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Context surrounding my admittedly shitty behavior


Forum Newbie
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2:28 AM
Dec 9, 2022
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I got banned, and after reading Iceskater's post on the ban list, that's pretty unsurprising. I would've banned myself if I were in Iceskater's position as well. It was pretty embarrassing to read through behavior I exhibited in the chat log. Though, as Iceskater mentioned, some of it involved arguments with others, including admins, on the server, it's still pretty inexcusable. So I guess I should start by saying that this post isn't necessarily an appeal to my ban. Like, if I get welcomed back to the server in any capacity, great, but I can also understand sticking with the ban.

That being said, I'd like to give some more context for my (still inexcusable) behavior, because, mostly, I wasn't really aware I could take my issues with the HELLO Desert Combat server to anyone but Bangbangow.

This all started a couple years back, before I'd even played, maybe at all(?) on the HELLO server. Bang and I played a lot together on the EA117 server, and after a while we even became chat buddies on Discord, and then Whatsapp. Sharing about life, and, of course, Desert Combat. Some of our conversations centered around Bang's frustrations with the EA117 mod's for not implementing his custom client-side map mods. He was adamant this was due to their shortcoming as mods, and that his expectation for them to incorporate the mods was realistic. Even though this seemed a bit arrogant, I didn't think much of it back then...but looking back it was sort of a "bookmark," you could say.

Fast forward through Bang making server side mods for EA117 instead (or maybe at the same time?) of client side mods. Those got incorporated, and he also started organizing occasional "fill the server" events where he canvassed players from both online and in his IRL to get more people on the server. It was in these times that I started to get more of an impression of Bang. For one, whenever anyone had a critical response to one of his maps, he'd dismiss their opinion, and then, often, ridicule them privately to me in chat. He also went to great lengths, mostly privately with me, to emphasize how much he was doing for the server ("More than some of the mods") with his maps and his fill-the-server events, and he'd reiterate why that only went to prove that the admins were wrong in their decision not to incorporate his client side maps.

Throughout all of this, I gave Bang my honest opinion. It made sense to me that the mods wouldn't want to force people to download his client side maps, and risk the already unstable EA117 server population from getting lowered even more. He dismissed that. I also said that their retort to his request to have custom-map nights - which was that they thought this, too, would jeopardize the already shaky EA117 population - made sense to me. He dismissed this as well. I also told him how he was coming off as arrogant and self important for taking so much credit for his events and maps. Dismissed as well.

At one point Bang also started using racially motivated insults with some people on the in-game server chat, which I brought to the attention of the admins on the server on a forum post. I'm not sure if he ever publicly apologized or took responsibility for that, but he did lash out to me in private message with cuss laden insults. Another bookmark.

Regardless, we still remained "online friends," and kept chatting, thankfully about other things than just his maps and frustrations with the EA117 leadership.

Then, I don't know when, maybe six months ago, something happened behind the scenes where Bang requested to become an EA admin and was denied. In light of all of the above, I wasn't really surprised. In my time playing on EA117, I experienced that server to be the most well-run and reasonably-operated server I've every played on in any online game. There was no admins getting emotional and banning someone spur of the moment. And while bad behavior was dealt with, it was dealt with only after considering all the options and the context of what was happening. I also had a lot of good interactions with the server admins, including support for me while my young toddler was going through cancer. We all also all got together to celebrate the life and death of one of our fellow server-mates. So, like I said, not very surprising when Bang, who -while he had indeed done a lot for the server, seemed also to be pretty quick to anger, entitled, and reluctant to take any sort of critical feedback or take responsibility for mistakes - was not welcomed into their, in my experience, very emotionally mature admin team.

It wasn't long until Bang, in private, told me he planned to destroy the server by creating his own DC server and populating it so that the EA admins could, I quote, "enjoy their empty server." When I protested that I actually really liked EA117 and would hate to lose it, and that I could also understand why they wouldn't want him to admin with his history, again, I was dismissed and mocked. He privately went through a list of all the admins that he thought he was a better admin than. I tried to warn him as gently as possible that things often don't turn out well when I do them out of bitterness (ah! I should've taken my own advice huh?)

Regardless, I still stayed online friends with Bang.

