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Kicked for AFK

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Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Today at 12:14 CST I was kicked while playing for being AFK. That is a complete abuse of power. I was playing and had just not killed anyone yet. I was spawned and had an engineer kit. I was lobbing mortars at US main. This is uncalled for.
Local time
4:44 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Today at 12:14 CST I was kicked while playing for being AFK. That is a complete abuse of power. I was playing and had just not killed anyone yet. I was spawned and had an engineer kit. I was lobbing mortars at US main. This is uncalled for.
Rice when you were asked if you were playing by admin did you reply? I don't know if it was me that kicked you? I ask 3-4 times if a player is playing as they might not see the message. Were you using Peaches and Bitter Peaches as your in game name?


Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I was spawned playing and had a kit. I did not see any messages because I was busy playing at the time and I was not afk. The second time you kicked me I was looking in the forums to make a post.
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Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Where did the report admin section go I can only find report player?


Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Fragga If I am playing under a different screen name it is not proper to post that name in this thread.
Local time
3:44 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
The second time you kicked me I was looking in the forums to make a post.
So it's only about the first time, because at the second time you were not playing so kicking you was right at the second time.
Where did the report admin section go I can only find report player?
Fragga If I am playing under a different screen name it is not proper to post that name in this thread.
Not the best thing, but it's ok. He's is only talking about your pseudonym so that's ok. It would be a different thing if he would write your real name or other data.
Local time
4:44 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Fragga If I am playing under a different screen name it is not proper to post that name in this thread.
Hard rice how was I to know that it was you that was using Peaches as your name?I actually thought you were BEE, You told me in your reply it was you up to then I had no idea. That's why I asked if it was you after your forum post about being kicked. I understand you have a beef with admins you have clearly made that evident. You know the rules more so as you were an admin. I asked you a few times if you were playing you chose not to respond to any admin request if you are playing, then you admit to being AFK to go to the forum to complain next time when you decide not to play go spectator mode, that's what it's for. As an ex admin you know I or any other admin are not required to ask multiple times if a player is AFK. As I have stated I ask multiple time in case the first or even the second request to reply was missed. As to being PROPER do you think it is PROPER to say that I am stoned in game chat? If I chose to have a smoke which I haven't in months since moving to the country, what business is that of yours to make that assumption and write it in chat? I have never hidden the fact that I smoke sometimes.Maybe I should say you are drunk next time you play as you have said you like to drink alcohol. Would that suit you in being PROPER?
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Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Fragga when you were on dischord you were coughing so much on a regular basis that I asked when you were smoking, and you said you were smoking weed and illegal chop tobacco to escape paying the local taxes on tobacco. If you want to escape reality by being stoned and making stupid decisions that is your problem, it should not be mine.

If you knew how to do your job you can use the admin tool to look up an IP.


Normal Poster
Local time
9:44 PM
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
hard_rice, report a staff member is still there - right below report a player. I don't fully understand your grievance. Did you respond to an afk request and still get kicked? If an admin asks a player - any player - several times if they are afk and they do not respond, then naturally, why wouldn't the admin proceed to kick?


Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I did not see any chat and I cannot check the logs from the first time I was kicked. I can tell you the map was reclaiming Hue and I was mortaring the US base and had reloaded three times and still had not managed to kill anyone when I was kicked. I had a kit and I was spawned and playing. I think Fragga was just pissed at me for personal reasons. A couple days before while using the same name bitter peaches I said something to Fragga. Let's just say sometimes when he is on Dischord it sounds like he is going to cough up a lung.

I know in the many years I have played the game I was never kicked for AFK while I have been playing and I got the game in 2004.


Normal Poster
Local time
8:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
hard_rice, report a staff member is still there - right below report a player. I don't fully understand your grievance. Did you respond to an afk request and still get kicked? If an admin asks a player - any player - several times if they are afk and they do not respond, then naturally, why wouldn't the admin proceed to kick?
I found it in the drop-down menu there use to be a quick link. ty
Local time
4:44 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Fragga when you were on dischord you were coughing so much on a regular basis that I asked when you were smoking, and you said you were smoking weed and illegal chop tobacco to escape paying the local taxes on tobacco. If you want to escape reality by being stoned and making stupid decisions that is your problem, it should not be mine.

