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I Lied, What's New, Sorry


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:11 PM
Nov 18, 2012
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Alright here's the deal. I lied and I am sorry I did it. In my "last" post, I said that it was all me and that Spirit followed me and I was the driving force behind the trolling. I was partly inclined to make this post when I saw chat between Spirit and FLOWERPOWER where Flower said something about "kow being the enabler". Seeing that admins like Flower and SK would be willing to maybe unban her someday, I decided that I'd just give her my support and take the hit, maybe the admins would be more likely to believe that. I was wrong, and I am sorry I lied.

It was her that always wanted to troll, her that came up with most of the names and material to troll. Not denying guilt, but I am denying that I was the "enabler" and the main threat.

The reason I am making this post is because I recently was playing on 360 server with her and other players, and her behavior was totally undeserving of my sacrifice for her. She was mimicking and trolling me, and tk-ing me, all after telling me that she was going to change. She has said she would change multiple times and it never happened. I tried to turn her and it failed every time. I regret saying what I did for her.

This isn't an unban plea from me, I am not asking for that. I am simply reversing what I said and telling the real truth. If I could take back what I said, then I would. Know that now.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:11 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
I was at 360 server during this and can vouch for Kowalski. He kept his game/name outta the mud while others didn't. Those begging for pleas of mercy really do not deserve it at this time. I'm sorry to say.


Elite Poster
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2:11 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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I've got to say, I'm disappointed to hear this. Spirit tells me she'll act mature if she's unbanned, that she'll change, and then this...but I guess I'm not all that surprised.

If any of you have logs, or the ability to get them, that would be great.

Local time
3:11 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I Rarely keep my remote manager open, so unfortunately I cannot produce logs for you SK.
However I too was there with spirit and Kowalski and blood playing hastings, and witnessed her actions and verbal assaults at Kowalski. As much as I like spirit, she acts like a 10 yr old, and I believe in kowalskis case, she easily drags him into her world of deceit.
Without logs, I cannot do much but also vouch for him in this situation. As I was there, and also witnessed her actions towards him.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:11 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
toxic2 said:
I Rarely keep my remote manager open, so unfortunately I cannot produce logs for you SK.
However I too was there with spirit and Kowalski and blood playing hastings, and witnessed her actions and verbal assaults at Kowalski. As much as I like spirit, she acts like a 10 yr old, and I believe in kowalskis case, she easily drags him into her world of deceit.
Without logs, I cannot do much but also vouch for him in this situation. As I was there, and also witnessed her actions towards him.

Yeah, Kowalski was trying to do the honorable thing in taking full blame, originally, for both he and Spirits actions. She too had convinced him that she had changed and that she regretted her actions leading towards her ban. Kowalski felt that because he has a strained relationship with both SK and FLOWER and maybe another admin, that any attempts to clear his own name were in fact futile.

Fast forward to last night and Spirit was vicious to Kowalski. For no reason other than the fact I think she might've been trying to impress some other people. Talk about shitting where you eat! Kowalski falls on a sword for her and this is how re repays that kindness? Let alone the other things she calling other people as well. Everything you banned her for, SK, is EXACTLY what she was doing last night. Complete with racial slurs and personal attacks.

Kowalski never wallowed in the mud with her. No instigating, no prompting her actions. She is her own worst enemy right now. And has been for the last few months. I can personally say that on several occasions at HELLO, before the ban, Kow would in fact try to discourage her behavior. If anyone were the pied piper in the whole situation, from its inception to the ban, is all Spirits. I like Spirit but as Toxic so well said, she acts like a 10 year old.


