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A Question

Local time
3:56 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
In BFV, there is a player that goes by Dr. Phil, and other names, he frequently changes names. But I have asked several times for this person to be looked into, only to be ignored, or diverted being told his information is not open for discussion.
He has threatened to ban me for calling him a cheat. He wears no tags identifying himself as anyone that has Anything to do with HELLO clan.
Forgive me for being suspicious of new players, specifically people who appear with new names every other day. Specifically people who play at a different level depending on the time and population of the server. I am not alone in this suspicion, there are Several players, Including members of HELLO who firmly believe this person is playing incredibly suspicious at times.
There has been no reasonable response as to who this person is. There is quite a small number of people who frequent the server, so anyone with pings remotely close to some of those of certain players who have been banned in the past, should we not be suspicious of them? Should questions such as the persons legitimacy or are they evading a ban be permitted by the small number of us that play??

I would think this would draw some concern, but apparently not. And no one can get an answer from this person in the server.
If he IS HELLO member, admin, why would he not disclose this? Why do so many of the loyal players here have to be kept in the dark?
If someones gameplay is suspicious, who do you report it to if the admins divert you and tell you to look the other way and just play?
If there is NO reason for ANYONE of us to be suspicious of him, why not just come out with it? why not lay the cards on the table?
Whoever Dr. Phil is.... the 'Face' player.... the number of names he uses, whoever he is, hes suspicious as hell, and I think admins should take a harder look into him.



Normal Poster
Local time
5:56 AM
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
Hello, toxic!

---It's me, [RUS]WarrioR aka Dr.Phil! Actually, I guess, I already told you that when you asked me for the first time several days ago? I told you that day that I am a new HelloClan Leader, but you didn't believe me and just laughed at me instead...
---No, I'm not evading ban and I'm not a new player for sure. If you look into first ~50? stats pages, you will find out that we actually played together long long time ago ;)
---Well, I can't say I'm really disappointed of yours "hes suspicious as hell", because you already told me many things that are much worse...
---No, I haven't threatened to ban you for hack accusations, I gave you a warning. Did you not know that players here can give warnings as well as admins if they feel rule abuse is taking place? I believe you got recently back from long absence, so I suggest you to get familiar with our rules, forbidding excessive inappropriate language and hack accusations. Also here some useful information on Admin Courses of Action.
---There's no difference between admin and regular player in this community while in-game, everybody should follow the same rules. Why you kept accusing me of hacks and sending derogatory words towards me, even though I was playing by the rules? Maybe you want to say that if you knew who I really was you would stop doing this? Well, I got news for you - NOT A SINGLE PLAYER should be harassed here like this!
---Actually, during our talks on the server I provided you with all the necessary information regarding your concerns: I told you who I am, I told you that i'm not a hacker and I use only my skills, I even told you that if you have any doubts regarding my gameplay, you should post a complain in this forum with provided evidence. Nevertheless, you chose to continue your abusive behavior and miss all that I said you..
---You were harassing me long before I became an admin here, so you can imagine how many times you actually was being abusive, however you still haven't been banned or kicked. I don't think you can change your mind so quickly regarding my "suspicious" gameplay, so if you or anyone else have any evidence, I suggest to post it on this forum ;)
---That's how things are and were always going in this community, you are not guilty until proven wrong and if you can't or don't want to prove it, it's not an excuse to insult players. From this point I will stop closing my eyes on your rule abuses, so I suggest you to play according to the rules like everybody else and enjoy the game :).

P.S. -I really appreciate your effort to improve the server by reporting suspicious players. I must assure you that all of our team of admins are doing our best to keep this game alive. You shouldn't doubt that admins doing nothing, the majority of team are seasoned players and dealt with much serious threats during all this time. So it's not a reason to blame them for being neglected, because they most certainly have a good reason for it.

