Hi all,
I'm sure most of you have seen me around in the last few weeks but at Skater's request, I am announcing it on the forums too. Glad to be back in the game and glad to see you all around once more.
Un saludo especial a mis amigos y amigas hispanohablantes, he regresado y estaré...
This is awesome, thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed this deep dive into the map itself. And I agree, Hue is a really well-balanced map so it's cool to see how each team's strategy plays out.
~The Deadliest Warrior
Admin: Everyone, but executed by SellOut and The Deadliest Warrior
Rule Broken: Excessive teamswitching, playing disruptively, creating a toxic environment
Action(s) Taken: Permanent ban
Admin's note: Bye, Player. You've had this coming for a long time.
All I'm going to say at the moment is that all of this is far below Vmax's pay grade, so to speak. He works very hard to keep things running, and, whether or not you agree, he works very hard to keep as many people as possible happy with the game. Pinky, you post a million threads a week and I...
Do you really think it's productive to antagonize IceSkater when he hasn't said anything about this? Why are you invoking him, when he isn't involved?
~The Deadliest Warrior
If you guys think it is necessary, I will translate what Silvia is saying (for those who don't know, I am fluent in Spanish, so I can translate with more nuance than Google Translate will, especially when there might be typos or common mistakes in Spanish that are understandable but that an...
Sorry guys, I have been very busy. I was recently accepted into grad school and I was visiting the new campus.
Google Translate isn't always the most accurate, especially when Silvia uses abbreviations and common spelling errors that are understandable to a Spanish speaker, but that Google...
We hear you, pinky, as well as the other players who have expressed frustration. I hope that our actions with certain other players indicate our willingness and ability to lay down a permaban when necessary. I am no great fan of Player's and if he continues to disregard our warnings...
Ahh, my old clan! I remember the good old days of extra towers and horn-speed boosting in jeeps!
EDIT: I didn't realize this post was almost 3 years old... my bad!
~The Deadliest Warrior
Hola Hey Ho
Me gustaría aclarar lo que te ha decía IceSkater porque, lamentablemente, a veces se puede perder algo en la traducción.
Se prohibe atacar la bandera principal ("atacar" siendo aquí el acto de matar a los jugadores del otro equipo) o la "main," como lo encontrarías dicho en inglés...
^^^ If you see that someone is on fire and they say, "Sticking your hand in that barrel of fire will set you on fire, too!" do you go and stick your hand in the flaming barrel to double check?
Besides, LADA is not a common word, so I think avoiding its use in chat should be a minimal...
Also keep in mind, if you increase the capture time this makes it far more difficult for a team to retake their main if it does end up in enemy hands.
~The Deadliest Warrior
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