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Negative, Beta.
A. - negative

Yes, I can see the similarity in our '' Invansion'', but also, I can see your post is a very , very subjective view of the West coast.Why?Some authority (c) thoughts about Iraq.
In russia we have an info that Saddam didnt really had a chemical weapon, and the ppl who were killed by it, actually were killed by americans to proof their ''good purpose'', the great target of crusade.Ofc, its a russian view on the sit., but, if it exists, nobody can say that american view on Iraq War is truly.Same with Vietnam war.Same with Korea.Damnit, same with the WW2 - I ask you ,beta, who did the most job to fuck hitler up?
Ok, we now talk about Crimea.Of course,my friends, I agree that my government is very fucking corrupted, I agree that Old ukranian gov. was a Pro-Putin's .BUT.Haha.What Can I see?I dont watch news.Ukraine wanted to be in euro union.
So who commands the New ukranian gov.?Who'll answer, what is this new Pro-***'s government?

But it would be ok, if not another big BUT.New government is a NAZI, can u understand?They expell russians, and not only russians - kirgizians, kazahstanians, tatarins - everybody who were agains Hitla in WW2.From their country i mean.

So guys, dont you see the difference between:
Old Pro-Putin's government VS new Pro-EU governemnt?
Old government didnt do anything against any race.

And for me,as a russian, its not funny at all when somebody calls my country the 4th Reich or something.Turn on the brain duddies!

Last thing ,Dear Beta.
WE care about human rights - and thats why we defend the Crimea of the nazi Pro-Eu government.
Isnt that obvious?


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:29 PM
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City
To Good Hash,

Then who distributed the leaflets that tells all Jews in Eastern Ukraine they must identify and register themselves as such?

It's NOT the EU. Is that what the Russian Minister of Propaganda is telling it's people? :lol:

All of Putin's actions and rhetoric are damn near everything Hitler did/said before/after invading Poland in 1939.

Putin is a geopolitical threat with ambitions of reigniting the cold war. And, suffers from delusions of grandeur. At least Putin says what he means. Somewhat. President Obama is a gutless turd who spews forth empty threats and laughable sanctions to answer Putin's illegal invasion of Crimea. NATO is also gutless and so is the EU. The EU needs Russia for it's energy. Putin winning thus far.

I pray that history is not about to repeat itself in terms of Jewish persecution, this time solely by Russia, and a return to the Cold War.

Russia has started this whole mess. No two ways about it.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:29 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
The worst part?

Ukraine demilitarized, for the most part, to join NATO under the terms that NATO would back Ukraine if it's sovereignty was ever threatened. Well.... It's being threatened now!

NATO as limp as Obama.

Can't wait for Good Hash's rebuttal on the Jewish registration leaflet distribution in Pro-Russia eastern Ukraine.

Cause after all... It's everyone else around the world being brainwashed according to Hash's "logic". :lol:


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:29 AM
Jul 22, 2013
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Noone backed Czechoslovakia and Poland in the 30s, same will happen now... They dont want to mess with Russia and Putin knows it, thats why he is so agressive.

@Hash: I live in central Europe, my country has suffered Nazi regime during the war and what they got later was 40 years of communism and russian occupation... I know well enough how russians handle dominated nations. Dont believe everything they feed you with and, no offence, but use your brain a bit.


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:29 AM
Jul 22, 2013
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Bloodbath, those anti Jewish leaflets are just a trick for the people to think that the new government is neonazi... Russia will not persecute any Jews, I believe russian government is full of them. Anyway, Lenin was a Jew too.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:29 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
 A.  said:
Bloodbath, those anti Jewish leaflets are just a trick for the people to think that the new government is neonazi... Russia will not persecute any Jews, I believe russian government is full of them. Anyway, Lenin was a Jew too.

Let the world pray you're right, A. I mean that. :/


Blood, unfortunately I didnt heard about these leaflets, but Ill try to find out sometihng about it, now I cant discuss this becasue I dont know any facts .

But in any case ,this :
///''ll of Putin's actions and rhetoric are damn near everything Hitler did/said before/after invading Poland in 1939.

Putin is a geopolitical threat with ambitions of reigniting the cold war. And, suffers from delusions of grandeur. At least Putin says what he means. Somewhat. President Obama is a gutless turd who spews forth empty threats and laughable sanctions to answer Putin's illegal invasion of Crimea. NATO is also gutless and so is the EU. The EU needs Russia for it's energy. Putin winning thus far.'///'

is totally unproven.What threats?We say we defend ppl from nazi government, like you were doing in Iraq, or any american local war - whats the difference?Those countries werent protected by some pacts ?Tell us.

And the comparision Putin-Hitler is fabricated for the ppl masses like you,Bath, maybe that you might put your shoes on and get a gun and go fight for the DEMOCRACY,for the poor ukranians hahah

And I think NATO and EU is quite now not only becasue they scared of something -
but they know they are doing wrongs things.They are defending nazis.Bad way this time.

But thx for info about the lists,ill check it.

PS and yeah blood,most ppl are brainwashed.In every country,in russia in japan in zimbabwe everywhere.just try to build the inndependent vision of facts.Putin doesnt need to invade somewhere for getting his ranks high.He was a life president b4 lol.And dude we could not let to take our marina out of crimea.Its only defending - whos got killed by russians this century?and who was by usa?Answer please


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:29 AM
May 27, 2012
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GoodHash said:
But this:
http://rt.com/news/154544-slavyansk-fig ... t-ukraine/

Is not funny at all.
They shoot their own ppl and call em terrorists

How would you guys comment it?
I probably used the wrong choice of the word. I'm not saying this funny because of my country, I'm saying that this happened ever since and now big actions are occurring.


Normal Poster
Local time
2:29 AM
May 28, 2012
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Real Name
Wayne Campbell
Well this just in http://news.yahoo.com/us-troops-land-la ... 54490.html After watching that, I'm honestly smelling Vietnam (which I know no one likes to hear). A stupid war started by a group of democrats who have not a fucking clue on how to handle foreign policies, funny that's the exact state we were in for Vietnam, and the same here. The thing is we would be fighting Russian Separatists, supplied by Russia, a great military might. All I can say is...God Help Us NATO. The fact of them coming down and invading is quite.. unlikely but with Russia, and really any country or situation, Expect the Unexpected. Finland-Norway is protected etc. by the marines placed there a while ago under Reagans foreign policy. 600 Troops isn't much, its just a waver of the balls Obama thinks he has, and Putin knows he doesn't have, I would agree that appeasement is spineless and would result into WWIII. All I see it is a message to Poland really, Poland wanting American troop movement on their ground, because of history being, well Russia doesn't like Poland or Czech Rep. etc. I'm not sure what to say, I just thought I would throw this one out there, because I recently found out about it and felt it's pretty damn important