Fast forward again. Two things happen. One, Maxnet disappeared because of the Ukraine war. And around the same time, I (perhaps foolishly) invited Bang to join the Whatsapp group for the -TmP- No Rulez DC server. Bang proceeds to ask the admin there to merge onto the HELLO server, and when that doesn't happen, uses the forum to recruit players for his server.

I think it was around a couple months ago that Bang finally got his wish. He'd send me private messages gloating that his server had X amount of players, while EA117 (at it's peak time) had little to none. When I would occasionally go in EA117 to play, often with the one or two admins in there, he'd mock me in private and group chats.

Still I stayed online friends with Bang. What's more, he invited me to some Discord group of "the good players" of DC, where, also, he would mock EA117, the admins, and me for playing there.

For a long time I avoided playing on HELLO server because of my frustration with this situation, and when I eventually did, I was disappointed. Sure, the map mods weren't as much to my liking as EA117's for the most part (EA117's nas is chef's kiss, but Bang's coastal variant is a lot of fun, too.) And yes, that there was a constant AFK in there that we weren't even allowed to kick to adjust for team balancing, was also annoying. But I did enjoy playing there. What pissed me off, was that not only was the popularity of this server largely inspired by what I saw as a tantrum ("Give me admin or I'll destroy your server because I'm so important and I refuse to take criticism,")...not only that...but now that Bang was an admin of the HELLO Dc server, whenever I went to him with issues (for example, Crash getting a hate boner for and TKing me) he would punt responsibility back to me. "Play on different teams." Which, besides the fact that that's pretty laughable advice considering the auto-team balance and afk situation, was, in my experience, a reminder of the stark difference in maturity between admin teams. EA117 had a whole team communicating together and working WITH the players to help things go smoothly...meanwhile on HELLO server, Bang I don't think ever once told me that I could actually go anywhere to make a complaint or follow up with things.

It was at some point during this time that I stopped communicating with Bang privately. Even though I did enjoy playful banter with him, and coordinating on when Nas was playing on the HELLO server, the reminder of what had happened between the two servers, and Bang's continued abusive rhetoric towards anyone who challenged him just felt...bad. I didn't need that in my life.

Me playing on HELLO and badmouthing Bang to other players, and changing my name to HELLO=EA117+afks+bad mods was, mostly, me just giving up. I felt helpless, like there was nothing I could do. Like justice would never be served, so why not just be a troll. Like I said, earlier, not following my own advice, and not trying hard enough to find a better solution and other responsible admins. But that's what I did. But now that I'm aware that there is another HELLO entity that, beyond Bang, I wanted to put this story out there. Regardless of my ban status. In all my time on the HELLO server, and associated Discords, I mostly experienced HELLO participating in the same bad-mouthing of EA and disrespectful behavior as Bang.

I've had experiences with people in my life who are like Bang - who have a much harder time taking criticism (if they even can at all) and resort to defensiveness, self-salesmanship, and not only dismissing other people's problems with them, but turning it around and making it the other person's fault. In my experience, some of these people often have a fundamental inability to change, and it's instead the responsibility of those around them to put up boundaries to limit the hurt they can cause.

In closing, sorry for letting my bitterness sour the HELLO server. I could have myself looked into how to find this site and take my concerns (mostly re: Bang's vindictiveness, but also his admin'ing and the HELLO server setup) here, instead of venting it in unproductive and abusive ways in the server. I should also say that, I think partly because I felt like the HELLO server had no real admins there, I allowed myself to type things I never would've typed in the EA117 server, which is again clearly not an excuse for me to have done so. But at the same time, considering my history with Bang, I guess this might make a bit more sense for people, and hopefully not making me seem like someone who has as little integrity as the chat logs might make me appear.

Thanks for reading,
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Local time
9:28 AM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
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Hello Blink,

Before anything else, as you have already stated multiple times, your behavior is inexcusable. We've had toxic players before but you did take it to a new level and you are certainly the first person in all my years here that I've banned outright just for their chat alone.

Moving forward...

There isn't much that you have mentioned here that I'm unaware of. EA117 knew some (if not most) of his words used in bias against them. Including the badly timed statements about server crashing.

