going to setup such a stringent system that staff eventually become afraid of being staff as a result. It is, in the best possible terms, overkill in this environment.

There has been a removal/resignation already as a result of one of your reports. I would think that alone sufficient proof that action is taken and that should put to bed any doubts about the channels not working in the players favor.

Ending on this;
The above is our current PUBLIC staff guidelines. Although it may not contain what you exactly want stipulated it in it, it is quite comprehensive. If you want such a detailed staff guideline section or rule section, please go visit hellominers and see what they have. They'll put lawyers to shame. I kid you not.

Local time
3:58 PM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
(are you referring to him?).
No, I was referring to RussWarrior. I was under the impression that he was caught doing something inexcusable and was politely asked to leave, from group conversations on Discord in 2021. Excuse me if I'm mistaken.
They are just as much on the receiving end
I agree.
bring proof, you know where to report it
I wish I could. I wanted to change my name and record him but since he can see all player's IPs, he will know who I am and stop hacking. But I will try this another way. Also, this is not someone who you think I am accusing. This is someone who only plays occasionally and is not a senior admin. I had a discussion about this admin a few days ago with another old (trusted) player on another server. He confirmed that this admin was well known to use hacks prior to becoming admin.

I wouldn't mind this so much if this was just another player.
Unfortunately I have been proven to be too lenient.
Leniency is not a bad thing. In fact, my requests for AFK rule addition is based on leniency.
We are not closed ear about it, we do investigate it when things are reported and we take appropriate action thereon.
I am glad to hear this.
Why can't they complain? They are also players, they aren't paid to just sit there and watch people.
I never said admins should not complain. Occasionally nagging about certain maps is understandable. But doing this on ever single map of a certain type that they personally dislike, such as ground maps, or air maps, this does not appear professional. If regular players do this, such as Tox, we can understand. But when an admin does this constantly, this does not set a good example for other players. Admins are leaders. They are in charge. If they misbehave then players will follow.

Yes they are also players but they have been given a privilege of power over other players. Good admins know this. They will not set a bad example.

Admins are not paid financially but I like to think that they are getting paid with respect and responsibility that the majority of players are not. They are not getting paid but they have been given a job that not every other player gets. I appreciate their time and effort.

You are the best example of this. You will never do anything that will reflect unprofessional or unethical conduct. You set a great example for all admins and players. We need more Ice's.
They have to hear others complain about the maps, the map rotation, how long maps drag out.
No, (you misunderstood) this was not the scenario that I was talking about. I'm talking about a couple of admins who will initiate change map votes as soon as the new map loads. If the vote does not go through, they will constantly repeat the change map vote and spam the game chat about how bad the map is. They will even threaten to leave if other players don't vote to change the map. I'm sorry Ice, but THIS IS NOT ADMIN MATERIAL. Admins of an All Maps Server cannot behave like this. Vmax used to do the exact same thing and you addressed this with him, even though he is your friend.

An admin should not encourage players to leave. This is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve. I have observed that most players are quietly playing the map but these couple of admins will rile them up. If they have a slight dislike about these types of maps, they are encouraged to leave if the change map vote doesn't go through. I have seen this countless times. If a regular player like Tox constantly complains about a certain type of map, we can understand that. We are used to it! Although a few players WILL LEAVE because of constant complain about the map by players such as Tox, but when an admin does this its truly unfortunate.

yet they can't be allowed to voice their own opinions?
There is a difference between "voice their own opinions" and anti-server activity of encouraging like-minded players to leave, because they are not getting what they want (change map vote).
There has been a removal/resignation already as a result of one of your reports. I would think that alone sufficient proof that action is taken and that should put to bed any doubts about the channels not working in the players favor.
Unfortunately, you removed the wrong guy 🤦🏻‍♂️

