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GI 4Ever

Forum Rookie
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7:23 PM
Jul 30, 2010
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The issue of noobing and FF needs to be addressed.

Many players are always complaining about noobing which would end if FF was on. There would be consequences for noobing at your feet. And there should be penalties for FF kills.

I think this issue is as big as main rape if not bigger and a poll should be set up to hear eveyone's opinions.

Every other BF game i play FF is on.


Elite Poster
Local time
1:23 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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I don't think you can really compare friendly fire to mainrape.

A team's main base is where a majority of their essential vehicles are and, when that is under constant attack, the team is pretty much guaranteed a loss on air maps due to their lack of air support. No matter how good you are with a rifle, you are not going to win when a helicopter or plane has you in their sights.

There are 2 FF settings available:

One that will cause direct fire to damage their team.
One that will cause indirect fire to damage their team.

The direct one wont help when people shoot the ground, but it will result in any fire from machine guns and potentially any explosive that hits the target directly, damaging yourself/your team.

The indirect one will cause anything that does indirect damage such as rockets, explosives and mines to damage yourself/your team. Yes, it would stop people that shoot the ground but it would also mean anything else can do the same. A teammate running/driving over your placed mines will get you killed, tank/mortar shells will get you killed if they hit a teammate, napalm will get you killed. Not to mention people who will abuse the system to deliberately kill people on their team when something doesn't go their way.

Didn't get the plane/heli in time? Just blow it up! Seen someone laying mines who you don't like? Just drive over them!

Mainrape is relatively easy to enforce between the minimap and spectating the few players who are flying, but to watch every player and determine if a team kill is accident or deliberate would be really difficult, and admins would spend the entire game doing nothing but watching people play. We could also set the server up to auto kick after x teamkills, but again some innocent players could find themselves removed because another player is deliberately getting themselves killed.


Actually, you can set the indirect ff like to 40-60 % , so if someone has stepped on your Betty/mine you ll loose health, not die. This worked on 14dss server. Ppl used to use tactics, not to shoot their teammates in the back. Group up and think twice before act. Use LAW to shoot off rapers, not their feet dammit.With ff even m79 takes skill to use. Ask Tanka, she came from 14dss , but hello made a noob from her ... although tons of time on 14dss still makes her m79 monster :D

Yes, trolls existed on that server. But cheaters was the main reason for me to move here, since 14dss was a nocd..
These posts of me arelikely to be removed ...but I give you a chance to prove you're not immature Ryan :)

I think...you must turn the full ff on 100 .%
I recently spent an entire day playing this server, and I d say, u made a good job on having admin on almost EVERYTIME. About main rape they act like they should (almost always).So what's the problem with full ff? Manual kick ban for trolls, no feet shooting, admins work hard (takes a skill to be the one...kind of ), everyone (almost lol) is happy.
I'm just representing ppl opinion.

Make a poll at least, they ll tell by themselves. And promote in game. What's so hard?

Ps oh u say its hard to determine who is tk's on intend. It's not. If u see like free messages of TK in specific amount of time (3 mins for example) u warnkkickban etc
If no admin (which is rare case) ...ppl who got tked (noobs) will come here , and ull check logs. U made BARBAROS to come here n register lol. On server he have never spoken English b4
Local time
1:23 AM
Jan 23, 2012
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finally really people are starting to chime in on this matter that has been so gingerly avoided in the past.
if you cannot put on friendly fire for fear of people doing it on purpose, DISABLE the noob tubes.
I am so inclined to agree with hash and GI on this matter, as Many others who DO NOT visit the forums ALSO would agree. This game is so old that the people playing are no longer new, they have had years to aim a gun ingame, yet have chosen to extort the tube.
Put an end to the excessive noob tubing, quite very simply, if they shoot their feet for a kill, they should die too!!
just disable the noob tubes


Elite Poster
Local time
1:23 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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Disabling it would certainly be out of the question as the weapons have legitimate uses; shooting vehicles and firing behind walls are where these weapons are designed to be used. Can you imagine being attacked by tanks and having no long range defence?