Seeing as a few of the 1942 owners / admins read our forums, I'm somewhat pleased that this was said by you so that it is open and in the air now. :)

And yes, that there was a constant AFK in there that we weren't even allowed to kick to adjust for team balancing, was also annoying.
This is an unfortunate thing that we are working on. It is there as a "seeder". Soon to be worked out...

But I did enjoy playing there. What pissed me off, was that not only was the popularity of this server largely inspired by what I saw as a tantrum ("Give me admin or I'll destroy your server because I'm so important and I refuse to take criticism,")...not only that...but now that Bang was an admin of the HELLO Dc server, whenever I went to him with issues (for example, Crash getting a hate boner for and TKing me) he would punt responsibility back to me. "Play on different teams." Which, besides the fact that that's pretty laughable advice considering the auto-team balance and afk situation, was, in my experience, a reminder of the stark difference in maturity between admin teams. EA117 had a whole team communicating together and working WITH the players to help things go smoothly...meanwhile on HELLO server,
Firstly, as I said in a response to some of your chat in the ban topic, our server was set on a path long before Bang arrived on the scene. I know Bang from BfVietnam and he's been around our community for some time now. When the previous person charged with running our 1942 servers didn't have the time needed, Bang was approached. He proved himself as an asset to us and I eventually promoted him to the leader role. Having said that, the conduct is not on especially if Crash was an admin at the time.

Bang I don't think ever once told me that I could actually go anywhere to make a complaint or follow up with things.
I should mention that there is in-game server announcements that tell players where to report players for rule breaking. Also mention of our website link in the welcome screen...etc...etc.

Me playing on HELLO and badmouthing Bang to other players, and changing my name to HELLO=EA117+afks+bad mods was, mostly, me just giving up. I felt helpless, like there was nothing I could do. Like justice would never be served, so why not just be a troll. Like I said, earlier, not following my own advice, and not trying hard enough to find a better solution and other responsible admins. But that's what I did. But now that I'm aware that there is another HELLO entity that, beyond Bang, I wanted to put this story out there. Regardless of my ban status. In all my time on the HELLO server, and associated Discords, I mostly experienced HELLO participating in the same bad-mouthing of EA and disrespectful behavior as Bang.
I'll address this in a response further down.

In closing, sorry for letting my bitterness sour the HELLO server. I could have myself looked into how to find this site and take my concerns (mostly re: Bang's vindictiveness, but also his admin'ing and the HELLO server setup) here, instead of venting it in unproductive and abusive ways in the server. I should also say that, I think partly because I felt like the HELLO server had no real admins there, I allowed myself to type things I never would've typed in the EA117 server, which is again clearly not an excuse for me to have done so. But at the same time, considering my history with Bang, I guess this might make a bit more sense for people, and hopefully not making me seem like someone who has as little integrity as the chat logs might make me appear.
For both;

If you did not know about of forums existence, that is fair, but it's sole purpose is to provide a place for players to voice their own opinions openly and not in the game itself where it may be criticized unfairly by...staff and players alike. One at least has the freedom of not having your post being interrupted by a player spamming MEDIC!! or some such call out.

Now, having said all the above, I know Bang has had some short comings. Some that have drawn into question HelloClan's position on being a friendly community. As mentioned further above, HairyRussianDude has personally been in touch with me regarding some of the things pertaining to Bang. He also made a forum post after our discussion here: http://ea117dcfanfavorites.com/viewtopic.php?t=6862

I also spoke with Trench directly during that time as well and I'd like to think we have a friendly / open communication line. I'm likewise in a position where any admin from any server can freely contact me (either via the website or via discord). So I will answer for anything that goes awry.

I have cleared up any misfortunate issues pertaining to how Bang had conducted himself regarding other servers. In turn and not long ago, I laid down the boundaries to him that these courses are not ours to pursue. As much as Bang is a leader himself, I'm the one who will ultimately answer for what happens and I have made this quite clear. Quite frankly, I said we're moving forward now. What's done is done and now we work towards a more positive outcome.

I will openly say that Bang has got a bit to learn still when it comes to...well all that I've done in terms of maintaining the peace and running a community. However, he is heavily passionate about the mods / maps he has made and I have not a single regret thus far about putting him where he is. The server has grown from quiet to a good stable amount of players. Some of the names (communities) that you have mentioned have been approached to be affiliated communities. This is still pending though, but if agreed they can advertise with us and us with them. Mutual benefit.