Local time
3:56 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Let us clear the record. We were in Griffin and you were using RusWarrioR tag when you told me you were the new hello clan leader. Not Dr. Phil. If you told me elsewhere than I missed it.
As for being incognito and changing up your name Consistantly, there is no rule against this obviously yet you should be aware why this would make people question the person behind the name changes.
Also, why wouldn't you come out and tell people? Why would you let it go so far to the point where you would have to Ban a loyal player because she was calling you a cheat? Why is it that your gameplay of all intensifies as the numbers dwindle?
I hope you don't cheat... curious to how you were so good at catching hackers before.
And yes I of course do remember you from long back, you weren't ever that good. But you clearly have stepped up your game.
All in all, the closeness in your ping, to those likes of Radicals and Hash, along with the consistent name changing and at times incredibly suspicious gameplay are what lead me to believe that you were someone else who was choosing to evade a ban.
And by all means, if you feel like banning people for words... ban away. Empty what very few people we have left playing this game.
Silvia, she called you a hacker and you banned her for that. I don't speak Spanish so I don't know what else she was saying. But I do know that theres not nearly enough people left playing this game that it wont take long before you have the remaining few gone as well.
As for you being mr innocent,.... cmon now. Evertime you kill me you LOL! If I die ingame you LOL. specifically me. Your trolling me into a fight the other night talking shit about how youre the best, and a pro. Or telling me I am not the best player anymore, its you. You sit here and make it sound like youre just minding your business, and we both know that's not the case. I was never the best at this game, so your troll attempt was nullified. I must say, it is not just me thinking that your gameplay is at times "questionable"
Best of luck


Normal Poster
Local time
2:56 AM
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
entre otras cosas dices ...
"""""""Tal vez quieras decir que si supieras quién soy realmente, ¿dejarías de hacer esto? """"""
deberias realizarte la siguiente pregunta ..dejarias tu de seguirnos de hello a fgc y grifing ?
porque viendo tu aptitud decidimos irnos a fgc y tu y fanzone rusa vinisteis detras y decidimos irnos a grifin y vosotros teniais la intencion de seguirnos? si no te acuerdas le pides los link a tu secretario el server ful
............ Tal vez quieres decir que si fueras un admin harias esto .... y mas cosas ?..........
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Regular Poster
Local time
6:56 PM
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I have a question for you Russ, why use so many different names ? Its not illegal or anything, but I wonder why people feel compelled to use other names so you don't know who you are. I guess there is some type of gratification for tricking people but I am wondering in your words why ?


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:56 AM
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
Rus, you were never a pro, just some above average player. Ofc you did your cool mortar shots but you were light years far from being a PRO as you say. Just erase your hack tool and we will pretend as if it never happened. No resentment.


Normal Poster
Local time
2:56 AM
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
Te pongo el post aqui "" PRO admin"""... ya que no contestas despues de una semana .. (corta y pega)

Monday at 12:30 AM
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Felicidades conseguiste tu proposito .. enhorabuena

De entrada ya te digo que que no voy a disculparme de nada ..y te comento no tengo nada que disculparme porque para eso

tendria que haber hecho algo malo y ESTE no es el caso ..

hace un tiempo me expulso thenme y iron .. justamente y les pedi disculpas a los dos juntos y por separado .. ´por mi mal
comportamiento imagino seria por tu culpa

pero a ti no te las pido ..y te explico :

supongo tienes algo contra mi ..no me preocupa para gustos colores sabes

juegas a usar nombres diferentes para crear confusion o nose buscar problemas ..de hecho no se ni quien eres ya ..

este juego tuyo de ...ahora soy A ahora soy B ahora ???

cosa que me da igual no se si eres todos en 1 o de que vas . pero bueno ese es tu problema.

Comentas que siempre jugastes con las reglas. sabes de sobra que no es asi

Repites varias veces que si soy una grosera o algo asi . ¿Te sorprende? Es tan grosero mi lenguaje? pues como el tuyo

..porque parece que no te acuerdas o no te quieres acordar que TU me llamaste PUTA ..¿recuerdas?

por lo tanto TU tambien eres un groseo,, o tu no ?..no hace falta que lo reconozcas porque tengo razon

Dices que eres admin ..vaya jaja que me insulten jugadores bueno ya casi que me acostumbre sabes ..pero ¿que me llame puta

un admin?

jajaja..dijiste asi ..mira :

Filipp Kirkorov ven a papi perra 20:33:20 24 | 09 | 2019
Filipp Kirkorov estúpida dama asquerosa
Filipp Kirkorov tomo prostituta
Filipp Kirkorov tomo prostituta por favor
etc etc

a esto lo que me llamaras en ruso rumano o el idioma que tengas tu y tus amigos del fanzone ruso

es como si un policia roba un banco , entiendes . pero bueno tu eres asi " papi " para gustos colores .

Ese "papi perra" supongo que no es grosero ni despeptivo .. tranquilo no me ofendes ..

ya que hay confianza te digo que conozco chusma de tu clase.

creo que deberias autoexpulsarte tu tambien ¿no? o tu si puedes insultarme? naaa dejalo no te autoexpulses

no importa .