What you want is for them to kill someone who shoots their feet, this would require it to do the full damage and therefore everything else to do the full damage. If a teammate runs over your mines, or into an area where you are firing a shell, it is not your fault but you will either die, or get a teamkill; and that's when it isn't done deliberately.

Maybe I can consider turning it on for a day or a weekend (although I believe this has been done in the past and ended badly), but I highly suspect that the negatives will vastly outweigh the few positives you hope to gain. During this time though I will not expect admins to admin all the time they are playing, as the sheer amount of potential accidental teamkills is likely to be high and they'd probably like to play the game occasionally.

Maxwell Smart

Forum Newbie
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1:23 AM
May 1, 2014
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The universe
I don't have much to say on this topic but I do think turning on FF for one day would be good to see how it works out. I think that it would end pretty badly but still we should try it. If it works out that would be great I am sick of all the noobing but I really think that it will be worse with it on than with it off. I think we will get sick of it after a while because noobs are just gonna noob no matter what, they don't care about points or anything they just like noobing so they are going to keep noobing even with FF on.

Capt. Canada

Normal Poster
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8:23 PM
Feb 11, 2014
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FF was on once a few months ago for no reason whatsoever, and it was hilarious...and tragic...mostly hilarious. I was getting teamkills left and right because some people simply refuse to press Q to see where teammates' leave presents. Accidents like that suck, but they would be part of the round.
At that point, much of the fighting became conventional (AK-47 and CAR-15) which was great as far as I was concerned except for the part that I couldn't hit water if I fell out of a freakin' boat.

The F4 guys would have to pay particular attention to their targets because napalm loves everyone; yesterday I was just dropping it on my own guys as part of defensive air support, but there is no telling how many of my own guys I would have killed.

I just have this vision of having to babysit all these guys who want to fly and kill each other endlessly to get a jet or a heli.


Forum Newbie
Local time
12:23 AM
Feb 6, 2012
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I don't know if it's a pain for SK to turn it on and off, but why don't we test a "Friendly Fire Friday" and see how it goes?
Local time
1:23 AM
Jan 23, 2012
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just put on FF and highlight warnings in server!
No TK on purpose! TK on purpose = Kick
Most players will do everything they can to Not TK. Most are about getting good scores.
We cant put on FF and not define rules either, That will fail for sure. We have to make sure there are Clear guidelines, if you TK on purpose, you will be kicked. If you continue to TK on purpose, you will serve a short ban.
Lets stop holding our peckers and talking about it, and lets do it.


Elite Poster
Local time
1:23 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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This isn't something we can just do without discussion though as it'll completely change how the game is played on the server.

Assuming I enable only the splash damage people are going to have to be very cautious with:

Huey missiles (pilot)
MI-8 missiles (pilot)
Hormone missiles (co-pilot)
Cobra missiles (pilot and co-pilot)
ACH missiles (co-pilot)
F4-Phantom missiles
F4-Phantom napalm
MIG-21 missiles
MIG-17 bombs
A7 Corsair bombs
AC-47 bombs
Betty bombs
Land mines
Time bombs
Mortar shells
Tank shells
M110 shells
M46 shells
ZSU flak
BM21 rockets
(If I missed some please point them out.)

This affects a lot more than just your average "foot-shooter" and a lot of the aforementioned weapons will kill by accident. (guided missiles have no Friend/Foe identification, players already don't watch for mines)

Admins will have their work cut out with the sheer amount of "x killed a teammate" notices which is why I said that they don't have to admin the entire time as they are also players, and would like to play the game at times and not deal with all the team kills this is sure to cause if enabled.

I will let players on the server know this discussion is taking place and based on that it will be decided whether we should trial friendly fire on, I expect, the 28th February-1st March weekend.

I've also moved the discussion over to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=6823&p=52276#p52276

So please continue the discussion there as it now has a poll and I can control how the first post is presented. Unfortunately, moving these posts into it will mess it up but there is a link to this thread in the new one.
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