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Dear HelloClan community...

Local time
12:52 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Hello everyone,

With the staff having been informed of this and my personally chosen date closing in, it's time that I make this official and in the public space.

As some of you know, and for those that don't, I have been with HelloClan for just over 8+ years now. Granted, one year was away but I was still overwatch (RusWarrior Era). With all these hours under my belt, all the experiences (the good & the bad), having resulted in the HelloClan that everyone knows today.

Regretfully, it took the last three years for me to fully grow the community and realize it's fuller potential if I'm honest.

Throughout my entire tenure here, prior to my fellow leaders being brought on, the weight I carried in the form of responsibility for the community was daunting at times. It genuinely was heavy. I did struggle a lot at times, especially as I didn't have anyone in the same capacity to talk to about certain situations. I really was also burning myself out (hence also why I never played so much).

Bluntly put, I became tired of the responsibility I shouldered and it does tend to turn one sour...especially fighting with people. For what? Is the question I'd ask a lot of the times...

With the onboarding of leaders Heilig & Bang (true leaders), a fair amount of weight was lifted and I started to breathe again. However, in truth I knew there would come a time I'd do this but only once I was certain of where the community stood and that it's foundations were rock solid.

With that said...

We have all accomplished such great things in these last three years and it has shown no sign of stopping. We've seen BFV fill up (and then nearly 3 times more), we've seen more support for the game! We've seen such awesome numbers on our 1942 DC server, including regular daily numbers. We've brought on a Galactic Conquest / Interstate 82 server along with a Forgotten Hope server in 1942 too - all in favor of tapping into the player bases of 1942 that would also benefit BFV.

We've seen positivity nearly everywhere and that is a huge driving force behind everything being done here and everything I've seen over the last few months alone has left me with a sense of fulfillment, appreciation of what has been accomplished and...peace.

I am at the point, where I'm confident in the direction that HelloClan is going, along with the staff & Leadership that is in place. With @LTShaun being brought on board recently, @HeiligWahrheit & @BangBangOw will all take HelloClan into the future, with not only my appreciation and applause, but also the blessing of HelloClan's owner - Theodore Forselius.

Thus, as of the end of February 2024, I will be retiring from HelloClan and relinquishing all my permissions & roles with the title of a HelloClan Leader.​

This place, this community will always be my first gaming community that I became a part of and as such holds a special place in my heart. I guess that is why I never truly left when Rus was in charge and why I came back. Though, now I can rest knowing it is going to be okay - more than okay.

I ask that everyone continue what we are doing here, being a community in support of the games that HelloClan endorses. HelloClan has never been in better hands and I know it will continue going from strength to strength. We've all seen how much we can endure, how resilient we can be and it stands a testament to what we are capable of!

This will officially be my last post as a HelloClan Leader, thus I'd like to ask if there are any issues, please do not DM me. 😂 I will be retired! Obviously, I'm not deleting my account, but I will be turning off notifications - I'm sure everyone understands why. o_O

I'll see you all somewhere, somehow sometime! I'm signing off with a somber song to make up for...a possible lack of emotion in my above message:

View: https://youtu.be/S6Y1gohk5-A

IceSkater / Shaun
Local time
6:52 PM
Sep 5, 2021
Reaction score
Real Name
I know I haven't been with HelloClan that long relative to you and a lot of the veterans, but please don't think that even to someone like me, your efforts have gone unnoticed.

Even in the first few months after I found out about the community and started becoming active, I saw pretty quickly how well you handled a lot of difficult issues, especially certain people who were... less than pleasant, to say the least. I was always impressed by the amount of patience you showed with many of them - far more patience than I could have possibly had in your place.

I know there have been a few minor things here and there that we haven't quite agreed on, but I don't think there are many people who could do the job you've done over the past several years, and I want to make sure you know that I have a lot of respect for everything you've done during your time as leader. I'm sure that the "new" leadership will continue to do an excellent job once you step down, but I think a lot of us will miss having you in that seat.

Hopefully now this means you'll be able to spend more time enjoying playing games with us. I only got to play with you a few times, but it was fun (particularly that one time where you and I repeatedly dualed with the OH-6 and Ka-25 on Con Thien for almost the whole match) when we did get to play. I hope now there can be more times like that. Thanks for everything you've done for all of us and for keeping the community alive.
Last edited:
Local time
5:52 PM
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Ice you are a true gentleman and an example to uphold as a leader in a very difficult realm that is a 20 year old gaming community. Even though you did not play much, just knowing you aren't "overseeing" the game will feel like a void going forward. I wish you the best!
Local time
12:52 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
It was a pleasure Shaun to have you as an admin. Hell you put up with me so that is a great achievement in itself :) I do hope you will play BFV from time to time, and we can play as a sniper team. All the best, keep those leg days up in the gym. :)
Local time
12:52 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
I know I haven't been with HelloClan that long relative to you and a lot of the veterans, but please don't think that even to someone like me, your efforts have gone unnoticed.

