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Ban: Osama_Bin_Smokin

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Elite Poster
Local time
11:46 PM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
Banned Player: Osama_Bin_smokin
Reason: Insulting players
Action(s) taken: Banned until Saturday

At the beginning of the month I told you what was going to happen if you kept up your insulting:

SucceededKiller said:

Despite this, your attitude has not changed.

	Line 4683: 2015-12-17 18:56:32 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and then we even have established members that hack  
	Line 4687: 2015-12-17 18:56:54 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: maverick  
	Line 4691: 2015-12-17 18:57:22 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: but he still hacks 
2015-12-18 20:00:00 : # [Global] ^V^: u got radar snake 
	Line 7607: 2015-12-18 20:00:14 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: its not radar  
	Line 7613: 2015-12-18 20:00:45 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: its called 3d map hacking  
	Line 7615: 2015-12-18 20:00:52 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: been doing it for atleast a year  
	Line 7617: 2015-12-18 20:01:06 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: no  
	Line 7621: 2015-12-18 20:02:03 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and you got an m79 and map hacks loser  
	Line 7625: 2015-12-18 20:02:37 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i only speak truth  
	Line 7651: 2015-12-18 20:04:27 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you ever hear the joke about snakedoctor having a wrench   
	Line 7653: 2015-12-18 20:04:27 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: for a dick  
	Line 7679: 2015-12-18 20:06:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol  
2015-12-22 17:42:21 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: nagi is just a retarded homosexual  
	Line 11253: 2015-12-22 17:42:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: his genes all are fuct up
Line 11313: 2015-12-22 17:51:27 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: nagi is a faggot  
	Line 11317: 2015-12-22 17:51:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: his record proves it  
	Line 11319: 2015-12-22 17:53:02 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: where you learn to suck so good  
2015-12-22 17:59:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: the only faggot here is nagi
2015-12-22 18:21:30 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: nagi is scarred from playing smeer the queer 
	Line 11709: 2015-12-22 18:42:00 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: stfu and get out  
	Line 11711: 2015-12-22 18:42:04 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you ruin evey game you play you cocksucker 
	Line 12079: 2015-12-22 19:23:00 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: kgrizzly turn that shit off bro  
	Line 12089: 2015-12-22 19:24:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you communist fuct  
	Line 12109: 2015-12-22 19:25:16 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: SHAVED  
	Line 12125: 2015-12-22 19:26:15 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: turn your fucking hacks off  
	Line 12127: 2015-12-22 19:26:21 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and ill quit shaving ya  
	Line 12133: 2015-12-22 19:27:12 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and he has map hacks on and i killed him x3 
	Line 12923: 2015-12-22 21:19:04 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: just cause you quit hacking and you are having a hard time  
	Line 12929: 2015-12-22 21:20:40 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: if you do quit its cause you couldn't handle it   
	Line 12931: 2015-12-22 21:20:41 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: w/o hacking  
	Line 12933: 2015-12-22 21:20:45 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: but like i said congrats on quitting 
	Line 13007: 2015-12-22 21:34:31 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: snakedocor like energizer bunny  
	Line 13009: 2015-12-22 21:34:35 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: he takes a dick and keeps on tickin

I'm not having you drive off players, common sense should dictate that that sort of behaviour is not appropriate.
The same goes for the insulting which you seem incapable of stopping, even to people like Nagi that barely say anything.

If you think people hack, you can start doing something to prove it rather than these baseless accusations. If it's any help, I'll try get spectator mode back in the new year.

For now, only your key is banned. Should your dad wish to play, he is welcome to; but if an admin believes you are playing as him then that key will also be banned.

Your ban is set to expire on Saturday, when the new rules below come into place:

I suggest from then on you try and do a better job of sticking to the few rules we do have, as I'd prefer to not have to ban any players...

If someone is insulting you, ask them to stop and report it, or tell an admin - don't do the same back.
If you think someone is hacking, record them or get some form of proof - don't make their time on the server a misery when you have nothing to back up your claim, potentially driving them off/getting yourself kicked/banned.

Most players have no issue sticking to these rules, there is no reason you shouldn't either.

