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Introducing -[HELLO]-Mission Possible!

Local time
4:09 PM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
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Howdy all!

I'm so pleased, even if it's not going to be used very often, to bring to you a revival of sort!

Way back, HelloClan had a "Mission Possible" server which featured custom server maps, it was shutdown along with several of Hello's servers back then (long before my time). But now, I'm proud to bring it back!

A special thanks to @LTShaun who provided me with actual working community made maps, I was struggling quite a bit finding compatible custom maps and thanks to him my headaches went way and of course, although they're probably not around anymore, a huge thanks to the people that made these maps!

You may be asking why I did this, after all I was probably the one who ... didn't quite like change a long time ago. Here's the thing, I've slowly grown to like the awesome community made maps & mods, albeit to implement them for a community that is already "down" on numbers, it's quite difficult. Which is why I've swayed away from them.

There are heaps of interesting maps out there, and I'd really like to bring them back. Even if only for events! Though Mission Possible is here to stay as a permanent server alongside our Allmaps server. In due course I will setup an actual "backup" server for in case of emergencies.

With that, let's get into it!


-[HELLO]-Mission Possible features custom community maps, carefully curated by myself for intense gameplay and huge battles (hint hint...events to come *cough) where potent teamplay would be needed.

Important note:

This server will show up in the in-game browser, but for those of you that have issues with the browser, the new server is our "event" server. Join details below:

Port: 15568

Main page:

The main page features a quick rundown of what's going on the server, with a small about section for BFV. Most notably though, main page for Mission Possible features a screenshot list of the maps in rotation! The Gametracker widget has been setup, please bear with me when it comes to screenshots appearing on Gametracker. I have submitted them, but they may take a few days to reflect.

Massive Air & Tank battles:

There are two particular maps I'm very impressed with, I shan't name them yet, I'd like to you explore. But they are going to be perfect for server events. I assure you, there will be no shortage of vehicles with these two!

Overall, the map selection has quite a few vehicles per map. Only couple maps are more infantry based and require actual cardio to get around, the idle map - Iron Assault - is a very close quarters and "small" map. Ideal to kick things off - such as Hastings on our Allmaps server.

No time limits, but map voting is there:

For now at least, there is no time limit on this server, take your time and explore it at your leisure! Map voting is there so that you can bounce around different maps with ease and see what our new server has to offer!

Fully customized community made maps:

These maps have been made by people who loved the game dearly, even by made by clans! Unfortunately, they are of course quite old so the maps we have (thanks to @LTShaun again) are quite hard to come by. I've done my best to not imitate other servers that currently offer a similar custom map rotation, and I think I have done this with what I've chosen.

The maps may change in future, more may be added and some may be removed. It all depends upon what happens! Did I mention there's 18 (at the time of writing this) wonderful maps?

I've attached additional high-res screens of some of the maps featured, albeit they are already listed on the main page, so nothing really different only you can enlarge it now.


Speaking of these maps, I have to get them to you...

Downloading the maps:

I've created a special Resource category for "Maps" under Battlefield Vietnam. In case we host other stuff in future, I've planted this there permanently. Unfortunately there isn't an auto installer but it's very easy to insert these maps into your game.

To checkout and keep up to date which any changes, the resource will be "updated" if it is ever changed. Right now it is called "Mission Possible 1st Edition".

Checkout the maps category and see the resources there: https://forum.helloclan.eu/bfv/help/maps

Extra Crumbs & Boring Stuff:

The main BFV page "Allmaps" has now also been redone with 1942 to still be done. Check it out now! https://forum.helloclan.eu/bfv

The rules are now a "resource" under "Public Admin Info" for Battlefield Vietnam. The rules, admin guidelines etc apply to both servers.

Rules: https://forum.helloclan.eu/bfv/rules

Both servers are listed separately and can be easily accessed via the navigation bar of the site:

How does the server appeal to you? By the way, there's a Khe Sahn Two. ;) :D

Let me know what your thoughts on this are! Our next event will be centered around this server, and will probably be slated for next month or the following. There are some other things I'm currently taking care of, and seeing what other avenues are available to us.



Normal Poster
Local time
3:09 PM
Oct 17, 2020
Reaction score
our next Hello Battlefield Vietnam event is up with this soon hopefully