Even in the first few months after I found out about the community and started becoming active, I saw pretty quickly how well you handled a lot of difficult issues, especially certain people who were... less than pleasant, to say the least. I was always impressed by the amount of patience you showed with many of them - far more patience than I could have possibly had in your place.

I know there have been a few minor things here and there that we haven't quite agreed on, but I don't think there are many people who could do the job you've done over the past several years, and I want to make sure you know that I have a lot of respect for everything you've done during your time as leader. I'm sure that the "new" leadership will continue to do an excellent job once you step down, but I think a lot of us will miss having you in that seat.

Hopefully now this means you'll be able to spend more time enjoying playing games with us. I only got to play with you a few times, but it was fun (particularly that one time where you and I repeatedly dualed with the OH-6 and Ka-25 on Con Thien for almost the whole match) when we did get to play. I hope now there can be more times like that. Thanks for everything you've done for all of us and for keeping the community alive.
Thank you Denal, I appreciate those words and I also appreciate your enthusiasm going into the mods you've made for the game. We don't have to agree on everything - that's my motto - as long as we get along in the end. :D

It was a pleasure, boss.

The pleasure was mine Para. ;)

Ice you are a true gentleman and an example to uphold as a leader in a very difficult realm that is a 20 year old gaming community. Even though you did not play much, just knowing you aren't "overseeing" the game will feel like a void going forward. I wish you the best!
Those specific words are appreciated greatly. Thank you Flight. :)

It was a pleasure Shaun to have you as an admin. Hell you put up with me so that is a great achievement in itself :) I do hope you will play BFV from time to time, and we can play as a sniper team. All the best, keep those leg days up in the gym. :)
We may bump heads, but we were all in the same boat, thus as always this community makes people come together for the best. Leg days are...always harsh but thanks. 😂

What do you mean by that? Are you going to stop being in this community or are you just going to be a member like anyone else?
I'm going to stop being responsible for this community. I might stop by once in a while, but after...a break I think.

Welcome to the rest of your life :D
That is a true statement if I've ever seen one!

Thank you all for the words, it does mean a lot to me!

Local time
6:52 PM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Dear @IceSkater

I'm sorry for my misunderstandings about you over the years.

On behalf of several others and myself, I welcome you to the brotherhood of -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.2.1's Ex-Admins.

I hope that you will now be able to freely play BFV with all of us more often.

Local time
12:52 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Dear @IceSkater

I'm sorry for my misunderstandings about you over the years.

On behalf of several others and myself, I welcome you to the brotherhood of -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.2.1's Ex-Admins.

I hope that you will now be able to freely play BFV with all of us more often.

View attachment 3353
Is that AI generated? 🤣 But I love it! I can clearly see some people in it!


Forum Rookie
Local time
12:52 AM
Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
Dear @IceSkater

I'm sorry for my misunderstandings about you over the years.

On behalf of several others and myself, I welcome you to the brotherhood of -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.2.1's Ex-Admins.

I hope that you will now be able to freely play BFV with all of us more often.
Okay but I have a question, why has Mongolia annexed a big part of Manchuria? 😂
Is that AI generated? 🤣 But I love it! I can clearly see some people in it!
Yes, and I wonder which girl am I? 😳


Regular Poster
Local time
6:52 PM
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Al do you realise that the guy holding 3 fingers up is actually doing the KKK symbol? each finger represents a K
I don’t think that’s what was intended in this situation.


Forum Rookie
Local time
12:52 AM
Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
Al do you realise that the guy holding 3 fingers up is actually doing the KKK symbol? each finger represents a K
Fragga, how come you, as an Australian, are more knowledgeable on KKK than Al is? 😮
Yes! 👍🏻

Sorry, the girls depicted in the group photo are @silvia and @cokra 😄
Then who am I? 🤔 I am neither black, old or have beard. I'm also not a Klansman.
Local time
12:52 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Okay but I have a question, why has Mongolia annexed a big part of Manchuria? 😂

Yes, and I wonder which girl am I? 😳
Quacka you're the girl with the pink hair, but you can't be seem as you are kneeling down,What you are doing while kneeling down I won't even guess at ;)