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Forum Newbie
Local time
7:33 PM
Aug 1, 2013
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America will roll over so fast Putin's head will spin.


For me,it would be nice if Crimea joined Russia .i think they will cause the governement of Ukraine is nazi now,after the president escaped to Russia .new government won't do something good to crimea's ppl,so, I bet it's Russia now hehe.btw turkey may ask for this territory;there was a pact about it after Russian-turkey war;but it was 300 years ago so I doubt turkey will try to get it.pretty cheap beaches there :)


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:33 AM
Jul 22, 2013
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Another "nice thing" is, that there are practically two referendums: one for Crimea and one for Sevastopol alone. For Crimea, there are 2 questions. "Do you want Crimea to split from Ukraine and be a part of Russia (Y/N)" and "Do you want Crimea to be an independent territory (Y/N)". But in Sevastopol, they ask only the first question....

...but this kind of action will not suffice by law. AFAIK both, the Ukrainian and Russian, constitutions require an agreement between the governments in cases like this. Referendum is not enough (and thank god it isnt, it would become precedent). Not to mention that eastern parts of Ukraine were relatively peaceful.

DTK, I will try to give at least a partial answer.
1) Putin didnt deny that the forces were russian, he said they were not military! That they were only support troops (but its obvious he lied at the first glance, on photos you see relatively new russian jeeps and equipment). He even claimed that most of them are from Sevastopol base. But by the agreement they have with ukrainian government, soldiers from Sevastopol arent allowed to leave the base armed. No matter what he says, it is an invasion.


Dtk , I guess it's a secret thing about why mr Putin is liyng(or he is just waiting for a moment of truth), but I think he doesn't say because he tries to avoid an attackes / discrimination on ppl who support Russia and old Ukraine government ...I can explain it ..all this Ukraine crisis stArted after the sniper shooting in Kiev..idk what western tv says but I think these snipers was the guys who payed by opposite forces , which are payed by West.(Eu/USA).
I'm sure that Crimea will join Russia, BUT, as soon as it didn't happen new Ukraine government may try to scare or accuse or put in jail or even execute ppl who wants to be Russians. And I'm saying it not because of these snipers shit but because these nazi government are torturing old senators, they burn the police officers who don't want to do their orders ,burn ALIVE with Molotov !this is not bs , if u ask I can translate some Russian news abou it..I think Our soldiers(Russians) defend crimea's ppl.

And really I don't know what will happen if these nazis will keep to rule country...old government(mr Yanukovich) owns us about 2 billions $ for gas;it's a big money for the small and corrupted country like Ukraine ..if they ll join EU, Europe will give em a credits, but how will they pay it back?

And the most thing pissing me off in all this shot that USA already gave these radical government 1 billion for support, although there are a string in American law that they can't sponsore any government which came to power by overthrowing the valid president!!i don't understand does USA want a WW3 or what. ?

Now it's your time to tell me some American view, pal :) and what about Usa news? They call Putin a pig ? :D

As for me I used to live in Moscow but now I'd move to a little town near it..


Grand Master
Local time
4:33 AM
Sep 27, 2010
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the Netherlands
Surrounding Ukrainian military bases is obviously Russian aggression. I think everyone understands that this Crimean referendum will be far from fair, it will probably be just as 'fair' as the Russian elections. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done about it at this point. A military intervention is no option, risking a further escalation of the situation would be stupidity. I do believe that economic sanctions would be in order.


Crisis is other?when will eu and Obama acknowledge the fact we have the Crimea ?will be interesting to hear your thoughts/what western news tells.
Btw I don't think it was an invansion...Iraq was..libia...Kosovo ...Yugoslav ..USA was killing innocent people ..but here...not even a shot..no deaths..referendum..why do u call it invansion?and what USA/eu news talk about new nazi government?we,russian,cebrate a day of the victory in ww2 every may ,9th...and new government...they want to remove it and make a mourning day ...about ppl who died during the "soviet occupation" of ukraine...isnt that sick they make a heroes of fashist?would be interesting to know that 2


Normal Poster
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2:33 AM
May 28, 2012
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Real Name
Wayne Campbell
deeteekay said:
CommandoBeta said:
Surrounding Ukrainian military bases is obviously Russian aggression. I think everyone understands that this Crimean referendum will be far from fair, it will probably be just as 'fair' as the Russian elections. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done about it at this point. A military intervention is no option, risking a further escalation of the situation would be stupidity. I do believe that economic sanctions would be in order.

