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Firendly Fire...ON or OFF


Regular Poster
Local time
5:22 AM
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

The BFV admins have been discussing pros and cons regarding leaving friendly fire on or shall we turn it back off like it was years ago? Toobers Dream lol 🤪

So lets have a vote, we want your feedback. Please keep it light and cast your vote!!!
Local time
5:22 AM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I propose to turn it off for a month or so, and see how it affects the playercount, and if people complain. If it's having the opposite effect, we'll turn it back on and just keep it like that.
Well said. This is exactly how Ice used to handle such decisions in recent years. Several of my suggestions were given a try temporarily and when Ice saw that they had positive effects, they remained.
Second thought yes turn it back on so I can run all over the map putting betties down that cant get me kicked when grass hopper sets them off on purpose I want to follow him all over the map every map and just shoot him knowing I can't kill him.
Well said. That was my thought too. Pungi sticks, time-bums:D, C4s, mortars, SA7s, Napalms etc will not kill team players. It adds a bit of ease, eliminates team players from getting pissed at each other, and increases fun.
I want to noob my feet like nagi did.
Nagi was seriously funny back in those days. I used to see her walking towards players looking downwards, ready to fire the RPG, LAW, or M79 :D It was complete comedy.
Traps will become a nightmare, and my timebombs will become the terror of the server if they don't do damage to me or my teammates. Just keep that in mind. :cool:
Bring on sir! You don't fly much anyways, so terrorize the terrestrials more :)
it will be good that you cant shoot down your own air support.
Very true. I can't tell you how many times I have damaged my own team's aircraft with my SA7's, MUTT's and F-4's missiles.
Do you really think it is realistic that an American soldier could handle a Russian MI-8 helicopter?
Good point.
it would also prevent many players such as mortar operators from accidentally doing tk
the problem of player absence has nothing to do with whether you activate the FF
This is before your time. You were not here when FF was turned on. Many players complained (mostly in game-chat because they are not on this forum) and some on the forum that they were not happy with FF being turned on. You see, there are/were more players who enjoy firing and killing with explosive weapons than One Shot Killers. So after FF was turn on a few years ago, many of the RPG, LAW, M79 lovers disappeared, leaving behind average players and One Shot Killers.
I've personally become more open to the idea of FF being turned-off.
Thank you!
Turning off FF as a means to battle very skilled players is the wrong answer.
How would you fight if your aim wasn't that good, or you didn't know the skill of shooting other players with One Shot? Run away all the time? Hide forever? Go to Spec? :D Grenades help in close range but this also causes unnecessary TK's.
lets not punish players who choose to play more competitively by adding a handicap.
So you think that players who don't know your skill of certain moves to kill with One Shot are not playing "more competitively"? What about players who keep trying to get flags or recapture mains constantly? Or pilots who keep airplanes and helicopters away from flags and mains, or those who walk huge distances to place tunnels to capture enemy mains and prevent their team from being raped by helis, bombs, and paratroopers? I think most players are playing very competitively these days unless they are new and learning the game from scratch. They don't have to be One Shot Killers to be labeled "competitive".
by adding a handicap.
I'd argue that One Shot Killers use a method that is a handicap for other players. Friendly Fire On/Off is a legitimate game option, not a handicap.
Are you saying the people you listed don't post on the forum? Who are you saying is a bot?
He was saying that there are some people who only post here on the forum but don't actually play the game. And if they do play, its not often. He has a point but it's unrelated to this topic. Ironically, I have not seen Algam in the game during the last few weeks 😄
Because they want to be supreme killers and the ONLY One Shot Killers. Nobody else should be able to kill another player with One Shot (with RPG, LAW, and M79.) Only they should be able to kill with One Shot because they know a special technique that most players don't. When FF was off, they got payback easily from average players. Then they cried and cried till the admins turned it On for them. They have a laugh when they constantly kill everyone with One Shot but if the just One Shot killed player respawns and shoots them on the feet with an RPG, LAW or M79, the laughs turns into cries 😭
Well, that's none of your business.
Be nice! It was an honest question. It took me a few minutes to understand your meme too.

So lets have a vote, we want your feedback. Please keep it light and cast your vote!!!
Where is the vote? I don't see a poll. Since the vote poll is missing, I thought the votes were verbal. Forgive me if I missed the vote poll.
So that it is not confusing, I have written like this to clarify things:upside_down:
This is not the way to reply to forum comments. You are taking up too much space and caused this topic to go to 3 pages now. Look at this one comment from me replying to several individual comments. Posting so many one line replies constantly is close to spamming. This doesn't help the discussion. Fragga is correct to point this out. If you are deliberately doing this to get thumbs up or down then this is childish (as correctly pointed out by Flight).
Last edited:
Local time
10:22 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score


