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Slight changes: Rules regarding the playername and main-raping

Local time
3:21 PM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everybody!

the BFV-staff discussed some rules changes. I would like to inform you about the results.

No kicks for default playernames​

Regarding our rules, a player must have had an individual playername. Default playernames like "Player" or "Spieler" were not allowed and should have caused a warning&kick.

We changed this rule to the following:

Although not a hard rule, we will suggest that default names such as "Player" or "Spieler" etc, are changed to a more unique name for a better experience.

So the admins will only give a hint to change that name.

BUT: If a player with the defaultname gets banned and there is another player joining the game with that same default name, we will ban him too if we can't cleary distinguish this two. So you better choose an individual name, that's why the admins will ask you to change that name.

A more accurate definition of main raping​

On some maps like Saigon or Khe Sahn, it's not very clear what belongs to the territory of the main and what doesn't.

Therefore the rules were customized by adding some screenshots with the area which belongs to the main territory. This will be the basis for any kind of sentencing and rule-breaking.

Check out the new rules here: https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/32/

Best regards,
Local time
4:21 PM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name

Updating on this topic​

We've taken the executive decision to amend the main raping rule slightly more to add even more clarity.

Prior to the changes being made that we are implementing, this is what the rule looked like:

5. Main raping:
In order to promote a fun environment we don't allow air units to attack the opposing team's main base, either by firing into said main or using aircraft to ram players / vehicles on the ground unless the opposing team has no other flags. (neutral flags don't count as a team's flag).

Below are the maps which are affected by the main rape rule. Under each map title is a screenshot of both mains (when applicable) that show a demarcated area. This area is considered covered by the main rape rule.
Along with the clearly demarcated areas considered / covered by the main rape rule.

The amended version is:
5. Main raping:
To ensure an enjoyable environment, we have implemented a rule prohibiting air units from attacking the main base of the opposing team. This includes firing into the main base or using aircraft to intentionally collide with players or vehicles on the ground, unless the opposing team has no other flags under their control (neutral flags are not considered as a team's flag). This rule applies all to all aircraft including both the Mi8 cargo and Huey Slick helicopters, as they can be utilized for ramming purposes. The Huey Slick's side guns are also included in this restriction.

The following maps are affected by the main rape rule. For each map, there is a screenshot displaying both mains (if applicable) with a designated demarcated area. This area is considered protected by the main rape rule.

Please be aware:
Engaging enemy aircraft is permitted within the demarcated main areas, regardless of the flag situation. However, these attacks must involve aircraft-to-aircraft combat and should take place at an altitude above tower height, ensuring a reasonable distance from the ground.

We have essentially removed the doubt about the mi8 cargo & slick being used as main rape tools. We didn't take them into consideration wording wise with the rule when we included ramming and to be fair, the slick quite counts because of it's side guns.

We have also made it clearer about a reasonable height restriction when it comes to air to air combat above mains.

The full rules page can be viewable here: https://www.helloclan.eu/bfv/rules


Normal Poster
Local time
9:21 AM
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
So a player may not use the slick to drop a tank, for example, on the opposing team's main?
Local time
10:21 AM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Suggestion: I have noticed several times that admins warnings were not understood by new players. These days we have new international players joining the server which is a great thing. A few have mentioned that they found out about this game from YouTube videos. The last thing we want is new players to be kicked and banned for something they did not understand. If they don't know English properly, it is almost impossible for them to translate in-game admin messages. Could we have admins give warnings in multiple languages to cover such as German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc? This should especially be implemented when admins notice new player names, and "Player" or "Spieler". Other language warnings can be pre-typed and saved in admin console in multiple languages and can be set to broadcast during gameplay with a few clicks. Please see if this is possible. Thanks!
Local time
3:21 PM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
So a player may not use the slick to drop a tank, for example, on the opposing team's main?
That is right.

Suggestion: I have noticed several times that admins warnings were not understood by new players. These days we have new international players joining the server which is a great thing. A few have mentioned that they found out about this game from YouTube videos. The last thing we want is new players to be kicked and banned for something they did not understand. If they don't know English properly, it is almost impossible for them to translate in-game admin messages. Could we have admins give warnings in multiple languages to cover such as German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc? This should especially be implemented when admins notice new player names, and "Player" or "Spieler". Other language warnings can be pre-typed and saved in admin console in multiple languages and can be set to broadcast during gameplay with a few clicks. Please see if this is possible. Thanks!
Adding that many commands to the RM needs a lot of organisation within the RM... We will discuss this. But as far as I know, we didn't kick that often in the recent weeks.


Normal Poster
Local time
9:21 AM
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Pinky, you can still use this tactic, just drop the tank/vehicle right outside the predefined main perimeter as depicted in the rules :)

Flight, I don't transport tanks/boats/transport vehicles for the benefit of either team. I do so to drop/slam them into or onto those standing around chopper pads waiting for the spawn. I've slammed them into choppers and planes. If they don't like it, shoot me down. I have no guns.
Local time
9:21 AM
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Flight, I don't transport tanks/boats/transport vehicles for the benefit of either team. I do so to drop/slam them into or onto those standing around chopper pads waiting for the spawn. I've slammed them into choppers and planes. If they don't like it, shoot me down. I have no guns.

Ah gotcha. Maybe just play differently? There are many, many ways to have fun on BFV considering how lenient the overall Hello rules are.


Normal Poster
Local time
9:21 AM
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Ah gotcha. Maybe just play differently? There are many, many ways to have fun on BFV considering how lenient the overall Hello rules are.

I think you hit the nail on the head. The rules. They have been lenient such to allow certain a-holes to run off players. Now there are bots filling in.

Banning the slick from flying anywhere is silly. Especially if there are no gunners on board. So what if I fly the thing into the other team's main and slam it into one of the chopper whores, serves them right.

I stopped playing long ago. I'm here because several players sent me messages and I wanted to respond.

You've had a hot summer in Texas I know. I have a number of friends living there. Best wishes to you Flight.
