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Local time
6:44 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
I received a in chat complaint that I had kicked Cokra for being AFK when Cokra was playing. I asked 4 times( all in the logs) if Cokra was playing b4 kicking for AFK. Cokra said "I can't read messages when I am sniping". Players, I ask more than the required times if a player is playing. I ask 3-4 times in case they didn't see the first or second or even a third request to respond.I only need to ask once but I give leeway b4 kicking.If you are asked if you are playing and DON'T respond you have to expect that you will be kicked. These are the RULES that ICE SKATER have entrusted me to uphold.AFK players make the teams uneven in PLAYING and this is why the kick afkers rule exists.I will ask Ice if the time limit that an admin message is shown can be extended so the message remains on screen longer to try to avoid players saying they didn't see the message and being kicked when they are playing.
Local time
11:44 PM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I agree that AFK'ers should be kicked, and I have been kicked quite a few times for being AFK.

Cokra mostly snipes. She will wait till someone passes through her crosshair to shoot. This requires a lot of concentration because the subject will pass though in a fraction of a second. No sniper will read gamechat messages while seriously snipping. There have been times when I don't read gamechat messages too, especially when I'm occupied in a serious dogfight, or getting raped by Rick, or dodging elite's Huey circus stunts, or looking out for Nagi ramming me repeatedly with the A-7, etc. I was actually in the spawn Mi-8. Scofield was flying it and repeatedly going for the Blue main. I sent a teamchat and gamechat comment to Scofield not to take main, instead go for flags which we only had few. At that exact time Cokra warned her team in gamechat saying "main". Then a few seconds later I saw your Admin comment asking Cokra is she is playing. I tried to answer to you that Cokra is playing. 2 seconds later Cokra was kicked, pissing off MglCan. I think this was an honest mistake. You were trying to do the right thing, but Cokra was obviously playing because she was watching her main, probably sniping nearby. She only used gamechat to warn her team that they were about to lose their main.

When mistakes happen, just say sorry and move on. "I'm sorry Cokra, I thought you were AFK. By the time I realized that you were actually playing, I had already sent the kick command. I tried to ask you 4 times if you were playing, but it seems you were very focused on your main that Scofield was repeatedly trying to capture, or you were very focused on your snipping, so you must not have seen my warning messages." Not bad right?

Something to consider about AFK's: Besides making teams uneven, could AFK'ers be a bit of a server asset too? Potential players see that the server has many players so they join the server, right? Player numbers attact more players right? So the more, the merier. Also, if both teams have somewhat equal numbers of AFK'ers then why bother kicking them one by one? Most of the times, the AFK'er will rejoin the game sooner or later. They artifically inflate server player number which is a good thing these days when there are a dozen other servers with no players at all. When there are 16-20 players and one team has an AFK, it doesn't really make that much of a difference to the team right? Now, if one team has several AFK and the other team has none, then that definately makes things uneven and kicking the AFK's is called for.

You are one of my fav admins. Sometimes I wish you are playing so that you can kick a disruptor. Thanks for your help and your time. Now lets hope tina gets back in the game. I think tina bought in more players than anyone else :) At least the newbies. Where are you tina? We miss you!


Normal Poster
Local time
10:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Fragga do you ever go into spectator mode and watch the players you kick? As much as you enjoy kicking AFK players there is more than just the chat window to see if someone is playing or not playing. Yes the "RULES" say that after you message someone you can kick them if they don't respond. In addition if the player has a score and a kit or even just a kit why don't you take the time to go into spectator mode and verify? Being an admin sometimes means say oh well to your score and jumping into spectator mode to gather as much information as possible before making a decision.
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rage vs machine

Forum Newbie
Local time
11:44 PM
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
I said "BRB" to get some beer, came back, was kicked, had to reload game, said BRB to take a piss, came back, kicked again, I did not come back after that.
Local time
6:44 AM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
Real Name
To address this once and for all now;

This is as it appears in our rules page for bfv:


If you need to step away from your PC for a few moments, we recommend that you got to spectator mode (bear in mind you will loose your score) until you return. If you are AFK and not in spectator mode, the following will happen;

  1. The player will be asked if they are playing. This will be through yellow admin chat or in-game, both count as sufficient warning. Should they respond, nothing further will happen.

  2. Should the player not respond after being given a sufficient amount of time, or should they still fall under any of the below conditions, the player will be kicked.
At least one of the following conditions need to be met for us to decide a player is AFK.

1. a) The player must have a score of 0 0 0, signifying they've made no game-play actions.

1. b) The player must have no kit beside their name, signifying they haven't spawned.

1. c) The player must have a greyed out name for at least a few minutes, signifying they've not joined.

To avoid further hassle, I'm going to ask that all our BFV Admins adhere to the above rule to the letter. If, however, any of the above conditions are met for being AFK, they are well within their right to kick for AFK.

