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Winter Peace Agreement

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Forum Newbie
Local time
7:40 PM
Dec 27, 2015
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Hi, it's GoodHash.
It was me behind the continious [attacks] on the server (aka full).
I know it's shit to do this, but unfortunately, these are the only things that take effect on ignorant administrators..

No one enjoys this password fuckery you made ONLY to stop 1 player (myself) from joining the server.
Which not only not works (lmao very professional), but also stops "legit" players, who maybe wanted to try BFV for 1st time.
Tells everything about ego of some admins too, btw.

I play this game since '04, it's my favourite game.
I'm banned for 2 years(!) and didn't give up - you (SK) really think I'm going to stop?
Let's finish with this stupid childish "war" already.

I suggest you a deal.

You guys do this:
1.Remove password
2.Permanent unban for me on the server
3.Unban of my very 1st account on this forums (to make it all clear)

I in turn, do this:
1.Permanently stop any kind of attacks against your clan.
2.Promise to follow the rules on the server in game.




Forum Newbie
Local time
6:40 PM
Dec 11, 2015
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Federal Way, WA
we don't negotiate with terrorist!@ a-hole You really caused me for one (an innocent bystander) in all your madness jihad b.S. a lot of trouble. Some of us looked forward too playing BFV during the holiday break. Step away from the dark side Bunk-Hash
Local time
4:40 PM
Nov 21, 2015
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No Good Hash you haven't attacked the " server" you have attacked all of us that enjoy playing BFV, your just a spoilt little brat that if he doesn't get his own way, you go out of your way to spoil fun for others, like so many do that have mental problems, you have proved that you could at any time join the server and play under any name you choose, but you don't! you only stop others from playing. but hey to do shit like you do must make you feel IMPORTANT and I truly feel sorry for you that your life is so fucked up and all you have in life is to make others lives worse.


Forum Rookie
Local time
8:40 PM
May 31, 2015
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Well hash,

I don't know you, I became an admin after your ban. I personally have never banned you or kicked you, so you cannot claim to have any beef with me personally. So if you were a reasonable/intelligent individual you would hear me out.

This situation you have built for yourself is very telling of your character. You know what it reminds me of? When I was a young boy in Brasil. As you know, in my country we play soccer. And all the guys we played with were generally nice, but there was one boy who wasn't. He came from a bad family and was always acting like a loser. Whenever this boy lost badly, or got fouled or didn't like the ref's call, he would pull out a pen knife and pop the ball. After that he would run home.

Had the other boys done anything to him to deserve being treated this way? Do you think ANY of the other boys liked him or thought he was cool? Do you think he grew up to be a good person or made a positive name for himself? You can be the judge of that.

So I ask of you, regardless of whatever beef you have with any admins. What has the COMMUNITY of BFV done to deserve you being rude? And what makes you so small minded to harm innocent people who did nothing to you? You are acting like nothing more than a common criminal, a vandal who scratches a brand new Mercedes with a rock because he is too lazy to go out and work the hard honest way to earn one himself.

This window into Hash, into his character, shows us allot, and nothing good I am afraid. But you can change, its not too late to become a better, kinder person. All you have to do is treat others the way you would want to be treated. And then, you would have won a true victory my friend.


Normal Poster
Local time
9:40 PM
Feb 19, 2015
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Good hash,

Be accountable for your actions. Accept it as a good lesson learned and move on.

It really is in your best interest to get this behind you.

Make 2016 the year you change your life.


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:40 AM
Apr 12, 2015
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manchester uk
hi gook from ^V^ UNLIKE you i have played this game from the day it came out
almost every day feck that's a long time
and finally to see a post by a little shit who has tried to destroy this game
then to see him demand to be let back on it
i would rather see the game go down for good than to let you back on
you have no friends here but don't take my word for it
i would not play against you
now lets see if the others speak out
i wish you a merry Christmas because its gone unlike you
but i wont wish you a happy new year because i don't think you will have one


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:40 PM
Dec 27, 2015
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You're all wrong.
I suggest you peace.
And I will give you some time till New Year to accept it.

V, about "little shit".. I don't know you, I only remember you suck at flying helo (all I remember, doesn't matter).. but I know what you mean - it's about age... and I think the same about SK.

Who the fuck is this kid to decide who stays/gets banned?

He's not even related to Vietnam war, he does nothing good to the server.
No mods integration/events/challenges
All I saw lately were idiotic rules he invents for himself (best of SK - shoot mi8 who quietly flies near main from quad50 and then ban for suppresive fire)
Oh ISO, coz we can not use torrents, sure..