Rbilly IMHO had matured into a seasoned admin. Although he started rough, he learned the rules quickly. I was wrong about him a couple of times when I thought he raped a main. Turns out he was clear. He was mostly doing his job correctly. He never hacks! Never insults other players. At least not directly or insanely. He is a phenomenal team player. Good communicator. He plays ALL THE TIME. When Hello is empty, he will jump to the other server and play alone. Seriously! I had zero complains about him. He minds his own business. If he doesn't like a map, he will occasionally (rarely) ask other players to vote. If majority don't want to change, he will NOT throw tantrums about it. He will continue to play like nothing happened. He was a good choice. I hope you will reinstate him. Disco and others were shocked to learn that he's not admin any more.
Going back again to your overall request, I'm sorry but I will not ask the staff to be robots.
Not asking them to be robots. They should only be reminded that they are admins, they set an example for players to follow. They have to be of higher standards than the regular player. Most of your admins are great. There are a tiny few bad apples but I am hopeful that they will improve under your and Heilig's leadership.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I genuinely appreciate your time. We are on the same team (clan sort of) and our objectives are the same. We differ only about how we go at it. I hope these exchanges are constructive and beneficial to the server.
Local time
10:58 AM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
No, I was referring to RussWarrior. I was under the impression that he was caught doing something inexcusable and was politely asked to leave, from group conversations on Discord in 2021. Excuse me if I'm mistaken.

I agree.

I wish I could. I wanted to change my name and record him but since he can see all player's IPs, he will know who I am and stop hacking. But I will try this another way. Also, this is not someone who you think I am accusing. This is someone who only plays occasionally and is not a senior admin. I had a discussion about this admin a few days ago with another old (trusted) player on another server. He confirmed that this admin was well known to use hacks prior to becoming admin.

I wouldn't mind this so much if this was just another player.

Leniency is not a bad thing. In fact, my requests for AFK rule addition is based on leniency.

I am glad to hear this.

I never said admins should not complain. Occasionally nagging about certain maps is understandable. But doing this on ever single map of a certain type that they personally dislike, such as ground maps, or air maps, this does not appear professional. If regular players do this, such as Tox, we can understand. But when an admin does this constantly, this does not set a good example for other players. Admins are leaders. They are in charge. If they misbehave then players will follow.

Yes they are also players but they have been given a privilege of power over other players. Good admins know this. They will not set a bad example.

Admins are not paid financially but I like to think that they are getting paid with respect and responsibility that the majority of players are not. They are not getting paid but they have been given a job that not every other player gets. I appreciate their time and effort.

You are the best example of this. You will never do anything that will reflect unprofessional or unethical conduct. You set a great example for all admins and players. We need more Ice's.

No, (you misunderstood) this was not the scenario that I was talking about. I'm talking about a couple of admins who will initiate change map votes as soon as the new map loads. If the vote does not go through, they will constantly repeat the change map vote and spam the game chat about how bad the map is. They will even threaten to leave if other players don't vote to change the map. I'm sorry Ice, but THIS IS NOT ADMIN MATERIAL. Admins of an All Maps Server cannot behave like this. Vmax used to do the exact same thing and you addressed this with him, even though he is your friend.

An admin should not encourage players to leave. This is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve. I have observed that most players are quietly playing the map but these couple of admins will rile them up. If they have a slight dislike about these types of maps, they are encouraged to leave if the change map vote doesn't go through. I have seen this countless times. If a regular player like Tox constantly complains about a certain type of map, we can understand that. We are used to it! Although a few players WILL LEAVE because of constant complain about the map by players such as Tox, but when an admin does this its truly unfortunate.

There is a difference between "voice their own opinions" and anti-server activity of encouraging like-minded players to leave, because they are not getting what they want (change map vote).

Unfortunately, you removed the wrong guy 🤦🏻‍♂️

Rbilly IMHO had matured into a seasoned admin. Although he started rough, he learned the rules quickly. I was wrong about him a couple of times when I thought he raped a main. Turns out he was clear. He was mostly doing his job correctly. He never hacks! Never insults other players. At least not directly or insanely. He is a phenomenal team player. Good communicator. He plays ALL THE TIME. When Hello is empty, he will jump to the other server and play alone. Seriously! I had zero complains about him. He minds his own business. If he doesn't like a map, he will occasionally (rarely) ask other players to vote. If majority don't want to change, he will NOT throw tantrums about it. He will continue to play like nothing happened. He was a good choice. I hope you will reinstate him. Disco and others were shocked to learn that he's not admin any more.