If none are met, no kicks will be made. Please note - there are several select players that...make mention of when people are AFK. These statements will be ignored if no conditions for AFK are met.

If there is any further issue, please report it: https://forum.helloclan.eu/support (contact us = leadership).
Local time
11:44 PM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Would admins consider the possibility of adding one more condition to the "Conditions for being AFK"?

1. d) If both teams have equal number of AFK players, then the admin should not kick AFK players as both teams have evenly balanced numbers of AFK players.

(As I have said above, player numbers matter. More players attract even more players and helps fill the server. AFK players still matter because they appear as "Online". They are a server asset in the following situation: If both teams have equal number of AFK players then both teams are balanced, and since they are balanced, there is no need to kick AFK players. Just my two cents. Thank you!)


Normal Poster
Local time
10:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
It still does not hurt to go into spectator mode as an admin and verify that the player you think is AFK is actually not playing. I know what the rules say but then there is coommon sence which isin't alsways so common.
Local time
11:44 PM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
It still does not hurt to go into spectator mode as an admin and verify that the player you think is AFK is actually not playing. I know what the rules say but then there is coommon sence which isin't alsways so common.
Common sense would also suggest that there is no need to kick an AFK player if he/she is on the winning team. The imbalance caused by an AFK player not causing the team to lose as it is still winning, right?


Normal Poster
Local time
10:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
The rules were made when there was an endless supply of bodies, this is no longer the case. Clearly an adjustment to the criteria for kicking a player needs to be made. When a player has a kit, score, and are spawned in the game, these conditions having been met the admin should be required to go into spectator mode and observer the player before ejecting them from the game.

Local time
6:44 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
I'm just going to...

At least one of the following criteria - any one of the criteria. If a criteria is met, an admin is well within their right to kick for AFK.​

1. a) The player must have a score of 0 0 0, signifying they've made no game-play actions.
If this is the case and the player have no scores at all & they do not respond to admin requests it is a kick for being AFK.

1. b) The player must have no kit beside their name, signifying they haven't spawned.
Pretty self-explanatory. They clearly haven't spawned, if they do not respond to an Admin, it is a kick for being AFK.

1. c) The player must have a greyed out name for at least a few minutes, signifying they've not joined.
Also self-explanatory, they clearly have not joined and if after a few moments they still do not join as well as not respond to admin requests, it is a kick for being AFK.

Tit for tat:
One could say - is it too much hassle to respond to "are you playing", if they do not then either they want to be kicked or are actually AFK? OR jump into SPEC mode which is actually there for this very reason - to help avoid AFK kicks...

Granted the above argument is rendered null if it's a new player and also if it's a player who...isn't quite fluent in English.

Compare that to an admin's position.

Assuming they're on the same team;
  • Dying the honorable way - bullet or RPG.
  • Scanning through the players on the team to find the "AFK" player.
  • Still asking them if they are playing by usual means in-case they are in fact present but not joining yet.

Assuming they're on the opposite team;
  • Suiciding (or honorable death) but suicide affecting their teams score (especially so if there is a few occurrences.
  • Switching to spec mode, assuming it doesn't bug out and drop them into the "in-between".
  • Cycling through players to try find the "AFK" player.

All of the above effort and time is wasted in IMHO. Admins only need to ask if a person is playing a few times, if there is no response and they fall under any of the conditions for AFK, they are quite clear to kick.

Having said all that;

I'm not against Rice's comment - at least with regard to being more careful with those that are spawned in that have scores & kits. I do not expect Admins to go through extra hassle just to prove a person is AFK. After all, it is just a kick - not a ban, not a round ban, not anything bad. Just a kick. Yes...it may frustrate if one had a good score.

Please note though that this falls under admin discretion. In which case basic elements apply - ask if playing etc etc. I personally have kicked Nagi...and a select few others...that fit this bill who were well and truly AFK many times.

I'm also on board with Al's suggestion of being more lenient with AFK kicks. I appreciate the seeding aspect such positions could provide assistance with. It is even something we employ on our 1942 servers - just with...one or two extra instances.

Both of which I will discuss with staff this coming weekend.


Normal Poster
Local time
10:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Let us examine things more closely

I think there are three conditions where the current criteria are flawed.

There are three player character modes where the in-game txt chat does not appear on the players screen.

1) Sniper kit looking through a scope

2) Spotter looking through binoculars

3) Mortar kit using spotter designated target (seeing what spotter sees thru binoculars)

Now I am not 100% positive about these conditions, but this may be the case. If so, not seeing the txt is not intentional and not possible.



Normal Poster
Local time
10:44 PM
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I could also be 100% wrong inwhich case I'm an idiot.


I checked one of the modes today and I could see the txt

not looking good for the rice
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