Hey yall. Well I have been putting alot of thought lately about my stay in HelloClan and I have decided to leave u guys only 4 BFV NOT BF2. I have found another clan for BFV that I think I can help out quite a bit. If this clan doesnt get off th ground, Ill comeback and stay. I dont want anyone to think that Ill never hangout with them because I left, I would love to hook up for a little gameplay either on BFV or BF2. I will still attend most Saturday Eventsnad I am hoping we do the Jeep Tournament. Any I will have either of the 3 names while playing BFV: =H|h=AGFragd =H|h=AssaultGun1647 =H|h=AG1647. (1647 stands for M-16 and AK-47) Thank you guys for the fun so far and the way our clan is heading it wont be to long until we challenge you guys