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a fluffy kitten

Forum Newbie
Local time
7:25 AM
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
Simon was warned about calling people "fag", "gay", etc.
I asked him to stop, but he didn't.
He claims he didn't receive a warning but others saw it.
He came back and continued being disrespectful and was also abusive towards me.
I banned him for 24 hours.

Partial transcript attached below.

1/25/2015 22:53:06 : # [Global] Simon: possibly a warning next time dick
1/25/2015 22:53:13 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: k
1/25/2015 22:53:24 : Client: Said 'Warning'.
1/25/2015 22:53:25 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:53:30 : Player Simon fe89a14d7cec94822ae256a0e99b7272 [unknown] banned by afluffykitten until Mon Jan 26 22:53:30 2015 for using inappropriate language.
1/25/2015 22:53:30 : Client: Said '[BVSM] Simon banned for using inappropriate language'.
1/25/2015 22:53:30 : Client: Ban player Simon.
1/25/2015 22:53:31 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:53:31 : Server: Player Simon banned.
1/25/2015 22:53:31 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
1/25/2015 22:54:00 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: admin, i love you right now lol
1/25/2015 22:54:17 : # [Global] a fluffy kitten: excellent
1/25/2015 22:54:20 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-El Diablo-: so admin kicks a player for being called a dick'
1/25/2015 22:54:49 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Sapper: warned, kicked, banned
1/25/2015 22:54:49 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-El Diablo-: shut it flea bag
1/25/2015 22:54:49 : # [Global] a fluffy kitten: no, actually I warned him about calling people "fag:
1/25/2015 22:54:50 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: basically el diablo lol
1/25/2015 22:54:53 : # [Global] a fluffy kitten: and he kept at it
1/25/2015 22:55:11 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Sapper: i saw.. warned, kicked, baneed
1/25/2015 22:55:15 : # [Global] MAJ. DICK: this map sucks
1/25/2015 22:55:26 : # [Global] Player_0: RED TEAM??
1/25/2015 22:55:37 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-El Diablo-: go suck ur self MAJ.
1/25/2015 22:55:42 : # [Global] MAJ. DICK: i wanna get back to the jungle.
1/25/2015 22:55:43 : Client: Said 'as long as we respect each other, everything is fine'.
1/25/2015 22:55:43 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:56:12 : # [Global] MAJ. DICK: SUCK MY COCK DIABLO
1/25/2015 22:56:27 : Client: Said '[BVSM] MAJ. DICK please tone down your language'.
1/25/2015 22:56:27 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:56:28 : # [Global] MAJ. DICK: he started it
1/25/2015 22:56:38 : Client: Said '[BVSM] -El Diablo- please tone down your language'.
1/25/2015 22:56:38 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:56:44 : Client: Said 'let's just play'.
1/25/2015 22:56:45 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 22:56:54 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: Maj. Dick is a perfect example of our community of respect :)
1/25/2015 22:56:59 : Client: Said 'no need for insults and name calling'.
1/25/2015 22:56:59 : Server: Admin message sent.
Local time
7:25 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
first lets be Clear.... YOU NEVER WARNED ME FOR CALLING ANYONE A FAG....you just kicked me.
I returned as said, AS EVERYONE CAN SEE.... maybe a warning next time dick... and before I was even WARNED I got banned.
Regardless Even if I know better, Which I do, You MUST FOLLOW RULES AS ADMIN!

SK, And anyone else, I called this kid a hacking fag ONCE, and was kicked almost Instantly for it. there was No warning, regardless of what kitten is telling you.


Elite Poster
Local time
7:25 AM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
This is a copy of the logs from just before warning to ban from the server. (anything with no time stamp is from alternative logs. Writing in brackets are my comments)

2015-01-25 21:43:27 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Sapper: later bro

2015-01-25 21:43:36 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-El Diablo-: later braw

2015-01-25 21:43:49 : # [Global] Simon: gay

Simon: oh you fuckin tank noob

2015-01-25 21:44:54 : # [Global] AXL: WE DO NOT SWEAR HERE, SIMON

free w/papua: no we fucken dont cunt

2015-01-25 21:45:21 : User afluffykitten said '[BVSM] Simon please cease using map exploits'. (Wrong command I presume)

2015-01-25 21:45:28 : User afluffykitten said '[BVSM] Simon please tone down your language'. (I assume this is for "Simon: oh you fuckin tank noob"?)

