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Hello BFV Allmaps - things that crack you up


Normal Poster
Local time
11:10 PM
Feb 19, 2015
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I was just thinking about things that crack me up or (are so maddeningly frustrating that is is endearing). I think the best thing we have on this server is the community so lets all share some positive thoughts:

For me:
1) I cracks me up when you snipe someone and they immediately spawn with a sniper rifle. Or start looking for you with binoculars.

2) It amazes me how much ground Hellsfury covers. You can't lay any mines before he kills you on Qiang Tri at the start of the game.

3) Doen always makes me smile when I realize that he sucked me into a prolonged attempt at a vendetta - either from a C4/TNT attack or rocket snipe.

4) Nagi cracks me up in general. Nagi is an enigma. I don't know if anyone knows if he is a she or she is a he - but I would guess its a she? She will frustrate you will M79 and rockets but is so skilled at bombing from airplanes. If you are laying mines, don't ever try flanking her in a tank. She's got her mouse sensitivity set to infinity and will spin that turrent around in a millisecond. I don't think there is a better tank pilot.

5) It's a guilty pleasure killing admins while they are administering and just standing there in the open doing nothing. This is usually SK or IceSkater. I think CaptainCanada, VMax, RoboDuck usually either hide or administer while AFK. I usually feel no guilt doing so even though I hesitate a second before pulling the trigger.

6) I think its really funny how all scrub pilots fly F4's in Flaming Dart. All the skilled pilots like RoboDuck, Rick, VMax - and too many to name fly NVA and kick our buts. Coincidentally, I fly F4's and spam heat seekers with a hit rate of .005%. My premise is that the NVA jets are 3x more maneuverable than F4's but in reality its the quality of pilots.

7) LawsomeGunner recently used a M16 exclusively in Saigon and just dominated. I think he was more surprised than anyone.

8) It is interesting that in an anonymous game like this that there is such a strong community. A am grateful (and amazed) that Pinky created a website for us to get to know each other. I am also grateful that IceSkater pushes so hard for us to use TeamSpeak and also grateful that Vietminh does also.

9) Asker just cracks me up in general with his expert use of mortors - especially in Ho Chi Minh Trail.

10) When you see a landmine kill Pinky - you know that bastard was in a jeep driving to enemy main.

Please share what cracks you up or what you most appreciate about our server.


Normal Poster
Local time
11:10 PM
Feb 19, 2015
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One other thing cracks me up - names:
- CaptainCanada's alter egos: Chet Manly, Randy Randerson. Only then did I know why someone with a chump's name was owning me.
- Who the hell uses Player as a name? You always have to keep changing it because someone else uses it also. Player_0, [space]player, Player_1. The other day " player" was complaining that "Player#1" was AFK. "Player_1" was indeed playing and had a score so no one knew what he was talking about. After about 10 times, he explained, no its not "Player_1", its the player named "Player" with the server ID 1. Oh ok.


Forum Rookie
Local time
10:10 PM
May 31, 2015
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1.) Vmax and Sapper love to set up trap tanks, they will sneak behind enemy lines and lay mines under tanks. They will get out of a tank or apc in a random location just to fool you. I have learned not to use one when they are on.

2.) Osama cracks me up to no end. Being on his team on Albany is one of the best things ever! The sheer champion like focus he has is amazing! You have to struggle to keep up as he tears through the enemy.

3.) On flaming dart Osama and I have a pact called "THE STEEL CURTAIN" we go down to the NVA airfields armed only with 469 jeeps and wait for the inevitable f4 pilots to rape the hangar. Those jeeps absolutely SHRED f4's. When we both are doing it no one gets the chance to drop any napalm!

4.) Shaun and I always grab sa-7s on Cedar falls when playing NVA. Recently we had a killer round, where we shredded all loach and skyraiders non-stop. We are now known on that map as the "SA-7 BROTHERS" or in conjunction with Mr. Orange's jeep gun "THE AA BROTHERS"

5.) Ever been purposely rammed by Osama and he types GOALLLL all caps ofc. Humiliating

6.) With ping over 9000 most players would quit then and there, Skater sticks it out, and not only that but he will get these exotic kills or he will just own you straight up. You will hit tab to look at his ping and just scratch your head.


8.) I have grown to both love and hate Silver Warrior. His battle cry of WA WA can make you rage quit. For all the negatives, one has to admit he is dedicated to his craft! He will risk life and limb to parkour up a building, only to pull out his rpg or law and chain kill you ad infinitem. Don't let his battle cry scare you though, just shout WA WA every time you kill him as well and he will shut right up!

