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  1. 7

    "Obama Bin Laden" and "I am a US Senator"

    Good job!!!
  2. 7


    I agree , yes it is a game and it is supposed to be fun. My view is that when anyone and I mean anyone chooses to take it upon themselves to deprive others of having that fun , that constitutes a serious problem. I'm sure if you were paying a car note and insurance on a sports car, you would not...
  3. 7

    Mortar recl hue

    Just jump off the bridge, swim/hike around to the back gate and pray that I'm not there with a tank or BTR. P.S. bring a LAW rocket with you.
  4. 7

    Obama bin Laden

    It was a three way race to see which admin would ban him first. Good Job! Your fingers were quicker than mine.
  5. 7

    Operation Flaming Dart! (2)

    OK, here is a radical idea, remove the map from the order then you can't fuss about it. LOL
  6. 7

    Operation Flaming Dart! (2)

    I still say it is all about teamwork. Work with what you have and when the NVA destroy the U.S. tower which they are going to do no matter what ,just because it is fun , grab an M-60 and hammer away. The towers were set to respawn and then it was reset to destructible towers. Why? Perhaps, It...
  7. 7

    Name stealer

    I've run across three people who were using BOB tags and two using HELLO tags and asked them to remove them before they were booted. Some complied with my request and others did not so they were warned then kicked. I think name stealing/using is eligible for a warn/kick/ban. I regard it as...
  8. 7

    Op. Flamming Dart

    Perhaps, if there were much better teamwork defending the towers, the map wouldn't be quite so boring. Just a thought.When in doubt grab a wrench.
  9. 7

    chubby asian wigger

    To be specific, he was banned for ten minutes, I was being nice, then he came back started again and was immediately banned permanently. Btw there were no fewer than 4 admins on at the time.
  10. 7


    I'm hurt, I would never pop out from under a bridge and set a mine under a moving vehicle. That would be dangerous and against union rules. Oh no... wait.... yes I would, I forgot I didnt join that union. lol
  11. 7


    He is compensating for his small feet. You with the dirty mind...... you thought I was going to say nose. lol I would love to be shooting you all but , I seem to have a ginormous amount of things to do like building a museum and a new shop. So live it up till October when I will continue...
  12. 7

    [GSC]Leader of Gay Porn

    I steadfastly refuse to argue with children under 20 years old and some who are over 20. I'm not sure which category you fall in. I suspect the former. I'm pretty sure I emphasized that it was in fact a game that does however involve very real people who should be held accountable for their...
  13. 7

    [GSC]Leader of Gay Porn

    Ok how do you surmise that "I hate gays"? The whole point of the post flew right over your head. Further, following your logic, if someone rapes a child, robs a bank, commits murder, since its in the past and they should not be held accountable? Wow, how far do we go with that? So he's...
  14. 7

    [GSC]Leader of Gay Porn

    7/17/2011 21:39:16 : # [Global] AXL: ohh 7/17/2011 21:39:17 : # [Global] [Gay] Rectal Prolapse: harry... 7/17/2011 21:39:20 : # [Global] [Gay] Rectal Prolapse: your name 7/17/2011 21:39:28 : # [Global] AXL: :( 7/17/2011 21:39:43 : # [BLUE] Harry Balzac: get him fired 7/17/2011 21:40:29 : #...
  15. 7

    [GSC]Leader of Gay Porn

    Admin: 73easting Player:[GSC]Leader of Gay Porn Action: Banned for 1 month Reason: Player was asked to change his/her name. Player was warned, player refused to change name. Player warned again. Log: Available upon request
  16. 7

    [Sexy] caught another hacker (with video)

    He has already played on Hello server. He seemed to know exactly from which direction I would attack the temple on Ho Chi Mihn trail. After the third time he got me, I varied my route dramatically six times. Can you guess what the results might have been? There is no doubt he hacks...
  17. 7

    Ultimate BFV Buddhism

    Thank you, Tedde. It's pretty scary just how many hours have been put into playing the game. But , its always fun , so I don't consider it time not well spent. I just think about the hours I could have billed to customers( had there been many customers over the last two years). Lets...
  18. 7

    Ultimate BFV Buddhism

    Well, this sounds like a challenge, I'll have to give it a shot when I get on the server next time. It will be a terrible shock not killing anyone. Perhaps we could carry this idea onto the Saturday event server and have a "no kill" contest and extend it to everyone on both teams...
  19. 7

    mr. rager

    Good Job Freshblood! If I were near my computer when RM came back up, I would have banned him first. Ya beat me to it. Thank you.
  20. 7

    Gereral AdminButtKisser

    Admin: 73easting Reason for banning: Making racist remarks, ignoring admin requests, making threats. Complete transcript of event available for posting if needed.