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Tips to flying in BFV


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:35 PM
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
If you're a good pilot already or hate flying altogether, disregard, but here are my 15 tactics you may not know about flying planes in BFV.

1. Always try to get as much altitude as possible. Altitude = speed = maneuverability = the ability to out fly your opponent. An added benefit is you can see your opponent beneath you while they can't see you. Attack from as high as you can, and when finished use the remainder of your momentum to skyrocket back up. Find your next oblivious target and repeat.

2. Switch cameras often or at least keep your eyes peeled on the radar so no one sneaks up on you.

3. Fire in short bursts with machine gun fire. This increases accuracy and saves ammo.

4. Avoid firing rockets when directly behind your opponent. Wait till he turns, gain the inside track with your reticule, predict where he "will be" when your rocket reaches that spot and fire. This takes lots of practice, but the more you try the better you'll get.

5. Grounded planes or ones in process of taking off, are easier to kill. They have 0 or nearly no altitude or speed so finishing them off should be easy. Don't be noble, this was done in wartime to great effect on the outcome of larger battles. So doing this will ensure your team a victory.

6. Pick planes that have better turn radius's over all others. When in the infamous "death circle" a mig-21 will always out turn a mig-17 which will beat an f-4 which will beat a corsair.

7. If a guided (MUTT, SA-7 or F-4 missile) is coming directly at your face ALWAYS pitch the nose down to avoid it rather than up. Why? Because Alt=height=speed so when you pitch up, all you get is the speed of your engines, conversely, when you pitch down, you get the speed of engines + gravity, thus giving you better odds to outmaneuver it.

8. Wing-men are tried and tested, having a friend of equal or better caliber in the air beside you is invaluable. You can bait someone to chase you while your buddy finishes them off. Or at the very least they can warn you. Team-speak makes this even more fun.

9. Always carry an SA-7 when flying. If you get shot down, you may be able to bail and turn the table on your attacker. That's what I call sweeeeeet revenge!

10. If you are being chased, fly in circles near one of your team's zsu's, pbr's or quads. This will either give your team mates an easy target or your attacker will give up and chase someone else.

11. Our server allows ramming, sure it may not be the most tasteful tactic, but if you or your team mates are constantly being harassed by say a cobra with a gunner, ram away! You will get a 2 for 1 and save your team mates on the ground. You should even ram 1 for 1 when the chopper pilot is sooooooo good your team is getting creamed by them. Or lets say they are legal main raping, ram away. This gives your team a chance to get another flag while the attacker waits for his chopper to re-spawn.

12. Don't be shy to strafe the ground. Aim for well known spawn points, and places players congregate on foot. Rockets are great for jeeps or tanks I get LOTS of kills that way. On dart for example I have a system. I start by clearing the air, once I know both f4s are down and the skies are clear, I switch to ground targets, then back to air targets and so on... Also, remember, radar picks up ground troops and vehicles as well as air targets.

13. Don't listen to music or turn your sound down while flying. You need to be able to hear the battlefield, even in a jet. Sometimes you can hear a buzz when a mutt nearly hits you, or you can hear the pings of bullets off your aircraft, or even the direction of an enemies motor when you cant see him.

14. When not engaged in battle, fire off any remainded rockets. You never want to have 2 rockets instead of 4 before going into a skirmish. That reload time will get you killed. Be preemptive and think ahead with your rearming and how many you carry in the chamber.

15. If you win a battle and your plane is beat up, bail out over your airfield and get another. Constantly getting a new plane will be time consuming, but it will keep your deaths low in comparison to your kills. After all, nobody wants to be humiliated by being shot down by a pistol.

I know I haven't covered everything, let me know if you have any good ones! ;)


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:35 AM
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
Awesome tips, I think I'll pick #7 :)
Also I'll share two more:
- While flying the F4, bear in mind that although it might lack manoeuvrability compared with the Migs, it has a higher top ceiling so a good evasion tactic is to fly as high as possible so you will eventually send the Mig into a tailspin. Once again, altitude = life.
- take advantage of the no-fly zone. It might be some desperate but if you have no other chance to get rid of the Mig go into the NFZ until you start losing health. The Mig pilot will have to turn around and so do you and at that point you' ll be able to fire the heat seekers and shoot him down.


Forum Newbie
Local time
4:35 AM
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Dont forget that you can repair your plane in mid-air.

Anyone knows how to do this?


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:35 PM
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
I did NOT know that gnr, how do you manage that? =D


Forum Newbie
Local time
4:35 AM
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
You have to stall the plane so the nose points straight up. And then for a few sec you can exit the plane for repair. But you must run towards the plane at the same time you are reparing it. Works best with the Mig17.


Forum Newbie
Local time
4:35 AM
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
I dont tell ya anything :evil: :cool:


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:35 AM
May 30, 2016
Reaction score
Good tips man!

RoBoDuCk said:
5. Grounded planes or ones in process of taking off, are easier to kill. They have 0 or nearly no altitude or speed so finishing them off should be easy. Don't be noble, this was done in wartime to great effect on the outcome of larger battles. So doing this will ensure your team a victory.

Was it? I don't mean and want to be a smart-ass but AFAIR the Vietnam's ROE (Rules of Engagement) were making most of the pilots angrier than anything, and it's easy to understand their point of view when for most of the war US fighters/bombers were flying above shiny MiGs parked next to each other at airports which there were not allowed to shoot unless they've already started and were trying to kill them.

Marshall Harrison's "Caddilac Flight" covers this topic quite nice from both sides, for a long time NVA soldiers couldn't understand why Americans are bombing everything except of their precious MiGs and sparkling airfields.

Don't listen to Robo, folks; and be noble as possible all the time lol :D


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:35 PM
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Well you got me there, I was thinking of other wars, not a direct apples to apples or period correct correlation. ;) Keep your nobility gents, ill keep my kill count. Tee hee hee :x

That being said, I haven't sunk quite to the level of say....napalm, tanks and m79's so be happy of that! =D

