I am done. I do want to thank Flower and SK for all the fun times. Thanks to HELLO for hosting what seems to be the only server.
I'll keep Xfire for awhile but I am uninstalling the game. There are other things in life to enjoy. I don't want to look back and think about the time I wasted. It was fun so perhaps it wasn't a waste. Figure in a few years the game will be dead.
Best wishes to all, including those who I have insulted and who have insulted me. Like my mom used to say, "Pinky, smile, you don't own all the problems in the world."
I'll keep Xfire for awhile but I am uninstalling the game. There are other things in life to enjoy. I don't want to look back and think about the time I wasted. It was fun so perhaps it wasn't a waste. Figure in a few years the game will be dead.
Best wishes to all, including those who I have insulted and who have insulted me. Like my mom used to say, "Pinky, smile, you don't own all the problems in the world."