It was an honor to be repeatedly killed by Flower. Go with God old friend. It was an honor fighting against, and with you in the battlefield of Vietnam.
Cpl.AJ: Did you hear about the new assasins creed and far cry coming out?
SucceededKiller: Yes.
SucceededKiller: Elephant riding in the himilayas. xD
SucceededKiller: *himalayas
Cpl.AJ: I dont understand whats si great
Cpl.AJ: I mean elephants are slower than john in the morning
Cpl.AJ: so any...
Cpl.AJ: hoisenberry
SucceededKiller: A what?
Cpl.AJ: a hoisenberry
Cpl.AJ: its like a red berry and its bumpy
SucceededKiller: Did you make that up?
Cpl.AJ: no its an actual berry
SucceededKiller: Not according to google.
SucceededKiller: boysenberry
SucceededKiller: ?
Cpl.AJ: yes...
The last "friendly" scrimmage we had with them ended with one of our clan members quitting because they refused to play against him due to thinking he was hacking.
Cpl.AJ: I dont get my friend
Cpl.AJ: he has a problem with fallout
Cpl.AJ: and he's never played it before
Cpl.AJ: he's a skyrim hipster
SucceededKiller: My dad doesn't like fallout. :P
Cpl.AJ: well thats your dad
SucceededKiller: Yes? XD...
Le AJ and Ryan prepping for the first annual -[HELLO]- Clan BFV Saturday event banquet...
cplaj (02:59:08): *kicks door open*
cplaj (02:59:15): Ryan! help me over here damn it!
RyanCooper (02:59:24): /me shoots
cplaj (02:59:42): Tedde just ordered a load of Spoons for the clan cafeteria
A Creepy Pasta I read. It wasn't scary. It just gave me something to think about :)
It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your...
Dr. Hax!: Hello mate! :D
Cpl.AJ: Ok.
Dr. Hax!: You got ACE for arma 2 right?
Cpl.AJ: Ace? >:O
Dr. Hax!: It's a mod that makes everything twice as realistic
Dr. Hax!: and more weapons
Cpl.AJ: nah :O
Dr. Hax!: and maps
Dr. Hax!: and more thingiethings
Dr. Hax!: Concider getting it then :)
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