The odd ones were approached for a merger because of more of a backstory. Unfortunately the way it was communicated to you came off as arrogant. I can assure you that it wasn't the intent.

I've been watching the 1942 servers a lot closer this past month / month and a half - hence how your ban came about. I've been working with the current admins in place to workout some of the knots and ensure that our guidelines and rules are fully followed hereon out. Likewise on the conduct involved.

The "bad mouthing" that you refer to, I assume is directed at Bang (this type of conduct has been dealt with already). But if it's someone else that is not staff and in fact just a player, I have no control over that. Just the same as someone from another community coming in and bad mouthing them. If it was, however, a player bearing the -[HELLO]- tags then you are most encouraged to report them.

With respect to how EA117 (and other communities) want to run their servers, we all reserve the right to pick and choose our direction. We don't all share bans on hackers for example, we don't all agree on the same people that are part of the 1942 community.

With all that said and done, I do appreciate that you wanted to voice your side of the story and it's good that you did. Your ban, for now, currently stays put. I'm sorry but your chat was disgusting.

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Forum Newbie
Local time
2:28 AM
Dec 9, 2022
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Hey Iceskater, thanks for taking the time to respond in detail.

This is an unfortunate thing that we are working on. It is there as a "seeder". Soon to be worked out...
Maybe my memory is wrong, but I think Simon/Nutcracker at the TmP No Rulez DC server has this one figured out. He has Sargent Meatwhistle as an idle bot who I'm pretty sure disappears once a person/enough people join in-game. If you don't have his contact I could get it for you, or if Bang is still in their group chat (I no longer am) he could ask too. I also don't quite get the point of the seeder...like, we're a tiny community and any player that plays DC knows the 4-5 servers that play it. It's not like I go in and sort by population and pick the highest. Generally, there's only ever one DC server that's active.

Firstly, as I said in a response to some of your chat in the ban topic, our server was set on a path long before Bang arrived on the scene. I know Bang from BfVietnam and he's been around our community for some time now. When the previous person charged with running our 1942 servers didn't have the time needed, Bang was approached. He proved himself as an asset to us and I eventually promoted him to the leader role. Having said that, the conduct is not on especially if Crash was an admin at the time.
Could you clarify what you meant in the last sentence? "...the conduct is not on especially if Crash was an admin at the time." Seems like there was a typo, or I don't get the meaning at least.

I should mention that there is in-game server announcements that tell players where to report players for rule breaking. Also mention of our website link in the welcome screen...etc...etc.
Yeah, again, my bad. I think with the bullying by Crash and Bang's general behavior I just sort of turned off my brain and didn't even try to find out who was in charge, or assumed I'd get more of the same. I also do remember Hairy Russian Dude posting about you on the EA117 forum, and still I didn't follow up. One of my weaknesses is I can get carried away trying to use the in-game chat to address things that don't belong there. And that I can just get carried away with the in-game chat in general. I try my best to take feedback right away about this, which I've mostly done well with at EA117, but the circumstances were much different on HELLO. Not questioning your right to ban me, but just saying I do, when given the chance, have the ability to immediately tone it down/dial it back. If you want a second opinion on that from the admins at EA, they'll likely confirm this (both my weakness and my willingness to adjust quickly when called out.)

I have cleared up any misfortunate issues pertaining to how Bang had conducted himself regarding other servers. In turn and not long ago, I laid down the boundaries to him that these courses are not ours to pursue. As much as Bang is a leader himself, I'm the one who will ultimately answer for what happens and I have made this quite clear. Quite frankly, I said we're moving forward now. What's done is done and now we work towards a more positive outcome.
Thanks for addressing this with Bang. I did notice a difference in the recent weeks (months?) where HELLO seemed to no longer be directly competing with EA117's time slot. And that's giving EA117 a chance to build back up some of its population at it's regular hours. Just last night we had players in the double digits for an hour or two and it was good fun. And Nas!