Regardless if it's fair or not, Crimea is certain to leave Ukraine because a majority support Crimean secession from Ukraine.

Same could be said about the Russian elections you mentioned. Regardless if those claims of "widespread fraud" were true or not, Putin would've won either way because a majority of Russians supported and voted for him.
Ha DTK, I like your picture, nice rifle he's holding there. I think I have some of Marine Force Recon somewhere. Either way, The border towns to Russia are always a little muddy on their loyalty, for the simple fact they are easily accessed by Russians, it just so happens the Crimean Peninsula was in a way, a border town to Russia. I agree with beta, Economic sanctions would be the only suitable way to assist Ukraine, although strapping them into billions of dollars into debt isn't wise either. We (America) seem to have an issue with debt, we like it, so much so as were willing to loan every dime we have to our enemy. The way I see it is, as any Russian leader, Putin wants to regain that old USSR. While the U.S. being in its current condition having no Foreign policy what-so-ever, is sitting with our hands tied behind our back watching. The only choice would be military actions, and that would lead to a full out war between America and Russia, if not a World War. The deciding victor of either of those conflicts is quite unclear as current world standings, are what they are, but my gut feeling would be a "Minor Victory" on Russia side, knowing America doesn't easily roll over (or at least it didn't). Back to Crimean Peninsula 'Crisis'. As I said its just, as any Russian leader has done, that wanting to restore the USSR. Whatever lame excuse for the fireworks war, I don't mind. As long as this doesn't lead to a Sudetenland situation, I don't see a problem. And for you DTK here is the one good picture of Marine Force Recon I can find:



Forum Newbie
Local time
8:33 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
mRoRange said:
Looks like remnants of the cold war if you ask me.

I couldn't agree more, Mr.O. From what I've seen and know, Putin is cold war KGB thru & thru. Plus, he knows America is weak with Obama in the WH and that the EU is very dependent on Russia for energy. How far will America, more importantly the EU, go in terms of sanctions? Such a delicate matter, one of which Putin is winning by the day. Just today Putin increased the costs of natural gas and energy to Ukraine by 26%! Their economy already on the verge on bankruptcy. This land grab by Putin is starting to look a lot like when the Nazi's invaded Poland in 1939. Similar set of circumstances and reasoning according to Putin's logic. In light of Russia's actions, North Korea becoming increasingly provocative again, same with Iran. Anything they can do to stick to Obama. They know he's weak and his foreign policy based on delusional thinking.

What's the next step in this crisis? We shall see.

I hope Obama grows a pair of nuts and goes ahead with building the missile defense shield in Poland. A plan that Obama himself shelved in order to hit that "reset button" with a country run by a megalomaniac war monger.


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:33 PM
Sep 21, 2010
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Islip, New York
Real Name
Thomas Ellensohn
bloodbath311 said:
mRoRange said:
Looks like remnants of the cold war if you ask me.

I couldn't agree more, Mr.O. From what I've seen and know, Putin is cold war KGB thru & thru. Plus, he knows America is weak with Obama in the WH and that the EU is very dependent on Russia for energy. How far will America, more importantly the EU, go in terms of sanctions? Such a delicate matter, one of which Putin is winning by the day. Just today Putin increased the costs of natural gas and energy to Ukraine by 26%! Their economy already on the verge on bankruptcy. This land grab by Putin is starting to look a lot like when the Nazi's invaded Poland in 1939. Similar set of circumstances and reasoning according to Putin's logic. In light of Russia's actions, North Korea becoming increasingly provocative again, same with Iran. Anything they can do to stick to Obama. They know he's weak and his foreign policy based on delusional thinking.

What's the next step in this crisis? We shall see.

I hope Obama grows a pair of nuts and goes ahead with building the missile defense shield in Poland. A plan that Obama himself shelved in order to hit that "reset button" with a country run by a megalomaniac war monger.

