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Forum Rookie
Local time
7:02 PM
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
synonyms: gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, indebtedness; More

This word has been on my mind of late. As it pertains to BFV, we have allot to be grateful for! Think about it. Other people, miles away from us, have spent time, building a website, funding a server, managing a playerbase for 10+ years! We've reaped the rewards of their efforts with minimal input ourselves. We just log on and consume this service whenever we wish, taking it for granted. Then on occasion (allot of us have done this) we go a step further and make this a platform to complain while telling everyone we could do it better....

Yet.... the people who've spent their time freely to keep this game alive have not complained much, instead they ask for a heaping helping of constructive criticism anyway. In order to make the game better they go against their better judgement and of late have even installed some controversial changes at the request of the community.

So what should naturally follow is this:

Thank you SK, thank you Skater, thank you admins and thank you whoever has funded this server and thank you those who've donated. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. Whether its been time donated or money..... (and we all know TIME IS MONEY!) you've given so much to keep this place going. You've ignored trolls, treated disrespectful people with respect. You've settled disputes, You've battled hackers and hecklers, You've typed paragraphs and paragraphs of text on these forums over trivial issues hoping to make this place great. And in return hardly anyone has thanked you in a manner which you deserve.

I think we SHOULD improve this place, I think we SHOULD let our opinions be heard. But ask yourself why is this server here when so many others have failed. There is only one GODDAMN reason and WE ALL KNOW IT. Because people like SK and Shaun have kept it alive. If they quit it would be over. DONE, finished. So knowing these facts, perhaps we should be understanding, reasonable and charitable towards the people that keep this place alive. Lets show respect, leniency, less dogma and be more bendable in our opinions. After all, id hate to drive them away by pushing too much too fast. And how dare we turn around and not thank them for listening to us and implementing the changes we yelled for!..... :'(


Amen brother!

Thank you for the hard work and determination. It takes a strong will and never ending determination to fight the fight.

See you in battle. Noobs!



Forum Newbie
Local time
1:02 AM
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Vernon CT USA
ROBO, I couldnt have said it better myself. SK and Iceskater put so much time and effort into keeping this server alive and rarely get the respect and appreciation due them for their efforts. THANK YOU SK AND iCESKATER for everything you do to keep this server going. and THANK YOU to all our fellow players who have volunteered their time as admins so that the game play is still fun for everyone (with the exception of a few who are only happy when causing problems for other players. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).I look forward to killing you all online again soon

TheNME <salute> to all

Rambo FlamingDart

Forum Rookie
Local time
1:02 AM
Dec 22, 2015
Reaction score
Nothing more to add here. I totally agree with what robo says. Let me also express once again my gratitude to the server team for the hard work keeping a >10 year old game alive !