Hey guys i found a website and downloaded a SAFE CLEAN software and i chaneg the path toward to my usb lash drive and now i can play Counter strike on my USB anywhere! The version is 1.6 and the multiplayer works! Everything preaty much works... and maybe i can finally record my gameplay of me being a "neiwb" for YT so... keep your eye open
Here the link:
Enjoy! And if you want to put it on USB just download a couple first steps then when a counter strike pop-up comes by click "Agree" then click "change path" and go click computer and you would see your usb flash drive in the list then click on that till it higlited and then click OK then just wait for roughly around 15 min till it done putting all the file into the USB.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you click download for counter strike pop-up thingy you CAN NOT CLCIK CANCLE! That button deosnt do anything. CSS Version 1.6 Steam
Thank You! =)
Enjoy! And if you want to put it on USB just download a couple first steps then when a counter strike pop-up comes by click "Agree" then click "change path" and go click computer and you would see your usb flash drive in the list then click on that till it higlited and then click OK then just wait for roughly around 15 min till it done putting all the file into the USB.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you click download for counter strike pop-up thingy you CAN NOT CLCIK CANCLE! That button deosnt do anything. CSS Version 1.6 Steam
Thank You! =)