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A new leaf...



For all you players who have contacted me here and in-game about the on-going issues (raping, team switching, hacks, etc.) - I am done doing your bidding. When I do post about these issues, few, if any of you, show up to post support or provide comment. The result is that I am the resident "complainer" "whiner" ... whatever. I'm not doing it anymore. You don't like what Nagi, Lesuk, Player and others do - you can post about it. For me, done.

I have video of Lesuk raping from last week but I won't file a report nor post it. I'm done with that. I won't record them and in fact, I am removing the recording software from my computer. Lesuk, Nagi and all their friends who have contributed to the status of the game ... do as you damn well please. I am done.


Normal Poster
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7:28 PM
Sep 22, 2014
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Pinky you are the resident Gadfly. I think it was Socrates that called himself a Gadfly.


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:28 PM
May 31, 2015
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Pinky, I wanted to let you know, as far as my comments on another thread about people "pestering admins about teamswitching"

I was not directly referring to you. Actually, there are TWO other people who have been AMAZINGLY annoying when it comes to requests for me to "boot people" And if you think about it, I haven't even been on but twice in the last month or two. So how could I have been referring to you? ;)

You are FAR more vocal than I about wanting to change things, something that I have stayed out of because I value friendships more than I care about whichever side I fall on. I do care about some of the issues you raise here, just not as passionately as you I guess.

And when it comes to SK and Shaun I give them the benefit of the doubt while they deal with worse issues. Realizing that they have their own lines in the sand and their patience has a limit like every human being out there.

I will put it as simply as I can. I used to complain about tubes, switchers, loudmouths and admin baiters......now I'm just too damn busy or indifferent to care. And I certainly haven't cared enough to speak out about it or I would have.

So despite these differences, I hope we are still buddies! And you have my word that if someone were teamswitching deliberately more than 4x on my watch I would do something about it. The caveat being that I need to make my own conclusions about whether or not they crossed a line. I just value what little game time I get and don't want to set precedent where I'm watching people more than I'm playing or constantly in spectator. I hope you understand that. And if that's the mark of a bad/unruly admin then so be it. Let the people be heard and "can me" now.


RoBoDuCk said:
So despite these differences, I hope we are still buddies! And you have my word that if someone were teamswitching deliberately more than 4x on my watch I would do something about it. The caveat being that I need to make my own conclusions about whether or not they crossed a line. I just value what little game time I get and don't want to set precedent where I'm watching people more than I'm playing or constantly in spectator. I hope you understand that. And if that's the mark of a bad/unruly admin then so be it. Let the people be heard and "can me" now.

Hey Robo, not to worry. I understand. I know there are other players who speak out. My point is that I wish the guys who played would come forward and post in the forums. I know I am not the only one who thinks certain maps need to be removed, for one change.

I know others have complained about the constant team switching that some do in the game. I am very thankful that SK and Shauny have made changes in the rules so that admins may address this issue. I fully support the admins as I know what the job entails. I always have supported the admins.

Yes, I am passionate because you know, this game brings me laughs. I live alone. I have friends in the area but they are all have busy lives. This game, it brings me much joy. I love the competitiveness about it. Yes, I die a lot. I'm no good at it. I get that. But I laugh and that's what's important.

My former wife said to me once, "I wonder if someday you will regret the number of hours you spend playing that game." I sometimes wonder.... will I? I don't regret the friendships I have made. I bet I talk to Ricey at least every other day by cell. I talk to you, Robo. Text you. I'm friends with several players on FB. I would like to get to know Orange better.

I honestly think if we all knew each other better than by merely +V+ or Mr.oRange or HellsFury, etc., game play would improve.

I love the game. I am passionate about it. I don't want it to die. I'll donate to the server but I want to see some of the boring, slow, long maps removed. The interest in the game dies when they come on and it's killing us.



SK has made it very clear that he will not remove any of the maps. We cannot get mods to maps either. A couple jeeps on La Drang would make it liveable. There's no sense in carrying on about it. No matter what is done, it will never be perfect.

