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I apologize



I don't apologize for anything. When I make a mistake, I take the blame and go on from there. Woody Hayes (The Ohio State University football coach).

I do apologize to SK and Shaun and any admins I have or may have offended by my comments. I have become very frustrated with the game and the direction it seems to be taking.

Honestly, at this point, I don't care if Hash comes on or any of the hackers. I would like to see the password removed. I would also like to see the admins being given the authority to act as admins. The game is dying a slow death. I know you are concerned with bias and concerns of favoritism. Who cares? Abel ran off Peach. Nagi ran off Berserker.

If you would simply have trust and faith in your admins, play on the server should improve and we might pick up some new players. Put a stop to the switching teams. Yes, hard to police but I have been around these admins, they are not dummies. Let them handle this.



Falschfahrer said:
It is the same everytime Cambodian Excursion comes on. certain ppl ts to blue and blow up everything. often it is 1 or 2 vs 6 -10 andothers go to spectator mode just to annoy and comment.
it is one of the best maps but mainly because no helis or flights ppl dont want to play it. it is frustrating

I agree about the team shift comments and that it is a ground-only map. As for it being one of the best maps, I think it is one of those where we lose players.

Can we agree that the reason for the switching is that players, and certainly the player know as "Player", want to be blue so they can toe shoot with the XM all map? It's a foot shooting map for certain players and can you blame them? The XM is as bad as my throwing time-bombs at your feet. lol

My post concerns giving the admins the authority to handle the game. I don't know when I last saw Radagast in the game and I have been communicating with him. Robo I know is working a lot and has things going on. I see NME, Vmax and Sellout on from time-to-time. I use my recording software when no admins are on. For what it's worth.

Note - Radagast was on today. Server crashed and is still down. Don't know if it is Hash or just a server issue.


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:16 PM
May 31, 2015
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Sorry I haven't been on lately Pinky! I'll try to do better and log on, especially in the late hours like I used to. That's where we've had fewer admins on the past and perhaps that is what's taking a downturn during the hours you've been playing. Plus I'm missing the game and my friends. It's just been hard lately as you know. So I haven't given up on the game, but had to shift some priorities.

As for your other point about admin power, I'm gonna refrain from sharing my opinion as it would be a conflict of interest either way.

Hope you are doing good and we can hang out in-game sometime soon!


Elite Poster
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1:16 AM
Feb 24, 2011
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Reading, England
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I think we're all frustrated.

I hate having a password, having to deal with the nonsense from one guy who, because we wont let him have his way, wants to ruin the game for everyone left.
I remove it when I can, of course that means he gets in and ruins the game for everyone else. He doesn't like the map? He'll crash the server so it goes back to Hastings.
That player you were watching the other day that you said seemed suspicious as he's flying and always finding people? Him again.

Letting him back isn't the answer, I'd rather shut the server down than subject people to his nonsense... I certainly wont run a server, or play on one, where someone like him can play freely. Maybe it's selfish, but he's shown he only wants to cause harm and play unfairly. That's not what we pay or host a server for...it's certainly not the type of people we keep the game alive for.

I keep track of the BFV servers though, who's playing, where etc. Making sure the password isn't having too much of an effect. We've always got a majority of the BFV players, if not all, there just aren't that many of us left. 199 people have access to the password, I think we just need to realise that as much as we love this game, it wont last forever. It's been over 12 years now, I've seen newer games die faster than this. I wont give up on trying to get EA to re-release it...just a slow process.

I try to add new players to it when I can confirm them, quite a few I manage to, but unfortunately some I can't. I try to look into other games too that are similar, see if we can get some interest in those. Rising storm 2: Vietnam, for instance; give us a similar game to try if we wanted to, because this is one of the better gaming communities I've been part of. They're not the same though, nothing will ever replace BFV for any of us.


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:16 PM
May 31, 2015
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I think you are doing great SK, I think most of us agree with you that we'd rather lose it all than gratify the human piece of garbage!


It just sucks that such a sick POS causes problems. When there is no password, the server loads up with players.I would rather play with Nagi, Lesuk, Player and Vasok raping/switching than have the server go away.

We all love this game. I just wish a fucking truck would run over that sick piece of shit.


Forum Newbie
Local time
1:16 AM
Sep 18, 2015
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Daytona Beach, FL USA
All the Admin's are great,what I'm wondering if I'm too hard on player's because I find myself warning and kicking player's for word's and phrases other Admin's don't.I've been trying to be more easy lately.I am just wondering how strict should I be?


Normal Poster
Local time
8:16 PM
Feb 19, 2015
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Hi Stalker. I also keep an eye out for insults and excessive use of inappropriate language. I won't warn anyone for profanity unless it is excessive. I often re-read the courses of action and sometimes do so when I think I see an infraction just to make sure that the rules are applied appropriately.

I think it is important for players to respect each other and for everyone to have a fun and non-hostile environment to play.


Regular Poster
Local time
12:16 PM
Jun 14, 2013
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Hi Stalker and Sellout

I let a lot of bad language go, but gay slurs and insults to family members get a warning or kick. The 4 letter word beginning with C is also unacceptable as is excessive abuse directed at another player.

The definitions are here http://forum.helloclan.eu/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=7274 for reference :)

Local time
3:16 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hi BFVers, I do apologize for my rant towards you pinky, as you may have noticed I don't play at the moment and may not again, and admins I also apologise for using this forum to vent my frustrations on.
if I do return to play I will be in a better frame of mind as I have moved from where I lived to a much more relaxed place to live, and the 4 females I now live with will surely keep me in check :)

" a male will surely stuff up at some time, but a man will take responsibility and own his stuff ups"
well if I survive my 1800klm bike ride b4 xmas and return to play it will be with a better attitude.
hope you all have a great xmas and new year.
cheers Bob


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:16 PM
May 31, 2015
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enjoy your journey and don't sweat this stuff, we all log on with sour moods from time to time. We are all only human.


You owe me no apology Blue. No worries. I may get worked up at times, apparently as do you and everybody else, but I get over it. Hell, I like playing with Nagi. For the most part. At least he/she/it is on the server playing.



Forum Rookie
Local time
1:16 AM
Apr 12, 2015
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manchester uk
Hi Done a lots changed that pedo hash has not been on and even if he was on the sad thing is we spot him in seconds
Must be sad that him and others can’t even come on and win and no one will ever know they existed
So in years to come there will only be the great players on here that have a NAME that will be remembered
And that includes even the players that never get more than a few points when playing this OUR great server
Thanks to all the work done by the admins and the great players that come here night after night
There is no better feeling than to come on the server and be greeted by THE PLAYERS
Thanks all
Merry Christmas
And could someone send Pinky a new blow-up doll he’s old ones full of holes


peteware said:
And could someone send Pinky a new blow-up doll he’s old ones full of holes

That sounds like a good idea but this time, can she be a blonde?
