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I'm not reporting anybody

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for anything. Including Willard or Player for team switching. Don't care. I reported it a couple of weeks ago and nothing came of it. And even if anything came from it, it would be a 24 hour suspension. Meanwhile, players quit playing.


Regular Poster
Local time
11:34 PM
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
You can block me, ban me, remove all my posts. Moving on.

Been fun guys. Best wishes to all.


Pinky, there is no need to do this and leave. We need all players and especially the old timers here. What I am not going to do and nobody else is going to do is beg you to stay here.

However, lets ignore this guy and have some patience. Do you bring up a good point, Yes. Is it a make or brake moment , No!
Lets give Vmax a little latitude and the process he is in charge of. I get it your frustrated, but if everyone else just quits because they got a little frustrated there would be no gaming on BFV. You want tough love and prison time for everyone who breaks a rules and that's not going to happen here.

I think you can get through this Pinky , I really do. But to start you need to take a deep breath and let it go.

Willard or Player - Lets stop the team swapping !
Play on your team and if you switch do it for a good reason. I sometimes switch to balance teams.

You got it Willard or Player ?

I will be a sending a private message so you understand, because apparently this is a habit and you won't fucking stop regardless if we lose players.

Lets see if these jack asses understand or even care we lose players. Lets see their response or lack of response and then take action from their.
Maybe then they will understand play by the rules and quit disrupting or get the fuck out !

Asking them to stop doesn't work and I could care less and about a fucking turd named Player and Willard to be honest.

Who cares about these 2 players ? Willard or Player Lets take a poll. This is the answer to this equation. If there is no " want to save them " , then kick them out and end this childish BS.

Somebody start a poll for me and lets see how much weight and love we have for these 2 fucking team swapping jerks.
Local time
7:34 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I hear that Pinky.
I got a ban for accidental main rape. literally might have killed one person in the main on accident. Someone comes and whines to the BFV LEADER nonetheless and without even so much as a PM, I was given a 24 hour ban.
I had recently returned after a Long absence from BFV. I came back to map vote painfully being abused, made a topic on it and was quickly informed that it was here to stay and basically I should deal with it. Played in the server for a couple weeks, I logged many hours as I used to and with one person going to the BFV leader with a little line I was banned. To me, this doesn't seem like a leader that cares to keep people playing a seriously dead game.
Prior to this incident by maybe a week, I was playing in the server, we had all flags on game warden so I was circling their main killing people when without warning I was simply slayed. No warning, just a slay. I asked why, and BFV Leader replied in CAPS we had lost 1 of the flags. I apologized but was pretty taken back at the lack of respect shown by the person who of all people should be trying to keep ALL players in HELLO server.... I was playing longer, and on a diff map and was being main raped, but apparently there is a double standard for main rape, where its ok for certain players to do it and certain players who cannot.
I was informed Rudely by the BFV Leader, that this is not a democracy and that I needed to go and find the rules and read them. IN ALL CAPS THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY!!! I literally asked him a question about being main raped.
Since my incredibly childish ban, I have not been back to the server nor have I truly cared to. A shame when the last good server is being run by a power thirsty person such as it is now.
A BFV Leader that CONSTANTLY trash talks any map that he does not like. Hue comes on, Saigon comes on, Quang tri.... ANY infantry map comes on and his first words are "Shit Map". He jumps to spectate and starts map voting for air maps..... Doesn't seem like a leader at all, more like a child put in charge.
I suppose ill be banned for my opinion here now too. But after reading Pinkys post, I thought id ad.



Pinky, there is no need to do this and leave. We need all players and especially the old timers here. What I am not going to do and nobody else is going to do is beg you to stay here.

However, lets ignore this guy and have some patience. Do you bring up a good point, Yes. Is it a make or brake moment , No!
Lets give Vmax a little latitude and the process he is in charge of. I get it your frustrated, but if everyone else just quits because they got a little frustrated there would be no gaming on BFV. You want tough love and prison time for everyone who breaks a rules and that's not going to happen here.

I think you can get through this Pinky , I really do. But to start you need to take a deep breath and let it go.

Vmax is in charge but in charge of what? Does he still take directions from SK? Why has Player not been punished? That's the question. He runs off players with his disruptive team switching and nothing ever happens to him. He doesn't give a shit about the game or any of the players here yet he seems to be untouchable.

