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[Feedback] Friendly Fire | Map Time | Map Voting

Do you like the settings?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Yes but with alterations.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Other (please comment).

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
With FF being on, players will simply have to be more mindful of what they are doing. For example, dropping mines all over a map. Placing betties and C4.

I am still confused by the punish feature. I am to go into the panel and type PTK and that's it? No player ID? I need step-by-step because I know that a player intentionally TKed me yesterday I wanted to whack him. Perhaps just retaliate after spawn, find and TK him.
So as soon as someone intentionally team-kills you, open up the console and type ptk.

The server will automatically record it, if someone is punished twice, they will get kicked automatically. Obviously, only do this if you feel it was warranted. :) I've enabled the auto-forgive on tk, which is why a player must manually punish a player if they feel it was deliberate. I felt this was perhaps the kindest way to introduce FF once more, instead of straight up punishing players for team-killing. I can adjust other settings to accommodate things a bit more, but I'll do such changes if we implement this permanently. :)

I can add a delay on to players spawn times that are team-killers. Whether punished or not. This is a setting I'll try out at 0.5% first, but only if we decide to keep FF enabled. :)

Bearing in mind one thing with the ptk command, it only really helps get someone punished irrespective of their score. Whereas the server will automatically kick someone for having a -5 score. Obviously there is also an auto ban system for that, but again, I've done my best to ease all of us into friendly fire first.

Local time
6:39 PM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
With FF being on, players will simply have to be more mindful of what they are doing. For example, dropping mines all over a map. Placing betties and C4.
I am still confused by the punish feature. I am to go into the panel and type PTK and that's it? No player ID? I need step-by-step because I know that a player intentionally TKed me yesterday I wanted to whack him. Perhaps just retaliate after spawn, find and TK him.


Normal Poster
Local time
6:39 PM
Oct 17, 2020
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Last edited:


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:39 PM
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
This topic has been discussed for years now and to be brutally honest it simply breaks down like this

Most people who want to keep the FF off simply come here as a haven because they aren't very good at fps video games. Look at previous threads through the years and they've basically made the argument that they come here to tube, betty, and rape ground from the air because that's what they need to do to get a score and in other fps games where they can't they get their ass kicked. They're not any better here but basically with the ff on they simply achieve a better score with the same limited skill.

With that said the question is can the server survive if ff stays on and the less skilled player eventually leaves because now they are getting their ass kicked here as well.

FF is what is best for the actual level of GAMEPLAY of the server as it forces the betty players, toobers and rapers to either improve their level of skill or take a beating to the point where they leave the game....but ff may not be in the best interest of the SURVIVAL of the server as if enough of these players leave we may have no server at all.
Last edited:
Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
This topic has been discussed for years now and to be brutally honest it simply breaks down like this

Most people who want to keep the FF off simply come here as a haven because they aren't very good at fps video games. Look at previous threads through the years and they've basically made the argument that they come here to tube, betty, and rape ground from the air because that's what they need to do to get a score and in other fps games where they can't they get their ass kicked. They're not any better here but basically with the ff on they simply achieve a better score with the same limited skill.

With that said the question is can the server survive if ff stays on and the less skilled player eventually leaves because now they are getting their ass kicked here as well.

FF is what is best for the actual level of GAMEPLAY of the server as it forces the betty player, toobers and rapers to either improve their level of skill or take a beating to the point where they leave the game....but ff may not be in the best interest of the SURVIVAL of the server as if enough of these players leave we may have no server at all.
Thank you for the input Hells. :p

Mind also letting us know what your take is on the map voting being disabled & the map timer also disabled?

This is meant to be the debate to end all the debates. And in future if it's brought up, I'll link back here for reference.



Forum Newbie
Local time
5:39 PM
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for the input Hells. :p

Mind also letting us know what your take is on the map voting being disabled & the map timer also disabled?

This is meant to be the debate to end all the debates. And in future if it's brought up, I'll link back here for reference.


Sure Ice,

It's a little of the same theme. Many of the same group achieve their best scores when they are on the air maps and can rape ground from above. Therefore we get the constant map vote spamming to play these same maps over and over.

Certain maps also play to people's strengths. Instead of learning to get better on a tougher map for them they simply would rather play the same map over and over where their score is better and many times for reasons that have nothing do to with their skill level.

There are maps where I am stronger than others as well but I take those maps that are not my strength as a challenge to see how well I can do. That's the real test of who you are....Situations like a tough map or playing against a stacked team. Overcoming things like that should give you a real sense of accomplishment.

With that said I realize that many of my ideals are outdated and that many don't share the same thinking.

I think map voting isn't good for the quality of the server.
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Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
I quite agree with you regarding the friendly fire, I must say though since it's been enabled, I've seen a significantly large difference in the sense that there's not as many (if any nowadays) comments about "noobs, m79 etc".