Not asking them to be robots. They should only be reminded that they are admins, they set an example for players to follow. They have to be of higher standards than the regular player. Most of your admins are great. There are a tiny few bad apples but I am hopeful that they will improve under your and Heilig's leadership.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I genuinely appreciate your time. We are on the same team (clan sort of) and our objectives are the same. We differ only about how we go at it. I hope these exchanges are constructive and beneficial to the server.
Well said Al.You made some excellent points. I'd just like to say I ASKED to be removed as an admin.I resigned, I wasn't fired."That's all I have to say about that". Where's that box of chocolates???
Last edited:
Local time
10:58 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
No, I was referring to RussWarrior. I was under the impression that he was caught doing something inexcusable and was politely asked to leave, from group conversations on Discord in 2021. Excuse me if I'm mistaken.
Yeah sorry Al, he was on the path of leaving so I took the opportunity to return. :) He didn't do anything wrong and even caught a hacker. ;)

I wish I could. I wanted to change my name and record him but since he can see all player's IPs, he will know who I am and stop hacking. But I will try this another way. Also, this is not someone who you think I am accusing. This is someone who only plays occasionally and is not a senior admin. I had a discussion about this admin a few days ago with another old (trusted) player on another server. He confirmed that this admin was well known to use hacks prior to becoming admin.

I wouldn't mind this so much if this was just another player.
I think that I do know who you are referring to. My point still stands and I ask that you and everyone else respect that please. If proof is found, it will be submitted through the channel (you know of) and all of us (leaders) will review it so there is no bias. Guaranteed.

You are the best example of this. You will never do anything that will reflect unprofessional or unethical conduct. You set a great example for all admins and players. We need more Ice's.
Can I just say, I appreciate this singular line right here. Very, very much.

Please understand that I do not want to seem like I'm talking down to you or anyone. It's just, I am here in this position. It's not like I want to no to every suggestion you, or someone else, makes - I am very open to them. The only caveat is whether I can see it working as intended or if it will be a bit of a muck up so to speak. Not saying your current one regarding AFK's is going to do that - let's leave there on a good note.

No, (you misunderstood) this was not the scenario that I was talking about. I'm talking about a couple of admins who will initiate change map votes as soon as the new map loads. If the vote does not go through, they will constantly repeat the change map vote and spam the game chat about how bad the map is. They will even threaten to leave if other players don't vote to change the map. I'm sorry Ice, but THIS IS NOT ADMIN MATERIAL. Admins of an All Maps Server cannot behave like this.
On this note;
The Admins are reading this thread, however I will bring it up in the forum with them to just make sure we are all on the same page.

Also on this;
Vmax used to do the exact same thing and you addressed this with him, even though he is your friend.
And because it's related to this:
Unfortunately, you removed the wrong guy 🤦🏻‍♂️

Rbilly IMHO had matured into a seasoned admin. Although he started rough, he learned the rules quickly. I was wrong about him a couple of times when I thought he raped a main. Turns out he was clear. He was mostly doing his job correctly. He never hacks! Never insults other players. At least not directly or insanely. He is a phenomenal team player. Good communicator. He plays ALL THE TIME. When Hello is empty, he will jump to the other server and play alone. Seriously! I had zero complains about him. He minds his own business. If he doesn't like a map, he will occasionally (rarely) ask other players to vote. If majority don't want to change, he will NOT throw tantrums about it. He will continue to play like nothing happened. He was a good choice. I hope you will reinstate him. Disco and others were shocked to learn that he's not admin any more.
Firstly, and unfortunately, the timing may seem like the two events coincide (my statement about a removal/resignation). They are unrelated to Rbilly. I think that, maybe you'll understand when I say this alone:

Vmax was my friend - and he was the resignation/removal I am referring to. A bridge burned, in favor of doing what was seen as the right thing at the time.

As for Rbilly, for the most part I agree with your points. Many of them the reason he was chosen. However, it is an internal affair and I can't reveal the reasons. Please note it was not on bad terms. That's all I can say.

Not asking them to be robots. They should only be reminded that they are admins, they set an example for players to follow. They have to be of higher standards than the regular player. Most of your admins are great. There are a tiny few bad apples but I am hopeful that they will improve under your and Heilig's leadership.
This is very fair, though when you put it in a way of having them watch videos...it was a bit overkill. Hence why I went off a bit. ;) Seeing as, again, they are all reading this. I'd like to think a few things were learned. ;) On every side.

I will have a chat with the staff as a meeting is somewhat due on our forums now (we've all kinda been using Discord lately). Just make sure we're all on the same page (again) and follow up on some things mentioned here by you - which was going to happen in any case.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I genuinely appreciate your time. We are on the same team (clan sort of) and our objectives are the same. We differ only about how we go at it. I hope these exchanges are constructive and beneficial to the server.
I think you and I have the most debates here. 😅

Well said Al.You made some excellent points. I'd just like to say I ASKED to be removed as an admin.I resigned, I wasn't fired."That's all I have to say about that". Where's that box of chocolates???
Now now, don't hijack a thread please Blue! Then again, being a person that "quits" isn't really your "style" is it? ;)
Local time
10:58 AM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hmm. Okay;

I'd like to just remind you Al that, as per your reprisal directed at me a few times, we eventually settled on what is currently going on. You had often voiced an understandable disdain towards my then attempts at finding a good neutral ground by having polls, requesting players vote etc. etc. on stuff that was going to affect gameplay often times repeated to try a different outcome and see if the result was any different. Now that all that has basically stopped, I'd like to think we have found mutual ground again.