My original point was intended to inspire other players to voice an opinion. It is apparent they do not wish to do so and I suspect it is because it serves no purpose to make a suggestion or recommend a change. Nothing will change.


IceSkater said:

Please tell me how me paving way for the admins to deal with your most despised form of disruptive play - teamswitching - is proof that voices fall on deaf ears?

It's times like this that I'd just resign. I don't need to spend my free time reading this. I don't need to listen to nit picking observations and one sided arguments.

I was planning to change a couple of things, things that SK worked hard on and created himself, in order to accommodate the current situation. Things that players wanted but never got.

Now though, I'm not interested.

Shaun, do as you please. You guys run the show. Don't care.

Do read my comments please. My point is about the maps. SK has made it very clear that HELLO BFV is all maps. It's not going to change. That's what I said. I know guys have complained about the maps and there are recent posts by SK that the map list will remain the same. It's a done deal. So why ask for a change?

I always check to see if there are players on the server. If there are but a few, and depending on where they are in the map rotation, I may join. When there are few players, 12 or less, I will not come on if they are on La Drang, Fall of Saigon or Operation Cedar Falls - I will not join. That's my choice. I fully understand that there are players who like those maps. That's great. Have fun.

I appreciate that SK tweaked the time of play on Saigon. It's too big. It was designed for 40 players or more. Cedar Falls is ok at best.

I also appreciate that the team-switching rule has been added. When an admin is on, it has put the kibosh to it. I know I am not the only one to appreciate this. Problem is, as usual, there are not always admins on. I understand they can't be on 24/7. I know them and I support them. Just yesterday Nagi was back at it. Team switching and fucking up the teams. Lesuk is still raping but you know, I won't record or report them. Done with that because it's been going on for years and they are still here.


Shaun, you have got to stop taking posts personally. You and SK are running the server.

I have oft said, and I imagine most of us know this, texting is impersonal. You cannot see or hear the person. The same applies to posts here. When I post some issue and point out how I feel about it, I know it is taken as a slam or confrontational in nature. If I suggest a change, I'm complaining. I'm discounting the hard work SK or you have done.

Not all posts are going to be pats on the back. Try running for and holding office. You need thick skin. Don't take this stuff personally. When you come on Teamspeak, we are friends. I'll tell you on TS how I feel and you can hear my voice.

Some of your admins are never on TS. If they came on, they would perhaps feel differently about the tone of my posts here. Don't know for sure but think so.



Forum Rookie
Local time
7:28 PM
May 31, 2015
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No need to appologize Ice, nor second guess yourself, you are doing well imho and the changes that have been made up to now have been great as well. I think we in the community need to be less dogmatic when we think about things perhaps. Its NOT all black and white. Change is not inately good or bad and there is a time and place for both tightening and loosening the rules. As a leader there is no f-ing way you can please both sides of the crowd. And in spite of our feelings the crowd will never be as silent, thankful, forgiving or kind as we would expect them to be. Or else managing it all would be a breeze. Way to hang in there, you and SK both and if you need something from one of us let us know! There are only 2 things that I care about when it comes to BFV. 1 the friendships I have made here 2. the continuace of the game. Anything that would jeopardize either of those is pure evil in my mind!


Regular Poster
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11:28 AM
Jun 14, 2013
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Real Name
Well said Ice and Robo and I would like to reinforce what you guys have said and will have your back as best as I can guys.

Some will like the new rule changes and some won't but they are an attempt to make the server run better and fairer for the majority of players that are left.