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:11 AM
Oct 23, 2013
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lol looks who's back... now i keep hearing things about this and thought you would like to know from what experience ive had with them. yes spirit is a troll, everyone knew that. from seeing what kow has said, doing the honerable thing and falling on the sword for her, then changing his mind just seems like a lovers quarrel. kow was never forced to do anything and did it on his own free will. from the interactions i saw and have been told about it seems like kow had a thing for her and was why he did the things he did. the way i see it, both are at fault and shouldnt have to have a lovers quarrel on here.

also hey tox, blood and sk :D


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:11 AM
May 27, 2012
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Lt.Crazyman said:
lol looks who's back... now i keep hearing things about this and thought you would like to know from what experience ive had with them. yes spirit is a troll, everyone knew that. from seeing what kow has said, doing the honerable thing and falling on the sword for her, then changing his mind just seems like a lovers quarrel. kow was never forced to do anything and did it on his own free will. from the interactions i saw and have been told about it seems like kow had a thing for her and was why he did the things he did. the way i see it, both are at fault and shouldnt have to have a lovers quarrel on here.

also hey tox, blood and sk :D
don't forget me...


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:11 AM
Oct 23, 2013
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lol hey deadly :p thought you were quitting bfv


Forum Newbie
Local time
2:11 AM
Oct 23, 2013
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lmao, might make an apperance at some point in the future, busy with a minecraft server atm


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:11 PM
Oct 25, 2013
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Kansas City
Lt.Crazyman said:
lol looks who's back... now i keep hearing things about this and thought you would like to know from what experience ive had with them. yes spirit is a troll, everyone knew that. from seeing what kow has said, doing the honerable thing and falling on the sword for her, then changing his mind just seems like a lovers quarrel. kow was never forced to do anything and did it on his own free will. from the interactions i saw and have been told about it seems like kow had a thing for her and was why he did the things he did. the way i see it, both are at fault and shouldnt have to have a lovers quarrel on here.

also hey tox, blood and sk :D

No one is excusing Kowalski's behavior. I was merely stating that he was initially taking full blame for all of the misdeeds because it really rattled her cage when she got the ban. Kow, having beef with other admins, thought that to try and clear his name was a "no-go". Therefore, he threw his backing behind a supposedly repentant Spirit. We found out last night that she has changed not one bit.

No one excusing Kow's behavior either. He's a big boy. He knows he fucked up. And he did! For whatever reasons Kow gave in to the temptation to be a butthead is neither here nor there. He did earn his ban. No one held a gun to his head and he knows that.

The dynamics have now shifted. Spirit shit all over Kowalski. Especially after he was willing to take full blame for BOTH their actions all so her ban could be lifted sooner than later. Spirit abandoned the unspoken principle of not shitting where you eat. Her attacks on Kow at 360 server on 10/26/13 can't be explained by me. And Kowalski simply decided not to take full responsibility, rightfully so to I might add, for someone that doesn't seem to "get it" or value a friend and his sacrifice.

I'm not gonna sit here and say anymore about her. I've said my peace. Spirit is a great person. If she can truly go back to what she use to be several months ago I say lift the ban if up to me. She's no where close. Not yet.

If Kow can distance himself from her and vice versa, they'll both be fine. I believe Kow, though, has the best chance of being able to come back to HELLO sooner than later. As we all know though its not up to me. I'm just weighing in and giving my opinion as to whom really deserves another chance.


Ok I'm gonna make it simple for everyone. Yep, I'm the asshole who trolled. Im the one with all the ideas of trolling, Yep I forced Kowa into everything. I acted like a 10 year old no maybe 9 in a half. No logs needed, Ill tell you everything right now. I tked him, thinking is was funny but OBVIOUSLY he took it a lil bit to serious. I remember someone saying "it's just a game". Ehhh guess not if everyone is taking this shit cereal. Hey guess what?! Im the one who told Kowa to glitch and to troll(i though of the names skk)(when we were trolling as toxic and kenzie and were on TS, he was asking me what to say, and i told him exactly everything he typed down) I manipulated him; to be naughty. Everyone here is correct about what they said about me; Sk, Kow, Toxic and Blood. I probably will not change anytime soon... I seriously needed a ban before more bad things would have happened. I got what I deserved... Sad to say but its the truth (rite now I should be watching walking dead). I just want to say it Kowa lied for me after I told him not to. I said we are in this together. But that all changed. Kowa should be unbanned in time. As for me, do whatever your hearts desire <3.