Forum Newbie
Local time
4:22 AM
Aug 26, 2023
Reaction score
I'm not sure about the specifics, but if 'friendly fire on' means you can accidentally harm or kill your own teammates, I believe it should be kept on. It adds excitement and a risk-reward element to the game. Without any risk, you take away a significant part of the fun.
Local time
4:22 AM
Aug 20, 2023
Reaction score
This is not the way to reply to forum comments. You are taking up too much space and caused this topic to go to 3 pages now. Look at this one comment from me replying to several individual comments. Posting so many one line replies constantly is close to spamming. This doesn't help the discussion. Fragga is correct to point this out. If you are deliberately doing this to get thumbs up or down then this is childish (as correctly pointed out by Flight).
ah thanks for the advice, I'm serious, I didn't know how to respond to the comments. As for Nagi, I thought it was normal, that's why I talked to Denal Douglas to be very careful about adding explosives to his mod, I say this because I've seen your videos, admins playing like this, recurring players who only use the M79 to farm kills, regardless of whether they lose or win, that is one of the many things why I am progressively leaving BF:V, the horrible PVP
Last edited:
Local time
4:22 AM
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Well said. This is exactly how Ice used to handle such decisions in recent years. Several of my suggestions were given a try temporarily and when Ice saw that they had positive effects, they remained.

Well said. That was my thought too. Pungi sticks, time-bums:D, C4s, mortars, SA7s, Napalms etc will not kill team players. It adds a bit of ease, eliminates team players from getting pissed at each other, and increases fun.

Nagi was seriously funny back in those days. I used to see her walking towards players looking downwards, ready to fire the RPG, LAW, or M79 :D It was complete comedy.

Bring on sir! You don't fly much anyways, so terrorize the terrestrials more :)

Very true. I can't tell you how many times I have damaged my own team's aircraft with my SA7's, MUTT's and F-4's missiles.

Good point.


This is before your time. You were not here when FF was turned on. Many players complained (mostly in game-chat because they are not on this forum) and some on the forum that they were not happy with FF being turned on. You see, there are/were more players who enjoy firing and killing with explosive weapons than One Shot Killers. So after FF was turn on a few years ago, many of the RPG, LAW, M79 lovers disappeared, leaving behind average players and One Shot Killers.

Thank you!

How would you fight if your aim wasn't that good, or you didn't know the skill of shooting other players with One Shot? Run away all the time? Hide forever? Go to Spec? :D Grenades help in close range but this also causes unnecessary TK's.

So you think that players who don't know your skill of certain moves to kill with One Shot are not playing "more competitively"? What about players who keep trying to get flags or recapture mains constantly? Or pilots who keep airplanes and helicopters away from flags and mains, or those who walk huge distances to place tunnels to capture enemy mains and prevent their team from being raped by helis, bombs, and paratroopers? I think most players are playing very competitively these days unless they are new and learning the game from scratch. They don't have to be One Shot Killers to be labeled "competitive".

I'd argue that One Shot Killers use a method that is a handicap for other players. Friendly Fire On/Off is a legitimate game option, not a handicap.

He was saying that there are some people who only post here on the forum but don't actually play the game. And if they do play, its not often. He has a point but it's unrelated to this topic. Ironically, I have not seen Algam in the game during the last few weeks 😄

Because they want to be supreme killers and the ONLY One Shot Killers. Nobody else should be able to kill another player with One Shot (with RPG, LAW, and M79.) Only they should be able to kill with One Shot because they know a special technique that most players don't. When FF was off, they got payback easily from average players. Then they cried and cried till the admins turned it On for them. They have a laugh when they constantly kill everyone with One Shot but if the just One Shot killed player respawns and shoots them on the feet with an RPG, LAW or M79, the laughs turns into cries 😭

Be nice! It was an honest question. It took me a few minutes to understand your meme too.

Where is the vote? I don't see a poll. Since the vote poll is missing, I thought the votes were verbal. Forgive me if I missed the vote poll.

This is not the way to reply to forum comments. You are taking up too much space and caused this topic to go to 3 pages now. Look at this one comment from me replying to several individual comments. Posting so many one line replies constantly is close to spamming. This doesn't help the discussion. Fragga is correct to point this out. If you are deliberately doing this to get thumbs up or down then this is childish (as correctly pointed out by Flight).
Al Al Al....You're using the term "one shot killer" as if its some type of hack or cheat. I've played the game the same way as it was released for almost 20 years now. Understanding and using the games own mechanics, which are very simple, should not be deemed some ominous "one shot kill" technique, its not that deep man lol.

The "one shot killer" technique can be easily summed as this: Don't hold down the trigger with the AK when firing at distant enemies. Thats it. Tap-fire while trying your best to aim at the head, and if one of the 30 rounds connects, theres a good chance you can be a "one shot killer." Same if the person is already low on HP and hits them elsewhere on the body. Combine with this spamming the jump/crouch key and you have what I believe you're referring to as the "one shot killer" technique. Super easy, almost comically easy. If other players choose not to play like this, thats awesome, theres something for everyone, but to label that play style as the problem and say rpg/law/m79 to the feet with not FF on is the answer, thats just not a good solution.

I've also offered people dozens of times in game how to pull this easy technique off via discord voice chat, and nobody has ever taken me up on it. A lot of in game whining over the past year, but very little desire from any of the regulars to improve their game play when offered help. Its usually just Mir and myself sitting in discord voice chat on most weekends now.