The fact my favourite game has such administrator on it's fields is insult for me.

You see, instead of admitting that he is not capable to fight me and making everyones life easier
he implements a password
for him it is better to sign 200+ people rather than stop pressing BAN button on me.
Easier for him to change the pass everyday.

I don't know why it is so, I would like to know.
Guess is he is scared that I'll start to tell people who he really is, if I come back

Blueheeler, you think I would do what I do if I could play the game?
I join and get banned for "GooD_Hash" in 10 minutes... for what I deserved such attitude?

And no, Robo, your example doesn't feet - I'm an excellent player, but it is like corrupted football judge comes and drops me out..

SK wanted me to leave the game forever... why I must treat people as I would like to be treated, but SK must not?

Also, he says that I'm a cheater. In the post, where he states that we should proof hackers before making accusations
hehe.. quality administrator?

I think it is clear - I will not stop what I do until I'll be able to play my Vietnam game absolutely freely.


Normal Poster
Local time
8:40 PM
Sep 22, 2014
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Now that he perpetrator has confessed most likely due to a guilty conscious may your penance be a continued ban. This is a small community and you sir have been a very bad member. If the game is still around in two years then that would be satisfactory with me. Shame on you for being so selfish.



Master Poster
Local time
9:40 PM
Aug 6, 2013
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Goose Creek, South Carolina USA
You may not know me, but I know very well of who you are. I have been with the community for over 2 years, on the MC side of the community, then I recently came to BFV. I'm going to say this, you really think you're going to achieve something by doing this? All you are doing is giving us BFV players a headache, and pissing us off with this shit you're doing. I highly doubt you are going to be unbanned, you just showed the Administration that you are nothing but a threat to the server, and the entire Hello community.


Regular Poster
Local time
1:40 PM
Jun 14, 2013
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Real Name
well said ^V^ :)

Hash I will not knowingly play with or against you in our server ever.


Forum Rookie
Local time
8:40 PM
May 31, 2015
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So true Gerhard,

I think it is clear

99% of players hate what you are doing here. Lets assume you were granted immunity, and you had the balls to log on as Good_Hash. (which I doubt you would do) I for one would disconnect. Why would I play with someone with no honor? I doubt anyone would stick around when you are on, after what you have done. You bring much shame to your own name.


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:40 AM
Apr 12, 2015
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manchester uk
Gook_Hash said:
You're all wrong. this just says it all about you
I suggest you peace. sorry Gook its WAR
And I will give you some time till New Year to accept it. ROLL ON 2016 you will soon be as grass

V, about "little shit".. I don't know you, I only remember you suck at flying helo (all I remember, doesn't matter).. but I know what you mean - it's about age... and I think the same about SK.

I think it is clear - I will not stop what I do until I'll be able to play my Vietnam game absolutely freely.
lol My Vietnam sorry its our ours ours all ours so get back down the toilet can or as we call it on my boat HEAD


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:40 AM
Jun 6, 2014
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Hello Hash,

BFV is my favorite game too. Actually, it's the only videogame I play, so you get the idea.

You don't seem to understand we don't want you here. We want you to keep banned because all the bad things you've done, ruining everyone's fun. And be mature and accept responibility for your actions. If you really thought that by attacking the server you would make SK unban you... then I can't help you, boy. Even if SK lifted your ban we would leave the game. No one wants to play with you. And guess what, genious:You can't play on an empty server.

So your options are: 1) You move on and find another game. 2) SK unbans you and you play alone.

Either way, you lose.

We are ready for war, ready to die and ready to set the server fire with you inside.

Finally, if everyhting these kind people has stated here still does not convince you to stop your attacks, then do it at least for your boyfriend, man. He feels so lonely because you spend the whole day DDoSing the server. That's not healthy. Get out from your basement, take a shower and take him to a cozy restaurant, go watch a movie, make love to him.

Happy new year :)
Local time
2:40 AM
Apr 19, 2011
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Real Name
Terry Stoker
Hello Good Hash,

I think it is funny you still think about us.

I honestly think a normal person would have found something else to do by now.

Your "attacks" have been amateurish at best. SK has easily locked you out of every window you climb in.

We have an abundance of new players who have brought much life and fun to our game we enjoy.

We will keep playing and eventually, you will find something else to do,,, or pass away.

Sorry your life is sour, but we'll have fun anyway!