Vmax said he was on the other day and Willard switched once, that nothing would be done because they needed evidence. I have tried the evidence thing. I reported Player over a week ago with links to the maps where he switched back and forth. Nothing came of it. Total waste of time. And nothing will come of it because for reasons nobody seems to be able to explain, Player is allowed to swap at a whim. It is disruptive and the only person who I think doesn't think so or doesn't care is whoever is in charge of the server.

There is an old saying, if you want to know who is in charge of you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

I have written to some of my old friends who played the game. There might be another server where we can go. Until something is done about Player and Willard, I won't play at HELLO. It is way too frustrating. Especially for a player like me because I frequently am the player to move the tunnel.

Local time
2:34 AM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
In my experience Vmax is a good admin, an he plays well too. He helps out with advice, suggestions and tips. I've never had any problems with any Hello admins till date. I enjoy playing on this server since many years. BFV & Hello Forever!


In my experience Vmax is a good admin, an he plays well too. He helps out with advice, suggestions and tips. I've never had any problems with any Hello admins till date. I enjoy playing on this server since many years. BFV & Hello Forever!

If you are implying that I said he was not a good admin, you are incorrect. I consider Vmax a friend. Maybe he doesn't feel the same, got me. But the server needs a serious shot of something to keep it going and letting Player switch teams willy-nilly, with players bitching about it for years, is not the solution.


El Alamein

Forum Rookie
Local time
2:34 AM
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
All I'm going to say at the moment is that all of this is far below Vmax's pay grade, so to speak. He works very hard to keep things running, and, whether or not you agree, he works very hard to keep as many people as possible happy with the game. Pinky, you post a million threads a week and I hate to break it to you, but Vmax is not beholden to drop everything and pat you on the back the moment you make another demand. Please try to understand that decisions are not made overnight and changes are not implemented at the drop of a hat. You are only going to foment ill will if you continue to levy accusations of negligence and incompetence against our admins without giving them ample time to even reply to your initial concerns.

~The Deadliest Warrior

Deleted member 10634

Funny how you talk about Bitching Pinky.

If you look at the posts you have posted and when you don't get your way you get upset and leave like a little angry kid.
We sure are going to miss V-max as Admin. Hope he continues to play.
I admins have to deal with these issues all the time its no wonder they get fed up with it.
Just play, Have fun and follow the rules. Its actually very simple.


Regular Poster
Local time
11:34 PM
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
All I'm going to say at the moment is that all of this is far below Vmax's pay grade, so to speak. He works very hard to keep things running, and, whether or not you agree, he works very hard to keep as many people as possible happy with the game. Pinky, you post a million threads a week and I hate to break it to you, but Vmax is not beholden to drop everything and pat you on the back the moment you make another demand. Please try to understand that decisions are not made overnight and changes are not implemented at the drop of a hat. You are only going to foment ill will if you continue to levy accusations of negligence and incompetence against our admins without giving them ample time to even reply to your initial concerns.

~The Deadliest Warrior

Pinky , this is true. We all have requests and complaints and blah , blah ... But the reality is this forum is run by people who are volunteering their time.
I do respect that and I don't have super high expectations. Now , Im not thrilled with Player switching teams all the time and I am seeing people quit also.

It sucks , and if I was admin I would kick then ban his his ass rather than show this supersize compassion that will prove nothing to him. Player doesn't give a rats ass about diminishing players on this server.

Do I wish somebody would boot his ass the very next 10 times he does it so that person will learn there is a consequence, hell yea ! But this may take another year or two , who knows. The point is I'm not in charge and I did voice my opinion and its unfortunate this will take a very long time to fix. However, I am not going to beat up Vmax over it and I sure don't want him to leave over it.

I appreciate Vmax and all his help and his presence period on this server. Hes a good man and fair.

Now don't take it the wrong way Pinky , but you need to cool it and that's the real truth here. I hope you have some latitude and patience and stay on the server and things will get resolved. Please stop the bickering with Shaun, your going to far over this stuff and its not life threatening.


Funny how you talk about Bitching Pinky.

If you look at the posts you have posted and when you don't get your way you get upset and leave like a little angry kid.
We sure are going to miss V-max as Admin. Hope he continues to play.
I admins have to deal with these issues all the time its no wonder they get fed up with it.
Just play, Have fun and follow the rules. Its actually very simple.
View attachment 193

It really ruins the game with people like baki bringing teams in unbalance.
It seems like his only purpose is to ruin the game.
ts again and again

Did they whack baki for you Snake?
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