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Elite Poster
Local time
2:54 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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Ok...so this took me forever but I finally got the software up and running for grabbing statistics from the server.

Check them out here: http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/index.php

It provides round scores, player info, rankings, kills, deaths, repair points, heal points, capture points, chat logs and much more.

For an example here is my player stat page: http://helloclan.eu/bfv/selectbf/php/player.php?id=278

You can see I've had 2386 kills, 2455 deaths and killed hellsfury 69 times! :) Although he has killed me 114 times. :(

You can also keep track of clans: http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/clans.php (I'll need to add the clan first though)

I'll be editing the page and making other changes but for now just have some fun exploring. :)

Oh, and the stats are only a month old so don't expect it to be for the full time you've played.



Elite Poster
Local time
2:54 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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Alright, so I've decided I should probably do a better job of explaining this now that I'm less "Great! I finally got this to work after months" and more "I have a responsibility to explain to people what this is, how it can be used and what it does".

Bear in mind these stats started on January 24th 2015 and will be updated from then on.

In short, every action that happens on the server, from chat to kills, is logged. Behind the scenes, this program will grab those logs, save them to a database and then display them in a nice readable way for us all.

The main page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/index.php)

This is where you get a general overview of the server. The highest scoring players (by default), the last games played, search functionality and navigation to other parts. By default the server ranks players based on their score, but by clicking the various categories you can sort it any way you like.

Points - I believe this is set via a custom algorithm which I haven't set so you can ignore this for now.
S/R - Score per round. This will rank people based on their average score per round.
Score - Total score. This will rank people based on all the points they've accumulated.
Kills - This will rank people based on their total kills.
Deaths - This will rank people based on their total deaths.
K/D - Kills vs Deaths. This will rank people based on the average amount of kills they have compared to their deaths per round.
Gold star - This will rank people based on how many times they've come first in a round.
Silver star - This will rank people based on how many times they've come second in a round.
Bronze star - This will rank people based on how many times they've come third in a round.
TKs - Teamkills. this will rank people based on how many times they've killed their teammates.
Attacks - This will rank people based on how many times they've conquered a basepoint. (Another gamemode/game maybe? Not seen it in BFV)
Captures - This will rank players based on how many flags they have captured.
Objectives - This will rank players based on how many objectives they've completed. (Probably another game/game mode)
Rounds - This will rank players based on how many rounds they've played.
Heals - This will rank players by how much healing they've done.
Repairs - This will rank players by how many repairs they've done.

The clan ranking page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/clans.php)

This page ranks clans based on the same choices as above. Currently, you'll only find -[HELLO]- clan as I have to add them manually (let me know If you want a clan added). If you then click on a clan you'll get the same stats but for the individual members that make it up.

The character-types page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/character.php)

This page tells you how many times a kit has been used and its percentage of all kit uses.
You'll also find the top repairers and healers; with total stats on how many times they've done it and for how long.

The weapons page http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/weapon.php)
This page hasn't been set up yet but will eventually (hopefully) show stats for each weapon. We'll be able to see the best person with an M16, knife, mortar, time bombs... You name it and it'll be there.

The vehicles page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/vehicle.php)

This page keeps track of how often vehicles are used and the seats that people take up. You'll find information on total drive time, the percentage of total drive time they take up, how often they've been used in total, the percentage of their usage, kills and percentage of kills when compared to other vehicles.
Everything you enter to use, including mortars, will be found here.

The maps page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/maps.php)
Please ignore the missing pictures, I will fix these over time.
The maps page shows information for each map. How many times the North or South Vietnamese aligned forces have won on the map, how many kills and deaths they have each map and the average number of tickets each team has left when they win.

You can click the map image, or the location the image should be, to get more detailed information which is explained further down this post.

The usage page (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/usage.php)

There is no link to this in the stats because, lets be honest, most of you wont care.
For the few who do though, it shows the percentage of total people who play at that hour, how many people join the server in that hour and the total amount of actual playtime that has occurred in that hour. (Sorry to those of you that play at 0100)

I believe all the times are based on the server location, which is Chicago.

On the main ranking page you can select or search players. (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/player.php?id=278 I've chosen myself here.)

On this page you'll find your chosen player's:
Name - The name they use.
Stats ID - The ID used to identify them.
Last seen - The date and time they were last seen.
Rounds played - The amount of rounds they have played.
Logged since - The date they were first logged in the stats.
Total score - Their total score.
Total kills - Their total kills.
Total deaths - Their total deaths.
Total TKs - Their total teamkills.
Awards - How many times they've come first, second or third in a round.
Heals - How long they've spent healing themselves and other players.
Repairs - How long they've spent repairing vehicles.

