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An observation of sorts...



As you may know, I am doing the admin gig on the server. I think SK and others are seeing how things go. I, yes, I am seeing how things go.

I ran a BFV server back in 2004-2006 or so. I did what SK or Teddie and whomever else is running this show are doing now. I lined up guys to be admins. We dealt with the constant complaints. I was paying the bill every month and asking members to help out, which many did.

What I have come to learn is that no matter what you do, you will be criticized. When I was in college, I signed up for basketball officiating classes. I refereed many games in those days. I compare being an admin here to being a basketball official. There's nothing easy about it. The one big difference between officiating basketball and being a game admin is that the players in BFV are the players, the fans in the seats and the coaches. When an official in a basketball game makes a call, there will be fans booing and shouting "bull shit!!! bull shit!!! ...." The coaches complain. The players complain. Then later on, some guys in the conference office will review the game films to see how the officials did.

The thing is, everybody in the cheap seats wants to be the official but they are unwilling to put on the stripped shirt and put a whistle around their neck.

A basketball official can call a foul. They can eject players from the game. They do the best they can. That's what I plan to do. The best I can. Without fear or favoritism. At the end of the day, I am still pinky, the player you hate to love and love to hate.

See in you the game,



I appreciate your comments and certainly agree about the skin in the game remark.

Look, I enjoy the game. Seriously, I laugh a lot playing the game. Some of the antics, the tricks and the comments. There are guys who play the game well and never comment. When was the last time you saw ASKER make a comment? The guy is wicked with the mortar. Sellout is an excellent sniper. SK uses C4. He and his buddy Doen are experts with C4. I just love the game and I wish that guys could leave their troubles behind.

A year or two ago, I was bitching on a regular basis about being noobed. Mr. Orange kicked my ass in the forums and I went away from that licking my wounds. I came to my senses and decided enough is enough. I'm gonna die by Nagi using an M79 or LAW. That's just the nature of the game. You are gonna die.

I know that the time bomb takes no skill but they work great against tanks of which certain players are frequent fliers. You drop a mine next to a tank and you are gonna die. Not with a time bomb. They probably piss off you good players. Have you noticed that Hellsfury and Orange, both good players, never complain. They spawn and continue killing. The good thing Hells has going for him is that both he and Nagi enjoy being on the blue team. That's fine by me. I like red. lol

Thanks for your support Vietminh. Make some recordings; catch some thugs and perhaps the boss will give you some admin rights to help whack the would-be rules breakers.



I used to bitch too, and I imagine that if you were a fly on the wall of any player's room you would probably hear plenty of complaining. Nobody likes to get noobed and when I realized that I was noobing myself, how can I be heard to complain?

I have mentioned in posts in the past that I don't like the personal attacks. It's the game we play. The "mom" stuff and anything not game-related should have a low toleration level. The problem is, where to draw the line.

There is a new player in the game. He found us and plays well. He posted a comment using the "N" word. I gave him an admin warning on language. He then posted something in game like what did I do? I said you used the "N" word, not allowed here. He was cool with it.
