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Ban: Capt. Kirk aka Mai Hai Ping aka Redheeler

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Normal Poster
Local time
6:41 PM
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
Admin: Myself / Reported
Rule Broken: Disruptive gameplay, inappropriate language, inappropriate names, chat spamming
Action(s) Taken: 2 weeks
Admin's note:
Player's stats: http://helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/player.php?id=4758
Chat logs:

Redheeler rarely plays on our server now, but almost every time when he joins he's starting to insult our players and play disruptively.
2020-05-23 11:07:57 : # [BLUE] Capt. Kirk: stil a rather shit server ?
If you don't like our server like you have mentioned so many times before, you are most welcome to play on other servers with bots.
Instead you're coming here again and again just to receive another ban. Why?

If you would like to keep playing here I suggest you to review your style of playing and interaction with other players.
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