I lift my glass! :) Cheers!

Sapper -

Capt. Canada

Normal Poster
Local time
9:40 PM
Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
I had not planned to respond to this, but I have a few thoughts that I think should be expressed.

Hash, when you played on the server, you were a good player, not a great player, merely a good player. I know you fashioned yourself as the master of the F-4 or something like that, but how difficult is it shooting Mi-8s with missiles and dropping napalm on ground troops? However, when you were flying, there were many pilots much better than you; ashogunnamedmarcus and Tresor used to own you. As for a heli pilot, there were several better than you: Chuck Norris, SAS, Fuqer, Bojangles, Blackhawk, Rick...my God, there are too many to name. Not me of course, I am no pilot, but you rarely played on the ground maps anyway.

The server was filled almost every hour of every day. I could wake up first thing in the morning and find a small game of 8-10 players. Much of the time, 40+ players populated our server, and every round was filled with action. The hills of Hastings were filled with snipers, and targets were plentiful. At Quang Tri, swarms of units would move from flag to flag battling enemy units, and heroes were made every round. The jungle maps provided action throughout, yet players had to be aggressively smart in their play. The games were fun-filled because there were literally dozens of good players.

Sadly, thanks to your actions, many of those players have moved on and no longer come to our server.

They probably will never return, and so you never should either.

I understand you will most likely blame SK for that, but they did not leave for any of his actions.

You earned your ban through your malicious actions both during the game and outside the game. Your actions were fueled strictly out of spite, not some sense of fairness or even injustice. I suppose the great mystery for all of us is why. We cannot imagine a life so obsessed with being somewhere unwelcome for no other reason than spite. There are hundreds of other games and hundreds of other servers, so why your obsession with Hello?

And yet, here you are petitioning to return. We are supposed to welcome the promises of a player who has shown no honor in the past and who promises to behave as long as we allow him to act with impunity. You teamkilled and destroyed planes when you could not fly years ago, so what happens when you do it again and SK, IceSkater, Roboduck, or I punish you? How have you improved your reputation in the past few years that you could accept a kick or a ban? You've pronounced yourself as above punishment, so what then?

I cannot imagine playing with you. None of your kills will mean anything since I could not trust the integrity of your game play, and, therefore, I would probably spend the entire game having to spectate you anyway. I would prefer you leave the game and the server to us, and let some of us older players remember you for the player you were years ago. The newer players only have the server crashes to associate with you.

Before you rant away about SK ruining the game, understand that he is the one who has kept the server running despite the troubles that you posed, despite the ending of Gamespy, despite moving a while back. He has devoted himself selflessly to the betterment of this server, and for that, we look upon him as hero. Conversely, that makes you the villain, a role that you seem to cherish.

As for SK imposing new rules, the fact of that matter is that he or another administrator presents ideas for discussion before decisions are made about new rules, and the rest of the admins and I debate the pros and cons before moving forward. The main rape rule was not made exclusively by SK but rather by the collective group of admins. The password was put in place to protect the server, a protection from you that it obviously needed.

Sorry this took so long. For those of you who got this far, you deserve a cookie. Well, go get one. No one is stopping you. I do have an analogy though. This whole thing reminds me of the children's book, The Lorax. SK is the Lorax trying to save the world while Hash seems to be the Onceler selfishly destroying everything. In the end, the Onceler learns the lesson that his destructive nature ruined life for everyone, even himself.


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:40 PM
Dec 27, 2015
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~Gerhard said:
I highly doubt you are going to be unbanned, you just showed the Administration that you are nothing but a threat to the server, and the entire Hello community.

Only if they could mitigate me.. which they can't. I'm sorry to say that but I suggest may be hard, but optimal, server-safe solution.

RoBoDuCk said:
Lets assume you were granted immunity, and you had the balls to log on as Good_Hash. (which I doubt you would do) I for one would disconnect.

Most wouldn't, mass ignore is just stupid.
I CAN join any time Robo, but ONLY when I'm sure I won't get kicked for nothing/things I did in he past (so for anything but breaking the rules during current session). That's some BS, player vs banhammer.. like jumping into loaded highway just to prove you can jump.