Dices que no eres cheater..y que tengo que tener video para demostrarlo ..

bien..que mas quieres? cafe con churros , un vino y algo de picar cervecita y una tapita un pinchito, jamon ?

tortilla española ..no española no que ya veo que te atraganta mejor tortilla francesa

Te comento nose instalar un programa asi que como para grabar y es mas te digo.. no tengo que saber grabar es cuestion de

no hacer trampas..lo entiendes? ,si quieres te puedo decir lo que vi con mis ojos ..

matarme en el templo tumbada detras de un muro y tu al otro lado , al lado de la bandera en la calle que va al templo y

me mataste TU desde hay habiendo un muro recuerdas que te lo dije? haz memoria o le pides al full ese que te lo busque

otra fue que me mataste no se donde estabas..pero cuando mori la camara se movio y te vi a TI atravesar la esquina de un


matarme el avion con disparos de arma (no con el cobra ni el avion ni bazoka ni tanque )

tambien que siempre sabes donde estoy aunque me esconda ..matarme de un disparo el 99,9 de las veces

por cierto estando tu , hubo otro jugador que no se su nombre no pude verlo supongo seria amigo tuyo del fanzone ruso que le

vi cruzar de un edificio a otro atravesando las paredes ..por supuesto no tengo pruebas de ti ni de el otro ..pero eso lo vi

yo con mis ojos .

y por cierto no te voy a decir nombres pero sabes de sobra que hay muchas personas que te dicen lo mismo

EXACTAMENTE LO MISMO "" que como sabes donde estan , que si los matas de un tiro etc ""


mira te acuerdas cuando jugamos y despues de todo tu repertorio chocarme todo el rato intencionadamente REPITO

INTENCIONADAMENTE ,APOSTA CON EL AVION 1 2 3 4 5 6 ..90 veces recuerdas no? bien .. me fuy a fgc con otro jugador no dire
su nombre ..y apareciste alli ..

para? que querias seguir provocando a ver si explotaba..o explotaba mas? a ver si me expulsan de fgc tambien?

dices que te insulto ...osea chico me voy a otro juego y ERES TU EL QUE ME SIGUE? explicamelo por que o soy muy tonta o tu

eres muy tonto ..pero esta claro que 1 tiene un problema y sinceramente creo que eres tu blanco y en botella ..y agua no es

..y encima ese jugador y yo decimos de irnos de fgc a otro porque ivas a seguir molestando y tenias TU la intencion de

seguirnos otra vez..osea chico que mas quieres yo sere muy tonta pero tu muy listo no eres sabes,

que tienes menos luces que la casa de un ciego ..

te molesta que te insulte pero me persigues ? nose es como que no te guste que te muerdan y te bañas con cocodrilos

tienes un hobby estraño la verda ..pero bueno si eres feliz asi lo respeto

por cierto hablo de una persona solo.. pero erais dos los que jugais a esto de confundir y provocar tu y otro.. no digo los

nombres porque usais tantos que conseguis el objetivo confundir ahora dices que eres rus warrior el otro dia eras phill

radical phall jibi caras de murcielago calabazas etcetc coño que parece un bazar chino ..da igual quien seas ya .

sabes mi opinion de ti o vosotros y yo se la tuya o vuestras

dices que eres admin y supongo sera verdad porque me expulsaste ..entonces eres el dueño y entiendo que vas a seguir tu

juego contra mi aqui y en fgc haces lo mismo y no quiero que tenga problemas por mi culpa una persona ..supongo que griffin

lo mismo ya lo hiciste en otra ocasion ..por lo tanto no tengo opcion ..TU GANAS

Por cierto mi lenguaje no es grosero.. segun con quien tengo muy muy muy pero que muy poca mecha..y con segun quien

aguanto o no y uso el lenguaje que buscan y entienden .Sabes como funciona un espejo no? pues eso .

..No es que sea grosera. el ejemplo lo tienes que es el unico que entendiste tu .



Empece felicitandote por tu objetivo de expulsarme..supongo estaras algo desilusionado por ser 3 dias solo...

... tranquilo ..esos 3 dias aqui mas tu persecucion por los otros juegos puede que me ayude y todo a

quitarme el vicio este del heli .no me merece la pena jugar


a si que nada, seguro que me dejo algo por decirte pero bueno . pondre un cactus al raton asi no podre usarlo


[RUS] WarrioR = Dr.Phil = 6ajibik = shashlik = cocok = jidi = ^ ._. ^ = Remoppo Y 300 NOMBRES MAS ..

