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Ban: paranoid (2)

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Normal Poster
Local time
5:52 PM
Sep 21, 2019
Reaction score
Admin: Myself
Rule Broken: Ban evasion
Action(s) Taken: 6 days ban in total
Admin's note:
original ban topic: https://helloclan.eu/threads/9030/

Due to the multiple ban evasion attempts, paranoid receives additional 24h ban for each try, when he rejoined under the following nicknames:
"paranoid", "Paranoid", "{Air} Piet", "[CRO] Luigui", "DREAMBRAKER". That's 5 days in total + 24h of the previous ban.
All his additional CD-keys will be banned permanently.

According to the Admin Courses Of Action:

Ban evasion:

Should a player be banned and they attempt to circumvent their ban by making use of dubious methods, they will find any and all new CD-Keys banned as well as additional info to prevent them from entering the game until their ban has been served. Should they truly persevere, they may find themselves banned for a month on top of their original ban just for the evasion.

For the first time you will receive only less than a week ban time. However, if you wish to continue this, you will find yourself banned for an additional month, as it is stated in our rule page.
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