Here we have a list of all the names the player has used and how many times they've used it.

Character types:
Here we have the kits the player has used and how many times they've used that kit.

Here we have the list of weapons they've used, the kills they've made with it and the total percentage of the kills it makes up.

Top victims:
A list of the players this person has killed most and the total amount of their kills the player makes up.

Top assassins:
A list of the players this person has been killed by most and the total amount of deaths these players have caused them.

Favourite vehicles:
A list of the player's favourite vehicles, how long they've spent in that vehicle and the percentage of time they've spent in this vehicle compared to others.

Map performance:
A ranking based on their total score per map and the percentage of score this makes up.

Last games:
The last games this player has played. If you click on -[HELLO]-BFV | Allmaps in the server name you will get game specific details explained below.

The game page. (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/game.php?id=1503 I've chosen a game here)

This page will tell you the:
Game mod - BFVietnam
GameID - The ID for the game (each game will have a number 1 higher than the last)
Game mode - The mode that was played (conquest for all of ours)
Map - The map being played.
Game time - I assume how long the game is limited to.
Player limit - The total amount of players the server allows.
Score limit - The total score before the game ends.
Spawn time - How long people take to spawn.
Friendly fire (soldiers) - How much soldier friendly fire there was.
Friendly fire (vehicles) How much vehicle friendly fire there was.
TKs punished - How many teamkills were punished as opposed to forgiven.
Deathcam type - The deathcam setting we have.
A link for the chat of that round.

(Ignore round 1 as that is the game between the server setting it up and people joining so doesn't actually take place)

Round 2:
Here you will find:
When the game started.
How many tickets each team started with.
How many tickets each team ended with.
Who won the round.
The top 3 players for that round and their team then split into categories that include their score, kills, deaths and teamkills.
A breakdown of each team's players and their score, kills and deaths.
The time the game ended.

The individual map info (http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/map.php?m ... _con_thien I've chosen Con Thien)

Here you will find detailed information such as:
The amount of times each team has won a round.
The amount of kills and deaths each team has made.
The average number of tickets the winning team has remaining.
The 3 players with the best score on this map and info regarding their score, kills, deaths and teamkills at the time as well as a link to the game where they got this score and the time it happened.

You'll also find a ranking based on the highest total amount of kills, deaths and teamkills a player has.

All these stats will update daily whenever I can and hopefully they will update automatically every 10 minutes in the long term.

I think I've explained everything now but let me know if you have any questions.


Elite Poster
Local time
2:54 AM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
An update on this:

I've renamed 'Axis' to 'Communists' and 'Allies' to 'Capitalists'.
I've replaced the Axis and Allied flags with flags for the NVA and US respectively.
The weapons page now has a few weapon categories. I can add more or even have each weapon done individually so let me know what you want.
I've made the map names more readable.
I've fixed some of the names of players with special characters. If I've missed you please let me know as I'm not going to go through every player stat manually and check.

I've got to figure out the names it uses to load map images as so far only a few maps have images.
I've got to swap the 'Attacks' stat for 'Captures' as we don't use attacks in our game mode.


Elite Poster
Local time
2:54 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
Real Name
The stats now update themselves every 10 minutes. (This means the stats are now up-to-date including the FF weekend)
Most of the capture stats are done, the only one not currently functioning is "Top basepoint conquerors" becoming "Top flag capturers".

Still figure out the map images...
Fix the SQL query for flag capturing.
Anything else I find.


Elite Poster
Local time
2:54 AM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
The maps now all have images.

Just the sql query for now...but it likes throwing errors.

Info: Those of you with non-English characters in your name will see them removed from your name on the stats. I can't do anything about this as they get removed every time the stats update. The only solution, other than you changing your names, is to create a fake entry with a really high amount of fake uses so it uses that instead.


SucceededKiller said:
The maps now all have images.

Just the sql query for now...but it likes throwing errors.

Info: Those of you with non-English characters in your name will see them removed from your name on the stats. I can't do anything about this as they get removed every time the stats update. The only solution, other than you changing your names, is to create a fake entry with a really high amount of fake uses so it uses that instead.

The colour is a bit annoying. Maybe you could change to orange-ish to appear more like hello website.


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:54 AM
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
I can't get access to the stats web page. It says 404 error not found...