As per the mod events being hosted on the main server, it was not ignored. Please use better terminology. I argued against it yes but I didn't leave you on read. There is a big difference between being ignored and not being in favor of. And as you have seen, I in fact apologized to you for doing so.

Our AFK rule has been amended slightly over the year(s). I do not say it's perfect, but I say it's close as it can be. Our requirements for being AFK that are stipulated in the rules are as clear as can be. In the sense that the person is in fact 100% AFK.

However, if you feel there is an Admin going on a power trip, you know where to report them.

You are indeed correct and I can tell you all of those times were quite justified because of their own actions despite warnings or course corrections from myself or Heilig at the time. We try fix before such action has to happen.

Where was this? :confused: Was this before my time?

The leadership timeline:
SK as the HelloClan Leader.
Myself as the second clan leader.
SK sort of left and I became the sole clan leader.
I left and Vmax became the BFV leader (until a full clan leader was decided on).
Vmax resigned.
RussWarrior was installed as the clan leader.
Russ was on the path of leaving.
I came back.
I installed LuccaWulf as a BF1942 Leader during the games infancy with us.
Lucca was...complicated with times so he was removed (are you referring to him?).
BangBangOw installed as the BF1942 leader and then became a HelloClan Leader alongside myself.
Gerhard was installed as a leader for a brief time because of RS2V but it didn't last. (or are you referring to him?).
Heilig was installed as HelloClan leader alongside Bang & myself.

Did I forget someone?
Also sidenote; there are three TRUSTED leaders so that should something happen there will always be two available to assist.

Even though you've stated it, bring proof, you know where to report it. This will be the last time I entertain such a remark to someone who is in fact proving themselves capable in the position. I say that as it is.

If you think we (leadership and staff that voted the admin in question in) would do so without ensuring the persons credibility, you are mistaken my friend. If you (or anyone) has such proof, come forward. Otherwise, cease this attack on him.

I'm sorry Al, but that's not going to happen. We are not paid for this, I'm not going to send future admins (or current ones) on a course of ethics. As professional as we try to be, there is still room for error and I do allow for that at times. But if you or anyone feels like there is unfairness happening, you are most welcome to report it. If it has gravity, it will be dealt with and you know this.

If this was a company, with a hierarchy that has so much red tape, then all your points would be 100% acceptable. But this is a gaming community, we vote staff in based on their actions and activity, we account for what they say and do. If they go out of line or break their guidelines then action is taken (again, you know this is true).

Just to dissect a few specific lines from your above quoted text:

Considering that the admin(s) I believe you are referring to, I believe that goes back to what I just said above. They are just as much on the receiving end of it as well and as such they are showing restraint.

Although I have somewhat answered this;

Al, every single admin that has been removed has been for good reason. Obviously, we have never nor will never publish the reasoning as to why someone was removed. Unless it was...somehow a special circumstance where it became public. When an Admin is reported, I'm not going to tell you what I did to them, but they most likely get a warning, or a course correction if it isn't serious. There has been at least three admins during my time that were giving many chances via course corrections and a warning each until it was clear they weren't going to change. Unfortunately I have been proven to be too lenient.

Point of this is that there already is a basis for players to use to come to the leadership and lodge an official complaint against a member of staff. We are not closed ear about it, we do investigate it when things are reported and we take appropriate action thereon. If the complaint has gravity to it.

Again going back to complaints;
I'm sorry but this is double standards Al. Why can't they complain? They are also players, they aren't paid to just sit there and watch people. They're here to play and help at the same time in their own free time. They have to hear others complain about the maps, the map rotation, how long maps drag out. Why can't they do it? Why do they have to listen to "spoil sports constantly complaining about stuff in general" yet they can't be allowed to voice their own opinions?