And to clear up a misconception you seem to have:

Juan/Deltoya(admin) and Juan/Mav3rick are 2 different people.


Forum Newbie
Local time
11:46 PM
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Both have since quit hacking which i am proud of, but keep me banned if you would rather have hackers amongst you, and I guess no one else minds nagi switching teams atleast 2 dozen times a game so he can be on the winning team........which legitimately has other people quitting. PS nice edits to take the parts out where Sgt Fear is provoking me and saying shit about my mom.


Forum Newbie
Local time
11:46 PM
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I retire the best ground assault player to ever live, the best team player of all time (look at time in ZSU protecting the ground troops) and last but CERTAINLY not least, the best Landing Zone Albany player of all time.
:* bfv/stats/player.php?id=129


Forum Rookie
Local time
5:46 PM
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Some of the most fun times in game have been with you Osama, it's no secret to anyone that we are friends. I hope you don't choose to stay away, and if you continue to suspect anyone, I would install a program where you can film their game-play.

If you put your energy into that, instead of trolling them, who knows, you might just find something. But I digress, this isn't the place to argue for or against anyone. And there isn't any hard evidence anyway. Think of how crappy it would be if you drove someone away for suspicion of hacking, and you turned out to be wrong? The community would have lost a legit player based on nothing more than suspicion.

Serve your ban and hop back in game man, there are lots of fun times still to be had. ;)


Elite Poster
Local time
11:46 PM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
I'll start off by saying I hate having to ban people. It's not a nice thing to have to do, especially on an older game with established players. There are exceptions, sure. If someone wants to do stuff that is detrimental to the server such as hacking, distributing hacks or attacking the server then I expect anyone would want to ban them...but anything else just isn't enjoyable at all.

360TheRooster said:
Both have since quit hacking which i am proud of, but keep me banned if you would rather have hackers amongst you, and I guess no one else minds nagi switching teams atleast 2 dozen times a game so he can be on the winning team........which legitimately has other people quitting. PS nice edits to take the parts out where Sgt Fear is provoking me and saying shit about my mom.

To say they've quit hacking they'd have to have been hacking in the first place, of which there is no proof. People have good and bad days, they can have lucky days, it could be purely because of their team or the team they are opposing...a lot of things can change how well a player does.

I don't want hackers. If I did, I wouldn't have spent time watching players or recording players. I wouldn't have banned hackers. I wouldn't be keeping Hash or Hawk out. Take Sniper1234 for instance:

We have no rule against teamswitching, and even if we did there is very little we could do about it. It doesn't help that the server is prioritising the US team whenever a new player joins, because that just means every time someone else enters the server the teams unbalance.

I don't believe I manipulated any evidence to hide where another play provoked you. Any times I saw that you may have been provoked I did not include it in the evidence. If I've missed some and accidently included it I apologise, but I don't believe there's a single thing in the evidence that relates to Fear? I'll gladly have another admin check and remove any evidence that comes as a result of provocation if you want.

Also, Robo is right. How would you feel if someone accused you of hacking? It only takes one person saying this stuff for others to join the bandwagon, even with no proof...you've proved that. Someone goes on the server and says "Osama hacks and the only reason he calls others out for it is to lose the competition", then every player starts hounding you for it. Would you still want to play? Would you enjoy your time here? I know I wouldn't, but that's exactly how it becomes for these other players.
You even said you do this to humiliate them. But for what? There's nothing proving they do anything wrong.

360TheRooster said:
I retire the best ground assault player to ever live, the best team player of all time (look at time in ZSU protecting the ground troops) and last but CERTAINLY not least, the best Landing Zone Albany player of all time.
:* http://forum.helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/player.php?id=129

You are a good player, I'm not going to dispute that and I don't mind playing the game with you.

You do, however, have some competition regarding being the "Best Landing Zone Albany player of all time:

I don't want you gone for good, that's not what this is about. This is about the game being fun for everyone. Being harassed and insulted for hacking, when you may not hack at all, is not fun in the slightest. I hope you come back when this ban is over, that you decide to start playing again. But, if you do, you've got to stick to the rules and listen when we tell you that you need to stop doing something.


Forum Newbie
Local time
11:46 PM
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
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