Exactly what I was thinking about... Its said history repeats itself and the democrats are going to give into Putin's aggression just like they did with Hitler (Who later proved that Democracy was weak) and left him to drooling for more land



Thx for your comment dtk, but I d like to make remark for everybody : this ""invansion were made to defend Russians in the NewNaziUkraine.

So many patriots of Ukraine I see here...HA HA

Funny that only comrade dtk replied to my comment about USA democratic"" wars like Kosovo etc etc.

But all these words like putinUgend and drooling monger...I'm mad now guys

Have you been in Ukraine this year?
Do you fucking know how they act there with Russians ?
Did you ever hear about the "Right Sector" organization?

I know, all answers are NO.so why the fuck are you calling my beloved president a Hitler?if Crimea situation reminds you Poland '39 ill explain why its only the way of thinking your government want to implant in your brain by media.

There were not any honorable reasons for hitler to capture Poland..no new non-legitgovernment or nuclear weapon (lol Iraq ) , only Jews .
So , by calling Putin a hitler you mean that the new ua gov are Jews and we are fin nazis? Answer please.

As I said b4 its defending Russians and all ppl of nazi repressions.Today,if u decided to go to Ukraine from Moscow by train, when ull arrive these Right sector guys will take your passport and cut it to piecies , then they will take all your money and after this who are you without passport?INVADER!after that they may do what anything.and nobody will proof anything ,man without document is an animal.Great democracy you support, my American friends , congrats.

As a result here I post the reasons :
Why did we take Crimea back ?
1.non legit ua government support nazis
2.nazi right sector captured the government
3.deaths and shooting in Kiev;we are still scared of it in Crimea
4.results of referendum - 97% crimeans are scared to stay in Ukraine.

And guys, Ukraine is not eu yet,so what the fucking business USA may have there? Answer please.

Anyway,it's me who mad a bit, Putin doesn't care - most of the world is on the russian's oil syrange, so all this stupid
sanctions..just a nonsence.

I don't want war and I hope our politicians will solve this like old buddies.so I won't comment "what if ww3 ll start?"

Sorry if I'd ignore somebody, too long post.

And don't judge me



Forum Newbie
Local time
7:33 PM
Nov 18, 2012
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My good gentlemen,

My view is that if Russia wishes to invade and annex parts of Ukraine, let them do so. I don't understand why the fucked US government thinks they need to intervene and waste money, why they think this is any of our business. None of this affects me or the average US citizen in any way.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:33 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
kowalski said:
My good gentlemen,

My view is that if Russia wishes to invade and annex parts of Ukraine, let them do so. I don't understand why the fucked US government thinks they need to intervene and waste money, why they think this is any of our business. None of this affects me or the average US citizen in any way.

I agree with you to a point, Kow. However, it will affect you, me and everyone if this land grab by Putin doesn't end with Crimea. World stock markets will plummet if this continues and gets worse. This means we'll all be paying out the wazoo for gas (could top at $20 or more per gallon) and grocery prices going thru the roof. If the world markets react negatively to growing tensions throughout the globe, we are all very, very "effed".

Wouldn't even need to be a nuclear, or even a ground war. Would be to see who come sustain the economic impact the longest. No one wins. America could sustain longer than Russia. But not if China and India back Russia. If all our US allies back us, it's a stalemate of galactic proportions.

This is not a good situation


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:33 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
What's the next step in this crisis? We shall see.

I hope Obama grows a pair of nuts and goes ahead with building the missile defense shield in Poland. A plan that Obama himself shelved in order to hit that "reset button" with a country run by a megalomaniac war monger.[/quote]

Exactly what I was thinking about... Its said history repeats itself and the democrats are going to give into Putin's aggression just like they did with Hitler (Who later proved that Democracy was weak) and left him to drooling for more land


To suggest that Putin is seeking to obtain more land is nonsensical. Crimea is important to Russia's interests, therefore they seized it in order to safeguard them before the new "democratic" government in Kiev could get on its feet. Does that make it legal or right? Of course not. But who are we, as westerners, to judge others on what's legal or not? The US and the UK invaded Iraq on phony pretenses, which in the end left 5,000 Americans dead, 500,000 Iraqis dead, and on going chaos in the country. The CIA is arming "moderates" in Syria, many of whom share alliances with known terror organizations. We (as in Americans) continue to use drones on targets in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, often leading to civilian deaths. It's double standards all around.[/quote]

DTK, the difference is that America and the UK gave back all land they invaded on intelligence that ALL of NATO signed off on.