2015-01-25 21:45:49 : User afluffykitten said '[BVSM] free w/papua please tone down your language'.

2015-01-25 21:48:40 : # [BLUE] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: HEY TRY SPAWNING NORTH

2015-01-25 21:48:45 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Sapper: lol


«ßÔß» §te®benJäger: spawn at our other base ffs

free w/papua: sick of you

2015-01-25 21:50:12 : # [RED] AXL: now

2015-01-25 21:50:12 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: : ]

2015-01-25 21:51:03 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-El Diablo-: free pupusas

2015-01-25 21:51:11 : # [Global] Simon: noob

(player6)«ßÔß» §te®benJäger: k

[USA]Archie Bunker: damnit

Simon: lmao hack fag

«ßÔß» §te®benJäger: k

2015-01-25 21:52:07 : # [Global] AXL: calling osha bout the lack of handrails

«ßÔß» §te®benJäger: k

2015-01-25 21:52:20 : User afluffykitten said '[BVSM] Simon kicked for using inappropriate language'. (I assume this was for "Simon: lmao hack fag")

2015-01-25 21:52:20 : User afluffykitten kicked player Simon for using inappropriate language.

(player6)«ßÔß» §te®benJäger:thanks

2015-01-25 21:52:45 : # [RED] Player_0: C4

Player_0: C4

2015-01-25 21:53:19 : # [RED] Player_0: WHERE IS RED TEAM?

2015-01-25 21:53:29 : # [Global] Simon: possibly a warning next time dick

2015-01-25 21:53:36 : # [Global] «ßÔß» §te®benJäger: k

2015-01-25 21:53:47 : User afluffykitten said 'Warning'.

2015-01-25 21:53:53 : User afluffykitten said '[BVSM] Simon banned for using inappropriate language'. (I assume this was for "Simon: possibly a warning next time dick")

2015-01-25 21:53:53 : Ban added on keyhash.

2015-01-25 21:53:53 : User afluffykitten banned player Simon until Mon Jan 26 21:53:53 2015 for using inappropriate language.
Local time
7:25 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
A warning for saying fkn tank noob...
6 minutes later kick for saying hack fag
banned upon my return requesting a warning next time dick

I always believed a warn kick, than warn ban system was the proper procedure.
And if I am being warned for this stuff, you might as well start banning half the players left.

I get the kick and ban, yet the guy telling diablo Out right to just suck his dick..... he gets a warning.
(Scratching head)
quite the system


Forum Newbie
Local time
6:25 AM
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Goodness me...

I have to say this certainly appears a gross overreaction by the admin.

Sometimes insults are made with banter, sometimes with malice, either way if the rules are clearly stated then perhaps the bans should be more clearly defined too, and stop with the arbitrary nature of punishment that has become de rigueur on this server.

A clear message to say "next insult will receive a ban" message, along with the same punishment for the other players might suffice and let players learn where the lines are drawn.

Given that fluffykitten is a relatively new admin, and that Toxic is an experience player, I think the majority of the server would agree that immediately lifting the ban would be fair and appropriate, and Toxic now knows fluffy's interpretation of the guidelines on using blue language.

If anything, Toxic should be warned for constantly changing his name, because it makes it much more difficult to gain satisfaction from killing him.

Mr Bojangles

Follow =UPEO= on Twitter!
(#Justice4Blackhawk, #BlackhawkMatters, #WalkForBlackhawk)


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:25 AM
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
=UPEO=Bojangles said:
If anything, Toxic should be warned for constantly changing his name, because it makes it much more difficult to gain satisfaction from killing him.

I just died :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Elite Poster
Local time
7:25 AM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
I think the main issue here is that there is no real guidelines for what should be classed as "insulting".

Technically, a load of the things said on the server could be classed as insults. "noob", "gay", "idiot" etc etc. however it's very rare that any of these things would be banned, kicked or even warned for.

Up until now it has been at an admins discretion for what is insulting however as each person is different it makes sense that there should be some sort of guidelines for what we do or don't allow. I'll try and get a post up later and we can all discuss the sort of language we would rather not see on the server and that which doesn't bother us.

There is also a post for the admins where we are going to discuss how we should interpret the rules so hopefully things like insulting, which are at an admins discretion, are upheld the same by us all.