9.) Christian Abel cracks me up, he wants peach, but he is like one of those dogs on a treadmill running after a plate of food on the other end. Good luck with that buddy!

10.) Vietminh is an absolute beast! At medium range, his pancake gun has no match. You cannot compete! What cracks me up about him is this. Every time he says "I am eating right now while I play" HE GETS BETTER! How you can eat a plate of food with one hand and whoop my ass with the other is a complete mystery to me. As he says, alcohol also makes him superman, go figure.

11.) More Vietminh! He will let you kill him from time to time, but if you get 2-3 kills in a row on him, he will engage beast mode. He says "I am cracking my neck now robo" and you know you are f-ed.

12.) Ever hear tic tic tic? You know with 89% certainty that Pinky is about to blow you to shreds, its maddening but you cant help but laugh at his devilish behavior.

13.) Unlike Vietminh, get a few drinks into Pinky and he becomes the willing victim to your farming. When he is sober though, lookout! Skater and I must have killed him 30 times on Saigon and like a good soldier he just kept rushing and rushing us in nothing but a jeep. BOOM! SKaters and My KDR thanks you.

14.) SK! I once saw him strap c-4 to an f4 and try the ENTIRE round to bail and kill me with the c4 wreckadge. That man has dedication!

15.) Josh! He cracked me up the other day when he landed the slick, switched to the gun and humiliated me!

16.) Bojangles! It cracks me up that LAST FLAG and UPEO WIN are now universally uttered, even by non-clan mates of theirs. Not to mention UPEO WIN? When they don't win. Or who can ignore ABEL WIN!! Now that is a battle cry we can all get behind!

17.) Blue Heeler aka Bob! STOP SNIPING ME!!! lol he will crawl around the edge of the entire map just to find that sweet sniping spot, then he starts to reap his reward.

18.) Orange! I love how no-nonsense he is, both on the forum and in-game. While his fuse can be lit from time to time by the occasional annoying player, I have come to see him as a stabilizing force in the community. He was being hack hunted into oblivion by a degenerate who doesn't deserve for me to name him. And orange shrugged it off for months if not years on end. He didn't respond to the lowlife and NEVER quit playing the game. That is true determination. I watched as he was personally taunted and spawn killed over and over while orange, like 007, just kept his cool and never rage quit, unlike the emotionally unstable individual targeting him.

19.) NME cracks me up! He is a force to be reckoned with! The ultimate team player, he will press on to the bitter end. Also, if you happen to kill him with a law, a chopper, or a nooby f4. He still will congratulate you on your kill. The ultimate sportsman and gentleman!

20.) Saving one of the best for last here, Princess Peach! I call her my "BATTLE BUDDY" If you ever have the privilege to have her as your wing woman, don't say no! You can tell, she doesn't want to play the game alone, she wants her team mates to support her and act as a unit. Sadly, not many people pick up on that, but when they do, the ownage is real! Her m-16 spits death! It cracked me up the other day on Lang Vei when we teamed up against SK. He was determined to take a certain flag and we were determined to keep it. We spent the whole round chain killing each other. Was one of the best I have ever played. SK was the best of sports, 2 v 1 and he kept charging the gap!

21.) More Pinky!!! I wish more players caught on to this..... whenever Pinky is on, he will try to load up the slick or an apc and go on a flag capping spree. Some of the most fun I have had in-game is wrenching while he is flying or driving, we have achieved scores of 50+ with 0 kills and 26 deaths doing this. It cracks me up to no end. JUST THINK what scores we could achieve with a FULL chopper or btr. So don't be antisocial, get in the Goddamn transport with us already!

22.) The hillarious and delectable Nagi Tanka and vietminh romance! Will it go beyond coffee? Will whips and chains be involved? Stay tuned for details, as vietminh is no gentlemen, he WILL kiss and tell. Give us the gory details when it happens.

23.) Also on the Nagi topic, I love how she shouts robiiiiiiiii when I kill her in a particularly humiliating way. I reciprocate with the occasional nagiiiiiiiiii when she inevitably tank kills me!

24.) Sellout cracks me up as well! All tubers could learn a thing or two from him! He has a 3 or 4 spots on Hue where he rains down the SVD shots. He knows some of us know his spot, but that doesnt deter him! Because for every kill you get on him he will kill you 3x! His head pops up here and there and then POP down you go! STAND STILL SELLOUT! lol


Dear Friends:

Sellout, thanks for starting a great topic. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments. Robo and I have worked together in the past to kill you when you are sniping. We know where you are. Reclaiming Hue - you will die.