Going back again to your overall request, I'm sorry but I will not ask the staff to be robots. I will not ask them to remove their personalities, their traits and just "exist" there on the server. It's not on. The guidelines we have is what is expected of staff, if it is broken then there is obvious "reprimands" that occur. I'm not going to setup such a stringent system that staff eventually become afraid of being staff as a result. It is, in the best possible terms, overkill in this environment.

There has been a removal/resignation already as a result of one of your reports. I would think that alone sufficient proof that action is taken and that should put to bed any doubts about the channels not working in the players favor.

Ending on this;
The above is our current PUBLIC staff guidelines. Although it may not contain what you exactly want stipulated it in it, it is quite comprehensive. If you want such a detailed staff guideline section or rule section, please go visit hellominers and see what they have. They'll put lawyers to shame. I kid you not.


Yeah sorry Al, he was on the path of leaving so I took the opportunity to return. :) He didn't do anything wrong and even caught a hacker. ;)

I think that I do know who you are referring to. My point still stands and I ask that you and everyone else respect that please. If proof is found, it will be submitted through the channel (you know of) and all of us (leaders) will review it so there is no bias. Guaranteed.

Can I just say, I appreciate this singular line right here. Very, very much.

Please understand that I do not want to seem like I'm talking down to you or anyone. It's just, I am here in this position. It's not like I want to no to every suggestion you, or someone else, makes - I am very open to them. The only caveat is whether I can see it working as intended or if it will be a bit of a muck up so to speak. Not saying your current one regarding AFK's is going to do that - let's leave there on a good note.

On this note;
The Admins are reading this thread, however I will bring it up in the forum with them to just make sure we are all on the same page.

Also on this;

And because it's related to this:

Firstly, and unfortunately, the timing may seem like the two events coincide (my statement about a removal/resignation). They are unrelated to Rbilly. I think that, maybe you'll understand when I say this alone:

Vmax was my friend - and he was the resignation/removal I am referring to. A bridge burned, in favor of doing what was seen as the right thing at the time.

As for Rbilly, for the most part I agree with your points. Many of them the reason he was chosen. However, it is an internal affair and I can't reveal the reasons. Please note it was not on bad terms. That's all I can say.

This is very fair, though when you put it in a way of having them watch videos...it was a bit overkill. Hence why I went off a bit. ;) Seeing as, again, they are all reading this. I'd like to think a few things were learned. ;) On every side.

I will have a chat with the staff as a meeting is somewhat due on our forums now (we've all kinda been using Discord lately). Just make sure we're all on the same page (again) and follow up on some things mentioned here by you - which was going to happen in any case.

I think you and I have the most debates here. 😅

Now now, don't hijack a thread please Blue! Then again, being a person that "quits" isn't really your "style" is it? ;)
No Ice :) Australians are known for not quitting, it's in our blood We are also just as well known for having a sense of humour.Pity is that goes over so many heads and people get their noses all out of joint ;) Opps here I am hijacking the thread :)
Local time
10:58 AM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
You resigned, Blue did not :p
Actually you are wrong Heilig I told Ice he was welcome to remove me as one so I did resign by giving ICE the choice of removing me as an admin,which I knew he would take. Copy of comment to ICE in 2022 Cheers Ice I didn't want to quit as that's not my style, but I'm happy you did it for me :). If that's not resigning in a manner then I don't know what is l🤣😉
Local time
10:58 AM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Same here Blue. There are several of us. We should form our own platoon called the Gracious Former Admins 😊
How about this one Al As soon there will be more EX admins than normal players.We can call ourselves the "EXADMEN".EX AD MEN. a play on "admin" to admEn. So I'll be from now on EXADMEN: FRAGGA.😂
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Local time
10:58 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Actually you are wrong Heilig I told Ice he was welcome to remove me as one so I did resign by giving ICE the choice of removing me as an admin,which I knew he would take. Copy of comment to ICE in 2022 Cheers Ice I didn't want to quit as that's not my style, but I'm happy you did it for me :). If that's not resigning in a manner then I don't know what is l🤣😉
Sir, please understand sir, there is a difference between leaving of your own free will (i.e. resignation) and your actual "removal" (which is what happened). See, you were still given the choice of change, Heilig & I both spoke to you. ;) You didn't listen and forced me to remove you.

I told you that I liked you as an Admin, then you decided that I was not allowed to take you up on your offer of "telling you when you weren't doing something right". So see sir, I terminated your tenure as an Admin here sir. Not because you gave me the option, but because you forced my hand by doing what you did. ;)

But, think whatever you'd like sir. It is your boat you need to float. ;)
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