The "bad mouthing" that you refer to, I assume is directed at Bang (this type of conduct has been dealt with already). But if it's someone else that is not staff and in fact just a player, I have no control over that. Just the same as someone from another community coming in and bad mouthing them. If it was, however, a player bearing the -[HELLO]- tags then you are most encouraged to report them.
I know it was more than Bang, but not having the chat logs (just a day or two ago, I left the Discord group he shared with Tragic, Jim, Lucca, crash, and a few others) I don't want to name names unless I'm 100% sure. The only person I know 100% participated in the badmouthing and is also HELLO-associated is crash.



Forum Newbie
Local time
8:28 AM
Jun 27, 2022
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My recollection is: Blink appeared on Hello Clan DC. I thought cool, I know this guy. Said hello. I recall Blink not saying hello. I recall saying hello more to him more than once. Immediately, by that I mean, the first time I saw him appear on the server, Blink immediately started to

1) abuse any EA117 players, playing on Hello Clan as being traitors etc.
2) started recruiting Hello players to switch to/back to Ea117.

I remember thinking, uh, what the hell is this guy's problem? This was before I was an admin. I'm personally fine with any player, playing on both servers.
On the point of "bullying",

[Attachment 1 and 2 dated late July 2022.]
Blink fired the first -- of several shots. He's provocative constantly, and then wonders out loud why he gets some blowback.
I'm not even sure this post was written by Blink. It sounds too normal and measured.


[Attachment 3 dated late July 2022.]
shows Blink calling Bang's admin skills as "such a pussy approach to being a mod". Six months ago. This shows an amazing level of patience from Bang.


The rare comments from Bang about the modding/server situation I put down to youthful exuberance and frustration with slower than expected progress, that has nothing to do with any lack of effort on his part. Those of us who are older should remember, we were the same. Since Blink has expressed his own frustration -- i dont know -- at least a thousand times on DC servers in the last six to twelve months, some of which (as above regarding his comments about My Mothers genitals) is quite literally unlawful discrimination, I find it manipulative, deceitful and frankly hilarious of Blink, to judge Bang or anyone in any way, shape or form.

As for his TKing allegations, TKs happens in the game. When people TK me I dont think its a conspiracy theory against me. Friendly fire happens in war.

Not sure what motivated Blink's post. Maybe a final passing shot, a slamming of doors, before leaving. For the record, I'm fine with Blink playing on the server, as long as he controlls his potty mouth, especially about my Mother's vagina?


Forum Newbie
Local time
9:28 AM
Apr 3, 2022
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Even with the historical context and hindsight, it does not excuse the fact that you let your frustration and temper get the better of you in chat to such a degree over time. Many things can be excused by how people react to a game and other players, but not when their reactions devolve into kindergarten-level and to the detriment of a community. The excerpts displayed in the ban-topic and above, as well as attitude after the fact, make it clear that your level of immaturity warrants the ban.


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:28 AM
Dec 10, 2022
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Gents, what’s missing from this conversation is that Blinky has an outrageous personality. He’s a nut, that is always going outside the ordinary. I don’t think his commentary should be taken so literally. Think of it as a guy busting balls, or maybe as an angry guy busting balls, against HELLO guys he thinks wronged him or EA117. I am 100% that he’s outrageous, but he’s not mean. He’s a good guy that got carried away.

I can tell from talking to him, he realizes he went over the line. The title of this thread references this fact.

He’s not asking, I’m asking. Can we reinstate my friend?


Forum Newbie
Local time
9:28 AM
Apr 3, 2022
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Gents, what’s missing from this conversation is that Blinky has an outrageous personality.
I would refer you to the topic Ban: BlinkofanEye, and the highlights of his "outrageous personality" there. As already stated, getting carried away with the game is one thing, Blink crosses the threshold into harassment and malice many times over a long period. His realization after the fact and with the ban in effect doesn't alter these facts. Whether he regrets it or not, the community benefits from not being exposed to such toxicity.
Local time
9:28 AM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
Real Name
I've liked you response @BlinkofanEye ,

I'm not going to run down through a response per response for now.

MoFo has seen fit to vouch for you and it even seems the person that you had belittled (Bang) wishes to see you return. If that does not show that his character is willing to work with people, I don't know what is.

Although I banned you "permanently", we do have a history of giving second (and in rare cases third) chances from such bans. Your ban will be re-visited during the course of January 2023, where we (1942 staff / leadership) will either decide whether to overturn it or not.

A result will be posted on your original ban topic when this happens.

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