When I admin I'm pretty relaxed regarding this rule even when they're targeted at me because they just don't make me feel insulted. I'll talk to them about it in game chat and intervene as an admin if it's excessive but a majority of the time no-one really seems genuinely offended and the chat could be a lot worse.

DTK, the problem with words like "nigga", "negro" etc is that it's practically impossible for us to know how it's meant so it's best not used at all. You might not mean it in a racist way, but someone else could, and it would not be fair for us to let some people say it but not others based on how they say they mean it and even then, it doesn't mean people can't take offense to it.

We are not very strict with our implementation of this rule, there are games where things like "noob" or telling your team that "they suck" could be seen as unsportsmanlike and get you bans from the chat; but in the end we are playing a war game, and pretty much everyone who plays it is accustomed to the sort of chat that accompanies this. Hopefully we can get a good overview soon of what we all see as insulting and then this rule can be enforced in a more uniform manner.


a fluffy kitten

Forum Newbie
Local time
7:25 AM
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
Actually, you didn't say "sup negro" - if you had, your intent would have been more obvious.
I've attached the log below so you can read what you said.

Anyway, I will accept your explanation that you were using this as a colloquial expression (ie "Damn, nigga") and not calling another player (a) "damn nigga". However, you may be able to see why that was not initially clear based on the way things went. Especially when you kept repeating the word "nigga" and "negro".

This could have been resolved much more easily if you had just said something like "sorry, I wasn't trying to offend anyone". However, after reading your messages I believe that you were not trying to offend. I consider this matter resolved and I hope that you will as well.

I look forward to seeing you in the server again.

Very best regards to you,

A. F. Kitten

1/25/2015 16:26:13 : # [Global] dtk: damn nigga.
1/25/2015 16:27:08 : # [Global] Blåçk Shëëp: dk, admin would not be happy to read that word
1/25/2015 16:27:28 : Client: Said '[BVSM] Please keep your language clean'.
1/25/2015 16:27:29 : Server: Admin message sent.
1/25/2015 16:27:30 : # [Global] dtk: nigga?
1/25/2015 16:27:32 : # [Global] Blåçk Shëëp: yes
1/25/2015 16:27:39 : # [Global] dtk: what's wrong with negro?
1/25/2015 16:27:40 : # [Global] Blåçk Shëëp: rule 1
1/25/2015 16:27:45 : # [Global] Blåçk Shëëp: read rule 1
1/25/2015 16:27:49 : Player dtk bca7d731d13199fd826e81ebb1b2af24 [unknown] kicked by afluffykitten for using inappropriate language.
1/25/2015 16:27:49 : Client: Said '[BVSM] dtk kicked for using inappropriate language'.

Capt. Canada

Normal Poster
Local time
2:25 AM
Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
I would like to weigh in on this even though I think it is more a matter of misunderstanding than anything else.

I've noticed that some admins tend to be quicker with warnings and sanctions than I am sometimes. From their perspective, they are being proactive and trying to prevent issues before they get out of hand. So, in circumstances such as this where they cannot measure the intent of a comment, they are acting on the side of caution so that no one gets offended. Sometimes, minor comments lead to more severe comments, and then there is a snowball effect. But then there is that recurring question of what each player might define as offensive. Very little bothers me greatly. Players call me all sorts of names ("Dirty Canuck," "stupid Canadian," "Sexiest Man Alive," etc.)...all cool. The point is, what might not bother me might be deemed as an insult by someone else. Yes, some players will push anything and escalate any situation, and then I have to react.

By the way, killed Osama the other day. It was really cool. You should have seen it.
Local time
7:25 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Capt. Canada said:
I would like to weigh in on this even though I think it is more a matter of misunderstanding than anything else.

I've noticed that some admins tend to be quicker with warnings and sanctions than I am sometimes. From their perspective, they are being proactive and trying to prevent issues before they get out of hand. So, in circumstances such as this where they cannot measure the intent of a comment, they are acting on the side of caution so that no one gets offended. Sometimes, minor comments lead to more severe comments, and then there is a snowball effect. But then there is that recurring question of what each player might define as offensive. Very little bothers me greatly. Players call me all sorts of names ("Dirty Canuck," "stupid Canadian," "Sexiest Man Alive," etc.)...all cool. The point is, what might not bother me might be deemed as an insult by someone else. Yes, some players will push anything and escalate any situation, and then I have to react.

By the way, killed Osama the other day. It was really cool. You should have seen it.

I only said that One time.... and sheeeeesh!! :) LOL
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