toxic2 said:
spirit cheating, or training with toxy for the last year.
i would have to see it myself to believe that shes cheating.
So you were there and you know for sure she didn't , thanks for the feedback.
Well here's my opinion on her and you.
Well I will give you credit for one thing in training her, shes a crying , whining bish like you.
You guys share the same crying behavior after every single death and change names as often almost.
Just what the server needs more cry babies , how about showing support for the server instead of spreading bad habits like a virus. In my book bitchin after every death and making a negative or back handed comment after every single death is un-sportsman like. Also , grow up the game came out almost 10 years ago, that's so redundant and a waste of chat. You guys say your all pros , but do see you basketball , baseball, football players make cheap comments after every play against them ? No you don't.
Your clan is so pro , why don't you teach and train your recruits to have class and sportsmanship, instead of acting like smug wantabe pro gamers that don't offering anything but complaining and name calling. In fact where's the 360 server and why don't the pros just play there ? Then there would be zero noobs and zero crying and whining, right ? A large group of 360's would mean all pros , zero issues, and zero weapons crying ?
Keep hiding tox, the server is better off imo ... dig the hole a little deeper. Because you and Spirits behavior just spreads to other players and they start whining after every death.
You two really think telling every single player while you guys are on that they are noobs , non- pros are really going to change the game ? You guys just ad spam chat & hard drive space. Nobody is going to change because of you two silly ass comments. So give everyone a break and just play the game and minus the endless crying after every death , really what does it accomplish ?
And lastly , a " Pro " has to put somebody down and call them a name for what weapon they used ?
Where does it say on my box or anyone else's game box that Tox & Spirits crying spam chat comes with the game. I have played with some very good players over the 15 years in various games and the best of the best don't act you guys and they sure don't have to say they are pro's. Their game play and character speaks for themselves.
That's more being a bully , because you force the rest of the active member's during game play to listen to sheer nonsense every single you guys are on. I never hear you guys talk about sports, special interests the weather, its all complaining. Make it more interesting for the rest of us if you must and feel compelled to spam chat. But stop the habitual , endless , plethora of moaning and groaning over weapons. Have you guys ever read back your chat logs ? Try it and tell me if that was the most interesting thing you have ever read. Its garbage. Do you guys do this at your work place or are we only blessed with it ?
Keep hiding tox, the server is better off imo ... dig the hole your hiding in much deeper please. Because you and Spirit's behavior just spreads to other players like a plague.