NAGI What more can possibly be said? In the past, I would login to the game and observe who was playing. When I see "Nagi Tanka" - I'm like ... ughhh. You know what this is going to be like. He's usually on blue and armed with an M79 or a LAW. I like to be on red. You know that sound you hear.... it's like you're looking out a window waiting to pick off some noob when WHOOSH BOOM DEAD and Nagi has just put a LAW into your big toe or you are about to cap a flag, Nagi spawns and lobs an M79 egg onto you.

Mr. Orange - Hellsfury (Furry) - Vietminh - SK - V ... You have heard me say this before, but play along, here is just a partial list of players we hate to love and love to hate. Why? Because they are fricking hard to kill and they kill me before I can get a time bomb at their feet.

I'm hungry or I would keep writing.

Join us on Teamspeak. You never know, I may buy you a beer someday. If you are at least 39 (saves me some bucks).



Normal Poster
Local time
11:10 PM
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Here is another one - but its one of those things that pisses you off - guys who disrupt your "operations".

You know, you are running a operation in a specific area. It could be to:
1) Move into a position to snipe someone who just tubed you (Doan, Lawsome, Wawa Warrior, etc)
2) Trying to mine a tank that just killed you (Nagi, Sgt. Fear, etc.)
3) You are engaged in a 1 on 1 sniper war (Ice, RoboDuck, etc)
4) Just trying to set defenses after you spawn (mines, betties, etc).
5) You just saw someone die and know where they are going to spawn so you want to get the jump on them
6) Or you're just generally hunting someone because they killed you

For me, its usually guys who cover a lot of ground on a map and are deadly shots - Hells, Osama, V, Rick are the usual candidates who repeatedly kill me while I'm trying to do stuff. It just ruins your momentum and any initiative you had. Hells will actually apologize for repeatedly killing you. But I think that if he really meant it, he wouldn't kill you so much.



I do laugh a lot. Doen keeps me laughing with his wit. I know he tests the patience of some but he makes me laugh. Back when the Heeler boys were wearing their tags and Doen was Doen, reading their constant banter back and forth was worth just reading.

Just today, I shot at a jeep with a tank. I'm not sure how it happened but I saw a blue player go flying up over the top of the bridge (Reclaiming Hue). He hit is parachute and came down alive. To see guys go flying, it is just so funny.

I get a laugh out of guys running from me. Notably, Hells and Vietminh If I catch them just right where they have to reload, they go running as I try throwing time bombs at them.

SK and his buddy Doen and their C4. They throw the stuff against the ceiling to kill you. Cool technique.

Bojangles, it used to torque me when he would post "UPEO WIN" - hell, now I post those words. It's gotten pretty funny. I appreciate his quality play.

I like all the players. Seriously. I laugh enough and that makes it all worth it.


Normal Poster
Local time
11:10 PM
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
This thread is full of good stuff. It is interesting to hear about the funny animations. I'll have to look for the scooter ones. Who thinks to pull the chute when you get blast ejected?

My favorite animation is when someone drops to their knees or rolls over when you kill them. That just makes me laugh and giggle to no end. It is extra satisfying if it is one of the aforementioned players who disrupt your operations with their no-nonsense game play.


SellOut said:
..... players who disrupt your operations with their no-nonsense game play.

Classic line. So who comes to mind ... lol


A deep voice suddenly arose on Teamspeak as he called out "pinky"..."pinky"..... and I am thinking 'oh shit, what did I do...." Of course Vietminh is now nowhere to be found. Silent as a mouse sniffing cheese I so wanted someone there... for me. A backup if you will.... silence except for this baritone seeking ..... "pinky".

As it turns out, no lecture to be had and besides, I've been on the receiving end of numerous ass-whoopins in my long life... so I figure what the hell... I will hear him out. Notice I didn't disconnect or go ... Vietminh mute....

It was a pleasure to visit with Steven, Shaun's dad. His accent similar to Shaun's but .. thicker.... I struggled to understand the word he was saying but fortunately Vietminh came out of hiding to tell me he was using the word "ardent" in saying that I was an "ardent player" of BFV.

You guys don't know what you are missing. But hey, someday maybe you will join us. Then you will say, pinky was right (that would be something new for some of you! - lol).
