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  1. T

    AJ's hate or like list

    Lool nice man now i promise to keep that promise of not cuttn off your toes IF you tell me whats wrong with my bfv ^^. minutes after posting that topic you replied to sendin me here, i was able to get back on hello but now im havn the data mismatch issue again and dont know why.....im very sad...
  2. T

    I just learned...

    That i had different data than the server...AND the second time i tried to join thinkn i just needed to restart bfv, now it says im banned? lol Lemmi guess the asshat from the imitation hello aka Masters, is behind this crap again? Any who I can be reached via Skype at the Skype name...
  3. T

    Crashes, the real story.

    Look guys its simple...it took a bit of doing but this ip here, if it goes down ie hacked, then he will get the hint and stop trying to act like he Owns bfv server and can Order other servers what to do by means oh co-hersion. <--- misspelled i'm sure but anyways the guy or guys...
  4. T

    Ima just learn how to cut toes ....

    Awesome Sauce, Thanks for the Passing grade! Do not be fooled however... I'm still gonna use whatever weapon i need to get the job done. Joining Sniper division and wearing the Badge just means I'm being a nice guy and letn you know that I start shootn at you as soon as I can. GL all and Have...
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    Ima just learn how to cut toes ....

    .... From a distance. App for Sniper Duty sounds like a good school to get sneakier in. Is "The Art of War" a book on the lesson roster?
  6. T

    Applying For duty in the Hello Clan

    I have resigned from BoB for personal reasons. No Hard feelings between us all, we were all killn each other before I was a Bob. I just feel that HELLO has more structure and direction in game play. Peace to all, after I get your toes with my machette. 8-) Xfire: skynetrnd
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    The Former HELLO AIR Maps has been renamed to HELLO ALL MAPS. How do i know this? well 2 ways ...1, air maps is the ONLY server I'm banned from...and i can not join this new hello all maps..says I'm banned, and 2 the ping, the Real Hello All maps has a ping of 42 for me, the new one has 74. DO...
  8. T

    Robin Banks

    This is Exactly the reason Why i don't like forums..NO FORUM I have ever seen has a FAIR AND UNBIASED admin staff. Just reading the last few weeks worth of KURK's posts SHOULD HAVE gotten him a Ban already....... But nooooo whoever hes blowin is surely showin it by letn him keep this crap up for...
  9. T


    This seems like a good place to put it, yes speaking of insults, Can we get a ban in the forum for One Kurk who keeps making slanderous remarks and racist and sexual in nature. The Gay Black man Comment was very Offensive and If he was in person Id Stomp his Ignorant Arse into a mud hole then...
  10. T

    Robin Banks

    there's your Problem Kid,i mean Kurt, No don't watch any tv to be precise, that's why I may be beyond Fringe and still fully functional, But at least my mind has not become warped to the form of yours where you can defy rules CLEARLY posted and seek to justify it after. So Try to misconstrue my...
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    Robin Banks

    And now I will reply, When telling someone to STFU its clearly an abbreviation yes to the True words, however its a lot nicer when I say it to someone who has interrupted my game play for almost 30 minutes with Using the Whole words as he tries again and again to get a rise out of an admin he...
  12. T

    I was banned from Hello Air maps?

    Sweet thanks guys, now i know.
  13. T

    I was banned from Hello Air maps?

    Can i get that lil mistake undone plz? Ty , «ßÔß»-ToeCutter