Forum Rookie
Local time
2:11 AM
May 27, 2012
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Spirit said:
Ok I'm gonna make it simple for everyone. Yep, I'm the asshole who trolled. Im the one with all the ideas of trolling, Yep I forced Kowa into everything. I acted like a 10 year old no maybe 9 in a half. No logs needed, Ill tell you everything right now. I tked him, thinking is was funny but OBVIOUSLY he took it a lil bit to serious. I remember someone saying "it's just a game". Ehhh guess not if everyone is taking this shit cereal. Hey guess what?! Im the one who told Kowa to glitch and to troll(i though of the names skk)(when we were trolling as toxic and kenzie and were on TS, he was asking me what to say, and i told him exactly everything he typed down) I manipulated him; to be naughty. Everyone here is correct about what they said about me; Sk, Kow, Toxic and Blood. I probably will not change anytime soon... I seriously needed a ban before more bad things would have happened. I got what I deserved... Sad to say but its the truth (rite now I should be watching walking dead). I just want to say it Kowa lied for me after I told him not to. I said we are in this together. But that all changed. Kowa should be unbanned in time. As for me, do whatever your hearts desire <3.
I was the one who kept saying "it just a game" lol few month ago


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:11 PM
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City
Spirit said:
Ok I'm gonna make it simple for everyone. Yep, I'm the asshole who trolled. Im the one with all the ideas of trolling, Yep I forced Kowa into everything. I acted like a 10 year old no maybe 9 in a half. No logs needed, Ill tell you everything right now. I tked him, thinking is was funny but OBVIOUSLY he took it a lil bit to serious. I remember someone saying "it's just a game". Ehhh guess not if everyone is taking this shit cereal. Hey guess what?! Im the one who told Kowa to glitch and to troll(i though of the names skk)(when we were trolling as toxic and kenzie and were on TS, he was asking me what to say, and i told him exactly everything he typed down) I manipulated him; to be naughty. Everyone here is correct about what they said about me; Sk, Kow, Toxic and Blood. I probably will not change anytime soon... I seriously needed a ban before more bad things would have happened. I got what I deserved... Sad to say but its the truth (rite now I should be watching walking dead). I just want to say it Kowa lied for me after I told him not to. I said we are in this together. But that all changed. Kowa should be unbanned in time. As for me, do whatever your hearts desire <3.

No one blamed you solely for what Kow did. Just saying that you haven't learned a damn thing from your ban. You tell people you've changed and there you were last night shitting on the person that fell on the sword for you, on top of dropping "n" bombs galore.

Now would be a great time to reflect and absorb what you're hearing.

If you would've been the slightest bit grateful, the slightest bit different (like the old you), Kow would've never taken back what he tried to do for you. You spit in his fucking face to impress others.

If you want another chance like you've so desperately claimed, then show it!

At least Kow tried to do something nice for you. And, didn't take it to the gutter last night or once since his ban. It's the truth. You let yourself down last night with your typical shit that got you banned in the 1st place.

Kow simply decided that you didn't deserve the sacrifice he tried to make for you.

Don't get on here all pissed off cause you shit in your own cereal and hate the taste.


I totally agree with ya blood. 100%. But I told kowa NOT to lie for me, what does he do? Lies. Yea blood gotta find the "old" me.. the non troller. She's somewhere in there, just gotta dig deep enough to find her. Like I said, it's probably gonna take some time. But blood, I truely don't understand what you're talking about when you said "you spit in his fucking face to impress others". I like kowa, I would never do that in million years, I was just playin around but he was to blinde to see it. He took everything the wrong way.

GI 4Ever

Forum Rookie
Local time
9:11 PM
Jul 30, 2010
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Hi Spirit, how r u?
It's too bad for the way you guys were acting. It's puts a blemish on the clan's reputation. We want all people, young and old, to enjoy their time playing on the -[HELLO]- server, so that's why we have rules in place and can't tolerate that type of behaviour. It's great having you on the server when your calm, you are a great player! Like I told you, the game is not the same without you! But I think you need a little lesson.

If it were my call, ban until Dec. 25, 2013 and give Spirit her last "Last Entry to -[HELLO]- server" ticket for a Christmas present. :O

Let's not forget how many times osama was banned! :? and forgiven!

Well, that's my buck fifty!