Though, the poll is all over and at the moment it seems that FF is winning to be left on. The player count hasn't quite suffered from it, but I do agree that newcomers may have issues the first few times around...

Map voting has always been the bane of my existence and as things stand it is also seemingly staying off. So that I think is a gigantic win overall with that alone, though the map timer may just be implemented again just to help things along, otherwise it'll be left to Admins to change the maps if the majority vote in favor.

I do appreciate that input Hells, especially from one seasoned player such as yourself and I look forward to what results I may announce on Monday eve. :)

Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
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Results of the polls I've published:

  • Forum votes totaled | 15 voters
    Voters for the change = 7
    Voters against the change = 6
    Voters (with changes) = 1
    Voters for other = 1
Bearing the posts in mind on this topic, we all seem to be in favor the friendly fire for it's obvious benefits. However, there is very valid concerns for new players coming on board and of course those that just enjoy blowing up their immediate surroundings to get kills (no offense intended).

  • Discord votes totaled | 9 voters
    Votes for the change = 8
    Votes against the change = 1
These polls have run now from the previous weekend (17th September) until now and these are the only votes received.

Taking into consideration all the conversations I've had with users that have been directly affected by these changes, specifically Friendly Fire and weighing them against the very visible & positive changes, I've decided to do the following:

  • Map voting is going to remain disabled:
    If need be, an Admin may change the map provided the majority of the players online all agree to it. Abuse of this is obviously discouraged and should be reported.

  • Map timer is going to remain disabled:
    If I were to re-enable it, it would keep the server's map rotation going, irrespective of if there are players online or not. It would also not keep an idle map in place because it'll be counting down irrespective and as we know, Hastings is the money maker.

  • Friendly fire is going to remain enabled with an exception:
    I still feel as if though there hasn't been enough time, so I would like to leave Friendly Fire enabled indefinitely. Until either it becomes a nuisance or it starts becoming determinantal to the server. For this reason as well, a change or two are going to be made:

    1) Spawn TK penalty is now set at 0.5, so a player that team-kills will have to wait ever so slightly longer to re-spawn.
    2) Players that team-kill will be auto-kicked when they reach a negative 5 score (auto ban has not been enabled yet).
    3) Splash damage & projectile damage kickback has been enabled at 20%. This basically means you will receive some damage in return for shooting or damaging a teammate. Not enough to seriously harm a player or kill a player, but enough to remind people that friendly fire is on. If this proves too much, I'll remove it.

I'm going to leave this topic open, so that it can continue being used as a reference or any further discussions regarding these settings. I sincerely do believe these changes have made a positive difference and I realize some players prefer a more theatrical form of gameplay, which I have taken into account and why I'm easing us all into this.

Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
if friendly fire is on, then I am not playing on this server. My personal opinion

  • Friendly fire is going to remain enabled with an exception:
    I still feel as if though there hasn't been enough time, so I would like to leave Friendly Fire enabled indefinitely. Until either it becomes a nuisance or it starts becoming determinantal to the server. For this reason as well, a change or two are going to be made:

    1) Spawn TK penalty is now set at 0.5, so a player that team-kills will have to wait ever so slightly longer to re-spawn.
    2) Players that team-kill will be auto-kicked when they reach a negative 5 score (auto ban has not been enabled yet).
    3) Splash damage & projectile damage kickback has been enabled at 20%. This basically means you will receive some damage in return for shooting or damaging a teammate. Not enough to seriously harm a player or kill a player, but enough to remind people that friendly fire is on. If this proves too much, I'll remove it.

May I ask, what is it about friendly fire that you don't like? You're a A+ player Justin and you're never lawing or RPG'ing people actively, thus as far I as see it, you don't have anything to lose from it being enabled?

I would appreciate the feedback.



Forum Newbie
Local time
10:39 AM
Dec 17, 2015
Reaction score
  • Friendly fire is going to remain enabled with an exception:
    I still feel as if though there hasn't been enough time, so I would like to leave Friendly Fire enabled indefinitely. Until either it becomes a nuisance or it starts becoming determinantal to the server. For this reason as well, a change or two are going to be made:

    1) Spawn TK penalty is now set at 0.5, so a player that team-kills will have to wait ever so slightly longer to re-spawn.
    2) Players that team-kill will be auto-kicked when they reach a negative 5 score (auto ban has not been enabled yet).
    3) Splash damage & projectile damage kickback has been enabled at 20%. This basically means you will receive some damage in return for shooting or damaging a teammate. Not enough to seriously harm a player or kill a player, but enough to remind people that friendly fire is on. If this proves too much, I'll remove it.