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Normal Poster
Local time
2:56 AM
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
Y ahora te comento ...

despues de una semana escondido que as estao

tas retratao hijo ...tu solito .. tu objetivo era expulsarme y nose como lo hiciste pero bueno me importa una mierda sabes

tu ni eres admin ni nada ..pero vamos mas claro agua .. eres un tramposo pro eso si ..y un baboso de mierda que ni sabes

jugar ni juegas que lo unico que sabes es esto molestar y hacer el jilipollas porque solo ivas a provocar nada mas ..

tampoco es dificil me tocas las palmas un poco y te bailo flamenco ya las visto ...

que naces mas tarde y sales tonto completo

lo que as hecho es de ser lo que eres un hijo puta un payaso y un subnormal a partes iguales ...

pero del monton no llegas a hijo puta PRO tampoco ..tu y tu fanzone rusa aunque tal vez seas tu todos en uno porque tu nivel

de retraso da pa eso pedazo jilipollas.. bueno con ayuda de los dos subnormales del servefull y zlatan .

aprender a jugar sin cheaters ...mongolitos .

admin dice.. un ridiculo eres payaso sin nariz ..

Y ahora dime ¿que has conseguido con expulsarme?
¿duermes mejor sabiendo que no juego?
¿te dan dos chuletas de regalo por expulsarme?

na no me respondas ..quedate las respuestas y a ver si aprendes algo animalito
Por cierto un admin respeta el juego las reglas las personas y no hace trampas.

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Normal Poster
Local time
5:56 AM
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
Toxic, toxic.. A serious case of memory loss? That's ok, Dr. Phil will help you here and will restore the truth...
toxic2 said:
Let us clear the record. We were in Griffin and you were using RusWarrioR tag when you told me you were the new hello clan leader. Not Dr. Phil. If you told me elsewhere than I missed it.
We haven't had a long chat that time, so I never told you anything about helloclan there.
What happened here? I was playing under a 'new' name for you, as I didn't tell you I am a name changing guy here. But, nevertheless, you immediately started to call me hacker. Seems like you call that any players that kill you a lot. lol.

Later, on HC server, playing as Mr. Phil at La Drang, I told you who I am, but you didn't believe me and laughed.
2019-09-21 20:47:39 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: so who are you
2019-09-21 20:47:47 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: cut the bs
2019-09-21 20:48:01 : # [SPEC] Dr.Phil: i'm new leader
2019-09-21 20:48:09 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: lol
2019-09-21 20:48:18 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: change the map mr leader
2019-09-21 20:48:29 : # [SPEC] Dr.Phil: if something bothers you you can ask me
2019-09-21 20:48:41 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: lets see mr leader a new map
2019-09-21 20:49:40 : # [SPEC] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: all you care about is ruining a dead game
and later next round...
2019-09-21 20:55:08 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: apparently dr phil is the new HELLO leader
2019-09-21 20:55:15 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: in case yall didnt know that
2019-09-21 20:55:37 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: check the chat logs
2019-09-21 20:56:02 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: check the chat logs... hes the new HELLO BFV leader lol
And you're trying to convince me you forgot all of this???

toxic2 said:
All in all, the closeness in your ping, to those likes of Radicals and Hash, along with the consistent name changing and at times incredibly suspicious gameplay are what lead me to believe that you were someone else who was choosing to evade a ban.
Why you tell something you know nothing about? Radicals's ping, for example, is almost constant all the time and it's not even close to mine. You "believed" I was someone else, though in-game you said "I'm sure" about me. Do you think admins haven't noticed my name changes and your complains? Did you think it would be right to respond by spamming in-game chat with hack accusations and foul language? What aim have you tried to archive by doing that??? I'll repeat myself here. If you noticed something unusual you should report to administrators and let them handle the situation. Especially when you can't differentiate a player without hacks and a hacker...

toxic2 said:
As for you being mr innocent,.... cmon now. Evertime you kill me you LOL! If I die ingame you LOL. specifically me. Your trolling me into a fight the other night talking shit about how youre the best, and a pro. Or telling me I am not the best player anymore, its you. You sit here and make it sound like you're just minding your business, and we both know that's not the case. I was never the best at this game, so your troll attempt was nullified.

Are you f*** kidding me? You still trying to convince I'm a bad guy here?? You know when I play I usually try not to do in-game messages at all? And of course in our first meeting this year I just wanted to play and enjoy the game. But how can somebody enjoy the game when the game server is filled with spam like that??