Players please bear in mind that this server isn't a democracy and although your concerns are listened to and given consideration you may not get what you want. The constant nagging in here and in game has been taking a toll with the leaders and the active admins and Farmville is starting to look good at the moment for most of us :D



RoBoDuCk said:
No need to appologize Ice, nor second guess yourself, you are doing well imho and the changes that have been made up to now have been great as well. I think we in the community need to be less dogmatic when we think about things perhaps. Its NOT all black and white. Change is not inately good or bad and there is a time and place for both tightening and loosening the rules. As a leader there is no f-ing way you can please both sides of the crowd. And in spite of our feelings the crowd will never be as silent, thankful, forgiving or kind as we would expect them to be. Or else managing it all would be a breeze. Way to hang in there, you and SK both and if you need something from one of us let us know! There are only 2 things that I care about when it comes to BFV. 1 the friendships I have made here 2. the continuace of the game. Anything that would jeopardize either of those is pure evil in my mind!

I agree.

If we all look back at what my original post was about, and I think Vmax did so, you can see that I was talking about players prodding me to seek change. I've been doing that but I am not doing it for others any longer. If players complain in-game, I tell them, go to the forums. That's where we are told to go to post troublesome players; report admins, etc.

It is easier to complain than to say good things. I don't view my posts as complaining. I seek change. As somebody who plays a lot, I like to voice my opinion. I want to do so without being viewed as a whiner or complainer. I'm not. There is an area in the forums to make suggestions, etc.

The game is dying a slow death. Perhaps making a few changes will perhaps breathe some a little life into it and nurse another year of play. Who knows.



IceSkater said:
Above all, I just want you to understand that I'm trying. I want everyone to know that I'm trying. Encouragement in the form of some positive posts really would be appreciated. Especially from you pinky....

Shaun, I had to go back and look. Scroll down to the first comment after your post:



Forum Newbie
Local time
2:28 AM
Mar 30, 2016
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pinky said:
I agree.

If we all look back at what my original post was about, and I think Vmax did so, you can see that I was talking about players prodding me to seek change. I've been doing that but I am not doing it for others any longer. If players complain in-game, I tell them, go to the forums. That's where we are told to go to post troublesome players; report admins, etc.

It is easier to complain than to say good things. I don't view my posts as complaining. I seek change. As somebody who plays a lot, I like to voice my opinion. I want to do so without being viewed as a whiner or complainer. I'm not. There is an area in the forums to make suggestions, etc.

The game is dying a slow death. Perhaps making a few changes will perhaps breathe some a little life into it and nurse another year of play. Who knows.


I dont even understand why people are talkin to u when they want to change something :lol: Maybe cuz u were admin once or Im wrong? Atleast I thougt so and than I noticed ur not an admin or not anymore lol


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:28 PM
May 31, 2015
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Cyka said:
I dont even understand why people are talkin to u when they want to change something :lol: Maybe cuz u were admin once or Im wrong? Atleast I thougt so and than I noticed ur not an admin or not anymore lol

Haha I can answer that one for you, its because Pinky is an honored and distiguished member of our community. Many look up to him as a sort of Deity or Primal force of nature to be in awe of.


Forum Rookie
Local time
1:28 AM
Apr 12, 2015
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manchester uk
Death to Pinky ooops sorry im not in the game pinky
I have to say I am on pinkys side a lot of the time
He is after all one of our sane players
I myself have asked him to record a few times in game
Ice sounds like you’re having a hard time at the moment
It’s even coming out in your posts
Yes I admire all the work ALL you admins do
Even if we don’t say it all the time
Please allow the players a bit of leeway on here
You might find people don’t want to SAY what they want to say
Because of fear of being warned or banned
Couple of things in the last few weeks I was playing ho chi minh
And found it odd that the admin playing just wanted the players to quit the game
I of course carried on and played the GAME
Much to his annoyance
And the other one was I think and only think an admin called me a retard for taking
A main strange thing for an admin to type
We treat you with respect well most of us do
Nice if we were treated the same
PS no admins were hurt in the typing of this letter


Thank you guys.

I can imagine that Shauny and SK are stressed. We all know, I ran a server back in 2005 or so and it was pure hell for me then. That's back when we had thousands of players. Actually, I made a little money because I had many donating to help pay for the server.