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Cyberbullying PSA

Local time
4:19 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name


I felt that I should share this, given my position and stance against it. My local Film & Publication Board (FPB) shared a flyer that made it's way through various CPF's (community policing forums) and it made it's way to me eventually.

The internet is a wonderful place of knowledge and learning, but it is also a platform that breeds malice. In today's day & age nearly everyone is connected to the internet. Whether it be via smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, a console or a desktop pc. When I say everyone I mean children, far too young in my opinion to have such access, to pre-teens / teenagers and then full grown adults.

Each one of these "age" groups are prone to cyberbullying. It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are. No one should suffer any form of cyberbullying, or bullying in general. It is a horrible situation to be in that will have adverse affects.

It takes:
  • One sentence.
  • One word.
  • One lie.
  • One threat.
  • One photo.
And a life will be changed forever.

I'm here to be the reminder, if you have been a victim of cyberbullying, or bullying in person, speak up don't let your voice be drowned out by the fear of not being heard. Your voice has power.

If you have seen someone being a victim of cyberbullying or bullying in person, don't sit on the sidelines and wonder what to do. Report it. If you see it and report it, you will be helping someone in a way you never knew possible.

You might even save them.

Don't be silent.


Ps. Points 1 & 3 are the same because of how important it is. Knowing when the line has been crossed.


Normal Poster
Local time
3:19 AM
Oct 17, 2020
Reaction score
I get pissed by idibots on the net, the bots 100% better in Battlefield 19'42, Vietnam or 2(007). I don't take the trolling of gameplay vids on my personal yt channel as cyberbullying, I'm a real 28 years old boy-man, I studied one schoolyear system operating administrator studies and life has trained me well, I was even watching my elder bro's back due to his light autist personality, I'm a former civil guard candidate as well, my dream is to become a policed soldier with rank Private 1st Class as I am in Battlefield in my way I refer to it as Uniquer Gatl, of course strongless persons may turn to psychologist for help


Normal Poster
Local time
2:19 AM
Feb 18, 2017
Reaction score
Buen consejo iceskater ..
Si no te sientes fuerte es importante hablarlo .. busca en tu entorno de confianza ..amiga, familiar, profesores .. si no siempre SIEMPRE tienes una política para escucharte asesorarte y ayudarte.
NUNCA, NUNCA, TE CALLES ,,, esos babosos se hacen grandes con tu silencio. No les demuestres miedo, eso es lo que mas temen, cuando tu voz esta por encima.
No son nadie, no son nada. No apartes la mirada.
Y Las Persona que ven, oyen o saben lo que ocurre no mireis a otro lado, no sonriais, no seais complices por miedo. Mañana podeis ser vosotros.o vuestros hermanos hermanas sobrinos hijos padres familiares.

"no mas silencios si nos queman
no mas ojos hacia el suelo que envenenan
tu hablas
tu buscas
tu amas
tu ganas
porque tu eres valiente
juntos tu y tu voz"