2019-09-02 17:52:02 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: quite the aim
2019-09-02 17:55:17 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hack more noob
2019-09-02 17:55:24 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: still wont ban this fag
2019-09-02 20:53:53 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hack to much faggot
2019-09-12 21:18:47 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: this guys such a fucking queer
2019-09-12 21:18:52 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hacking noob scsi
2019-09-12 21:21:59 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: pussy boy hack
2019-09-14 21:45:24 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hack me scrub
2019-09-14 21:54:27 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: play legit vs tina but hack me you fucking noob
2019-09-14 21:56:38 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: but i can sniff out a hacker when i play against 1 (you can't actually)
2019-09-15 19:23:02 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hack more hash queer
2019-09-15 20:12:09 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: youre a trash hack hash

I'm not sure if it's even appropriate to show this on our forum without censoring it first... How did you expect me to react to this? Quietly listen to this trash talk? Or maybe lower myself to your level of communication and fill the server with even more dirt talk?? No, I chose another path. Of course I would laugh at your immature speech every time I hear one, because all other convincing methods didn't work. I wish there could be at least one admin to cut your inappropriate messages out by warn/kick you, but no one seemed like care at all. Would you prefer ban over my lol's?

Looking through chat logs for recent several month I discovered that actually I'm not the only one who you got with your language.

2019-09-02 17:58:07 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: mosca fkn noob
2019-09-02 17:58:32 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: its not ok we cant ban that guy NME
2019-09-02 17:58:45 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: whos got access to server RM manager
2019-09-02 17:59:13 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: is he the only one?
2019-09-02 18:01:26 : # [Global] Raptor: toxic, you've ruined my only 1.5 hours to play BF.

2019-09-02 18:17:29 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: why whatd i say to you? lol
2019-09-02 18:17:47 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: nagi poser is in f4
2019-09-02 18:17:54 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: now chinook
2019-09-02 18:18:12 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: he turns right to me
2019-09-02 18:19:06 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: oh shiiiiiiet
2019-09-02 18:19:11 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: what happened up there
2019-09-02 18:19:11 : # [Global] NagiTanka: i love you
2019-09-02 18:19:11 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: lol
2019-09-02 18:19:16 : # [Global] NagiTanka: and u love me too
2019-09-02 18:19:21 : # [Global] NagiTanka: we bf
2019-09-02 18:19:36 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: you were aight back in the day when you were ok
2019-09-02 18:19:43 : # [Global] NagiTanka: not insults no bad words here
2019-09-02 18:19:47 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: but when you decided you needed to run hacks
2019-09-02 18:19:51 : # [Global] NagiTanka: u ma love
2019-09-02 18:19:54 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: and crash the server
2019-09-02 18:19:56 : # [RED] Jum_P: at d7
2019-09-02 18:20:00 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: your just a piece of shit
2019-09-02 18:20:20 : # [Global] NagiTanka: u have a bad language
2019-09-02 18:20:31 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: and youve always had bad aim
2019-09-02 18:21:03 : # [Global] NagiTanka: u ma love babe
2019-09-02 18:22:29 : # [Global] NagiTanka: what is a punk
2019-09-02 18:23:07 : # [Global] NagiTanka: u sy that bcs ur a nub
2019-09-02 18:23:20 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: hed whip your ass
2019-09-02 18:23:31 : # [Global] 360° Tox!c Ft. AK-47: you have to run lame ass cheats to play

I have more examples like this. Doubt there's a need to show any more demonstrations though...

I'm done talking with you. For additional answers see my first reply. I advise you to try your best not to break any more rules. I got my eyes on you.


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Normal Poster
Local time
5:56 AM
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
Of course, back then I was pretty average except my ability to shot choppers down. Times changed, I was wasting great portion of my time for bfv all this time, so I ended up with skill level you can see me today. I can assure you I've never used any hacks, so just believe me and we will pretend as I have never seen your post)
Local time
3:56 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
That was a nice job of cut and paste I must say.
I haven't been on for a week or so, so haven't checked in.... But I Am impressed. Was that just your work or did you have help?
You guys actually took the time to review all my chat logs and look back to see my dirty language.... then took the time to edit and add your side notes (shit is cute AF) js!
Oh and I guess there it is, you stated (under the alias) Dr. Phil, that you were the new CL...
this slipped my mind in my blind fury lol but how is one to really take That serious?
Seems like you're taking your new job seriously, I better walk on egg shells. Thanks for the warning.
As for you watching me, You do what you must, or what you feel.
Still seems as though I am still not the only one questioning your gameplay.

Carry on