I know how to make a movie out of this. Soldiers jump off the plane and do
not deploy their parachutes. Then marines take off in chinook. The end. Who are the marines and
where's my horse? To be continued, wait for the sequel.
Part II. One smart and elite marine (should be performed by SAS-Elite Soldier of course) asks whether they should try opening parachutes. The secret illuminati pilot kills him and tells everybody that he has gone mad and commited suicide with torch. Marines jump off the chinook and do not deploy their parachutes as well. Back in the mainland, people are brainwashed that USA can't win the war and need more soldiers. The parachute industry owner who's the god damn lobbyist earns more and more money. His son does too much drugs and crashes another Lamborghini and gets to the hospital where he sees a daughter of a veteran who survived the first jump (see? here's the connection). She donates her blood to her father and this guy falls in love with her, while she hates him. Yet she needs money and he's obviously rich so she starts dating him (her father doesn't have pension since government spends all money on parachutes). She tells him her story and he realises everything. He wants to stop this conspiracy and all he has to do is to pull off the plug of the parachute-making machine (this is really dumb but who cares, huh). It's located in the factory basement and only those who can pass DNA test can get there. Since he's the owner's son everything seems to be fine. Until now...
Part III: At the same time the girl walks in his house and sees poorly hidden album with photos of how they test parachutes on alive people and endangered of extinction animals while having drunk sex orgies with underaged girls from eastern europe. Horror pictures of half-broken bodies somehow make her realise everything as well so she kills this guy on their next date by throwing him alive from the roof with closed parachute and tied hands. Then she commits suicide, guess what... with torch in memory of her father's buddy who's the one she really loved. Everything's back to normal. Parachute industry owner doesn't give a single fuck, so he makes series of horror blood parachute parties like those portrayed in 'Hobo with a Shotgun' movie.
And the disclaimer in the ending titles should say: "any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental, even though the motion picture is based on how things are really going on this planet".
Please take into account that we can't see what you've imagined. This may look fantastic in your thoughts, but you'll have to convert them into text that should be more meaty than '19 marines fly away in chinook'.
GunRunner said:
Without that, you just have video-shots of random game play.
Exactly. LRRP guys have already tried this back in 2005, their
The Fallen One machinima is still worth the young generation's look.
P.S. why exactly
19 people and how do you get them on the plane in BFV?