If you knew how to do your job you can use the admin tool to look up an IP.
Wow you think I'm escaping realism? Read your own messages you know the ones you sent Ice when you were attacking him as to his sexual preferences! or the behind his back on discord. Very COWARDLY don't you think? Oh wait you are proving you don't think! Yes I openly has said that I smoked pot for the muscle relaxant it is, due to damage I have sustained in motorcycle accidents,and "chop chop" Tobacco as we call it because here in Australia 50 grams of tobacco coasts $110 a packet of 20 Marlborough red costs $42. What you fail to comprehend is that THAT is my business for ME to talk about NOT yours! Yet you start to attack me on the forum for my personal choice just like you did to Ice. You must be an angel to never step outside any state or federal laws, you must have never gone above a speed limit had never had a drink of alcohol before the legal age.You must be PERFECT as all narcissists think they are! Ever since you proved that you are not suited to be an admin you have had the shits about having admin rights removed.No one but yourself is to blame Your ACTIONS resulted in the REACTION and now you just go on personal attacks first Ice now me. Bring it on MUPPET. I have met so many Tossers like yourself in real life and your kind always start the shit then cry when it is thrown back at you. Are you a member of ANTIFA? They also Hide their identity attack then cry when people don't play their game. To finish and I mean Finish with you! You have made it very clear you also make STUPID decisions, The big difference is I'm a MAN not a child like you and own up to my own faults.Then again the narcissists are always too busy seeing others peoples faults to ever see their own. Like not being able to see what is clearly in front of you IE the "report an staff member" section. MUPPET!
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Local time
4:44 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Before this topic devolves into complete chaos;

I was kicked while playing for being AFK. That is a complete abuse of power. I was playing and had just not killed anyone yet. I was spawned and had an engineer kit. I was lobbing mortars at US main. This is uncalled for.

The admin asked the first time;
2022-01-15 13:13:29 : User  said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches are you playing?'
2022-01-15 13:14:02 : User  said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches are you playing?'

You were then kicked and came back;
2022-01-15 13:14:22 : User said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches kicked for Kick for AFK/Not playing'

<bf:event name="chat" timestamp="457.103">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">10</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">517.98/73.278/394.62</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="team">0</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="text">who is the jerk that kicked me</bf:param>

The admin responded:
2022-01-15 13:15:50 : User said 'you were asked if you are playing tou didn't answewr'.

You said:
<bf:event name="chat" timestamp="471.753">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">10</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">517.98/73.278/394.62</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="team">0</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="text">I was playing</bf:param> ---
<bf:event name="chat" timestamp="484.903">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">10</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">517.98/73.278/394.62</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="team">0</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="text">was kicked for afk</bf:param>

You were then asked again if you were playing in the same round:
2022-01-15 13:18:04 : User said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches are you playing?'

Fragga in made special mention here in the in-game chat:
2022-01-15 13:18:47 : # [Global] Fragga: peaces you were being asked again if your playing

You were asked again by an an Admin if you were playing:
2022-01-15 13:19:27 : User said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches are you playing?'.

And again:
2022-01-15 13:20:53 : User said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches are you playing?'

And again:
2022-01-15 13:21:13 : User said 'last time peaches are you playing'

Then you were kicked again for being AFK:
2022-01-15 13:21:36 : User said '[BVSM] Bitter Peaches kicked for Kick for AFK/Not playing'.

Mistakes do happen, in this instance you were AFK the first time round when you were asked. This is the assumption any Admin, including you in the past, has made if you can't visually see the player or them killing someone.

As for your name, I'd like you to remember that during the times of the stats pages functioning, your name was linked to your keyhash. This meant that no-matter how many times you changed your name, the stats would show all the names linked to your keyhash. It was public knowledge then and even now there are players that are able to deduce who is behind a name just via ping and playstyle.

Moreover, this is a detail that you perhaps overlooked regarding the idea that Blueheeler blew your alleged cover:
Rice when you were asked if you were playing by admin did you reply? I don't know if it was me that kicked you? I ask 3-4 times if a player is playing as they might not see the message. Were you using Peaches and Bitter Peaches as your in game name?

Please note where Blueheeler is clearly asking you;
I ask 3-4 times if a player is playing as they might not see the message. Were you using Peaches and Bitter Peaches as your in game name?

He's not linking you with the player he was referring to. He has clearly asked if you were using that name, and it would have been up to you to decide if you wanted your alias to be out in the open by either confirming or denying that the name belonged to you.

I was spawned playing and had a kit. I did not see any messages because I was busy playing at the time and I was not afk. The second time you kicked me I was looking in the forums to make a post.

As I said above, you did not respond and the admin involved was doing their duty. If you'd like to report admins, you are welcome to. But please ensure that you have sufficient proof that the person you are reporting has actually broken the guidelines or broken server rules themselves. Emphasis "sufficient" evidence. Reporting staff for performing the the duties I've entrusted them to carry out just because you don't fancy their methods is not only going to waste your time, but mine as well.

How many players did you kick for being AFK Rice? Plenty! I know for a fact that you have kicked quite a few that were spawned in just as you claim you were when you were kicked for being AFK. It's within the guidelines, a player doesn't respond and they have zero score, they can be kicked safely. Don't think of a kick for being AFK as a sully on your "good name", it happens to everyone.

If you were playing, it's not difficult to say "yes" in the game chat to avoid being kicked.

Blueheeler's comment is a direct response to how you wish to treat him Rice. I do not condone it entirely, but it is how he feels and it is how I felt when you went around talking smack about me behind my back. Every admin has the right to not patronize antagonists such as yourself, but there is a limit. Perhaps you wanted to get kicked to kick up this dust, who knows...

Do not come to me with double standard statements when you can't take what you choose to dish out. :)
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