May I ask, what is it about friendly fire that you don't like? You're a A+ player Justin and you're never lawing or RPG'ing people actively, thus as far I as see it, you don't have anything to lose from it being enabled?

I would appreciate the feedback.

I need to drink a beer and think about the answer, but if for a short time it kills the pleasure of the game
Local time
7:39 AM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
I need to drink a beer and think about the answer, but if for a short time it kills the pleasure of the game
Hi I personally think that the FF on steps the game play up. Yes it is taking some getting used to but for the longevity of the game it has to be modified from time to time. Nothing is set in concrete so Ice is seeing how it plays out for a while. I think it's great that the planes can't just do random bombing and camping with c4 mean you have to be more careful same with dropping bombs at your feet. Others need to remember to use the Q key and watch out where they go. It's all steps the game up for me.I'm not there for the score as my score always sucks I play for the fUN of playing against you guys Oh and taking Ice's head off when we snipe each other just never gets old :)


Forum Rookie
Local time
6:39 PM
Jan 14, 2021
Reaction score
I think the main problem with FF on is the fact, that often ways are blocked with e.g. betties of your own team or own tanks or cars are mined which cannot be used then anymore.

Placing betties in a main-way is then not a good choice anymore. Of course they prevent people from get in...but also prevent teammates from getting out when FF is on.

Hopefully the players place the e.g. betties with more mind in future, so teammates (which can see the betties), can move around without blowing them up and are not enforced to use a (sometimes not existing) more longer way.


Regular Poster
Local time
10:39 AM
Aug 1, 2013
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I think the main problem with FF on is the fact, that often ways are blocked with e.g. betties of your own team or own tanks or cars are mined which cannot be used then anymore.

Placing betties in a main-way is then not a good choice anymore. Of course they prevent people from get in...but also prevent teammates from getting out when FF is on.

Hopefully the players place the e.g. betties with more mind in future, so teammates (which can see the betties), can move around without blowing them up and are not enforced to use a (sometimes not existing) more longer way.
I agree, and to add to that players who use betties, C4, booby traps, and landmines need to understand the nuisance differences for other players as well.
Your old gameplay style will affect your score and kill your teammates. They need to adjust accordinly.
What I do like is so many players got used to easy kills with FF off when setting off a booby trap, timebomb, c4 with no damage to them when they are arm's length. Now there is a price to pay for unrealistic kills and explosion splash damage.


Normal Poster
Local time
12:39 PM
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
For my 2 cents worth, and that's about what it is worth, I have appreciated FF being on. This probably surprises you but I have worked around the FF issue and found that I can throw a time-bomb some distance so that I remain safe, or only slightly maimed. I've spent more time using assault rifles and have worked to improve my aim.

Orange, you left out claymores. Betties, mines, C4 - all great tools. Hard to say how many times Rbilly and BarFly have killed me with mines.

If we could get players to use Q

Map voting is another story. As you have indicated Ice, you are looking at timer settings. This is something I would like to see because some of the maps, Reclaiming Hue (one of my favorite maps) can go on and on and on and on. I have left several maps because of this.

I take it is is not possible to fix a time on each individual map?
Local time
7:39 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
For my 2 cents worth, and that's about what it is worth, I have appreciated FF being on. This probably surprises you but I have worked around the FF issue and found that I can throw a time-bomb some distance so that I remain safe, or only slightly maimed. I've spent more time using assault rifles and have worked to improve my aim.
Constructive criticism and valid points is worth far more than that. ;)

If we could get players to use Q
I'm trying to see if I can force it on...but thus far failing.

Map voting is another story. As you have indicated Ice, you are looking at timer settings. This is something I would like to see because some of the maps, Reclaiming Hue (one of my favorite maps) can go on and on and on and on. I have left several maps because of this.
I may indeed bring the timer back...but I just want to get settled in here first with these settings & friendly fire. ;)

I take it is is not possible to fix a time on each individual map?
As far as I know, it's not possible per individual map sadly.



Forum Newbie
Local time
6:39 PM
Nov 24, 2015
Reaction score
For my 2 cents worth, and that's about what it is worth, I have appreciated FF being on. This probably surprises you but I have worked around the FF issue and found that I can throw a time-bomb some distance so that I remain safe, or only slightly maimed. I've spent more time using assault rifles and have worked to improve my aim.

Orange, you left out claymores. Betties, mines, C4 - all great tools. Hard to say how many times Rbilly and BarFly have killed me with mines.

If we could get players to use Q

Map voting is another story. As you have indicated Ice, you are looking at timer settings. This is something I would like to see because some of the maps, Reclaiming Hue (one of my favorite maps) can go on and on and on and on. I have left several maps because of this.

I take it is is not possible to fix a time on each individual map?
:) I have no intentions to stop landmining you Toby ;)