BOB Sapper said:
Your "attacks" have been amateurish at best. SK has easily locked you out of every window you climb in.
Sapper -

2 months+ with password, and 5 months before server was crashing because SK couldn't fix publicly known exploit..easy game, easy life lol

Capt. Canada said:
We are supposed to welcome the promises of a player who has shown no honor in the past and who promises to behave as long as we allow him to act with impunity. You teamkilled and destroyed planes when you could not fly years ago, so what happens when you do it again and SK, IceSkater, Roboduck, or I punish you? How have you improved your reputation in the past few years that you could accept a kick or a ban? You've pronounced yourself as above punishment, so what then?

If you will think some more, you will realize there is no big difference in trusting whatever I will keep attacks if just unbanned (would make sense?nope) or just punished. So yeah things like these stand on pure trust.. do you have that much choice?
Just if you want to punish - do it fair, like to everyone else. Or issue, please, permanent bans to everyone whom you punish for TK, so no players at all will be left.
More moderation less double standarts.

Capt. Canada said:
but how difficult is it shooting Mi-8s with missiles and dropping napalm on ground troops?

Couldn't ignore this one - killing you with fire from without sa7 and even RPD hit range is my, and exclusively my crone thing. As for Mi8 - I usually fly them and shoot F4 instead.. try this - if you succeed, you will be 100% called a hack by someone.

Once again - I suggest you to think with your heads, not.. you know, with what ^V^ thinks on his boat...


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:40 AM
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
no peace only war stay banned and stay anonymous you fuck


Forum Rookie
Local time
8:40 PM
May 31, 2015
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1. A person who willfully or ignorantly destroys or mars something beautiful or valuable.

[ter-uh-riz-uh m]
1. The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

[boo l-ee]
1. A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

[koh-ur-shuh n]
1. The act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
2. Force or the power to use force in gaining compliance

Capt. Canada

Normal Poster
Local time
9:40 PM
Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
If you will think some more, you will realize there is no big difference in trusting whatever I will keep attacks if just unbanned (would make sense?nope) or just punished. So yeah things like these stand on pure trust.. do you have that much choice?
Just if you want to punish - do it fair, like to everyone else. Or issue, please, permanent bans to everyone whom you punish for TK, so no players at all will be left.
More moderation less double standarts.

Yeah, I have no idea what this means. The wording of it is so ridiculously confusing that it makes no sense. It sounds like you're promising to continue the attacks regardless of what we do, so my thinking some more would seem irrelevant.
And, the punishments have been fair. You were initially banned for teamkilling and then tried to circumvent your ban by using different keys. Your attacks on the server since then have earned you a permanent ban. What is more fair than that? Name any instance that actions taken against you were unfair. You have none.

Couldn't ignore this one - killing you with fire from without sa7 and even RPD hit range is my, and exclusively my crone thing. As for Mi8 - I usually fly them and shoot F4 instead.. try this - if you succeed, you will be 100% called a hack by someone.

Again, never seen you do this. I've seen you fly the F-4 quite a bit. I've even seen you fly the Mi-8 a few times, but if I recall correctly, you were getting killed a lot a few days ago.

You did ignore a good bit of what I said that would be the most relevant, and that is that the server numbers are not what they used to be...and this is because of you. Lots of the players from years past are no longer playing. The players who are playing now are probably not going to play if you're online. So, seems like you would be playing alone on an empty server without even a bot to kill.


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:40 AM
Aug 27, 2013
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Rochester New York / State of Massachusetts
You know I don't really play BFV much anymore, and I have not for several years. But enough so that I barely remember you. And if I remember correctly, you were a complete dick.

Anyway, so I went back and found you ban topics, and then your ban "appeals". And I laughed my ass off, not because of what you said, but because of how stupid you were in how you went about it and acted (like a 9 year old child).

In case, you or anyone else has forgotten/does know. Here is how this all started.

It really started back in April of 2013, when good_hash here got banned for 10 minutes by flowerpower for insulting. Immediately after which, good_hash cried on the forums over his ten minute ban.

Fast forward about 7 months, and good_hash get banned again. But this time for 24 hours, after good_hash team killed pinky for getting into the F4 Phantom before he could. Shortly after this, Good_hash made a series of topics where he pretty much said, "F*** you admins for banning me, I'm not sorry for what I did so unban me now." (for those who want to view these topics here they are:)


Considering your past history, the fact that 11 year-olds handle 6 months from a minecraft serer better than you have handled a 24 ban from BFV, and the fact that just a complete and pathetic dick, I hope they never unban you. In fact, I would rather see them willingly shut down the server just so you can not enjoy your precious obsession with BFV anymore. Considering many players would rather stop playing than have you return, I would not be surprised to see that happen.

Anyway, merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you!
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