You seem to have a problem with me lately Disco you constantly harass me for typos in game, and now you're doing it on the on the forum.The word is COBBER not cobbler Yet you seem to be more of a COBBLER than a cobber. In Australia it was known as the Heavy barrel automatic rifle.Never was it called a LMG. I dont care what you read on the net. The SLR was rarely called the L1A1, it was just known as the SLR or 'BITCH' or 'SLUR' but the net wont tell you that, just as the m79 was known as the Wombat gun. You are proving that maybe a mistake was made in giving you an admin role,you are going down the same road Flight did, and where did that get him?? NO WHERE

Just remember little buddy you have to be of a higher standard then any player on the forum and in the game,and you are failing in that role, and can be reported just as much as any player can.
I don't have a problem with you Fragga, it's all jokes.
As for the weapon, "LMG" is short of Light Machine Gun, which, the L2A1 with the bigger barrel and a bipod fits more than an Assault Rifle, no?
Also, I have a site that has all sorts of "GI" slang even for the Aussies, don't think I can't find nicknames your soldiers gave to guns or people
Lastly, you can report me all you want, I haven't been abusing my admin rights, but even if they get taken from me, I don't mind

I agreed to be an admin because I thought I could "contribute", if anything, I'm more liable to get my rights removed for
actually not using them. I've been told more times "you should've kicked/banned them" than "you shouldn't have".
But if you don't find that stuff funny then I'll just stick to "cobbler". You can't tell me that's not funny