Russia isn't giving Crimea back.

Again I go back to the world market situation. This is volatile and bad for everyone. Putin trying to manipulate a very delicate situation to his favor. Cause it's a delicate economy and America has a weak WH.

Look at all the instability right now worldwide due to a weaker America. I sure as hell don't want to be the world police! But, we need to stave off the Putin conflict before it worsens. Putin is arrogant and power hungry.

He won't stop with Crimea. And the world will react, somehow, to all of our own peril.


Hm..I just thought..ukraine will gone soon..as an independent state
So who will get profit of it?
There many ways of developments

//Oh sorry im banned here, but let me know your opinion
as much as possible western views on this situation/

1 way is split of this country in the middle of it's map - 1 piece to russia and 1 to westerners.Probably good for everyone.
2 way is an integration into eu - not an independent state .Probably good for westerners - many ground to place AntiMissileDefence.Hm..and we got only more money for the gas.Seems like a win of the west coast.
3rd way - new nazi government fucks ukranians up, and runs in some ..in Uk i guess.Ofcurse, before Ukraine come into eu.What we gonna do ?A little war to kill all survivded nazi and take all ukraine back!.More borders are always good - win of mr P.(toxic is noob or just hater hehe ).
3.1 same shit like ive described b4(even me dont believe it but anyway),but after Ua goes into Eu.Puppet Eu puts their puppet government on and makes the same AMD shit.Win of Mr Ob'ey.Shit.
The 4th way, and fuckest one.WW3.like in 1914.I dont want to belive,But Russia wins with the help of China.
But then Russia looses in the territory war with China.The end of a white man's era.hehe

So, yeah,my thoughts are crazy and maybe not proven - but what do u think, dear westerners?
Would be interesting to see the level of your brainwash ))
Or clean?


Yeah,dee, i dont wanna war,ofc!
but what we, ordniary ppl, may do with that?
we dont have a vote my friend
only SVD has a vote
i see not many ways- die for ..for anything,in war?
or just trying to make some more money,which are very shit dirty and bloody
kbut di u know somehing better? ))

PS u were talking about war,did u ?


Lets just watch for now.
Ukraine just forbidded the entrance for russians
what will be when it will join Eu ?))


Grand Master
Local time
4:33 AM
Sep 27, 2010
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the Netherlands
I don't see why conquering countries should be tolerated because of the invasion of Iraq. This is a very dangerous way of thinking because it ignores the circumstances of both these invasions. Iraq was being run by a dictator that was in many ways not worse than Hitler. The attrocities he commited to his people were something you'd expect in Game of Thrones, not in a 21st century country. You should read more about the son of Hussein, who liked killing random people in the streets of Iraq's capital. Saddam was killed, his regime was ended, and all his corrupt henchmen were sent home. Iraq is now an independent country.

Crimea was being run by a corrupt pro-Russian government. When the people of Ukraine finally revolted against their government, Putin feared he might lose his semi-colony. He therefore invaded it, forged a referendum, and is now preparing to colonize it. I don't see how these two can be likened to each other, or why the second should be forgiven because of the first.

As for this being the problem of Ukraine and Russia and not of the rest of the world, the comparison with the 1930's is easily made.

Both Putin and Hitler were elected democratically.
Both of them greatly increased their powers to the point where they were virtually dictators.
Both want to restore the former glory of their country.
Both don't care about human rights.
Both are willing to invade countries to become more powerful.
Both are not being punished by the international community for this, because everyone figures 'he'll stop now'.

The term appeasement was used here before, and I think it's perfect to describe the current situation.


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:33 AM
Jul 22, 2013
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The comparison to 1938 Sudety crisis is frighteningly similar, even more when it is silently tolerated by the rest of the world. Putin needs to be put in his place or he will continue to act like this... like Hitler did in the 30s and noone reacted