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Insulted 2 Admins in, ingame chat

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Forum Newbie
Local time
7:30 PM
Feb 16, 2013
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Toronto Canada
Real Name
*Banned Player: Demon Lord
*Reason: Insulted 2 Admins
*Action(s) taken: 1 week Ban
Before Logs, I'd like to say is that, All I asked him to do is to remove 2 Parody videos with Hitler as the "Speaking Star" (Sub-Titles) that were posted in Announcements under the Poll to Ban Rape subject that were also insulting towards a few players, HELLO server and Me.
The only Other Admin I know that seen them, (Videos) was Deltoya because he brought them to my attention.
Log to Follow:

4/13/2014 23:48:41 : Client: Said '=UPEO= Demon Lord. Remove Hitler videos from forums'. ...:)
4/13/2014 23:48:41 : Server: Admin message sent.
4/13/2014 23:48:55 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: )
4/13/2014 23:49:03 : # [Global] «ßÔß»mRoRanGe-[CL]: sorry
4/13/2014 23:49:30 : Client: Said 'They insulting many players and subject Hitler is not funny'.....:)
4/13/2014 23:49:30 : Server: Admin message sent.
4/13/2014 23:49:43 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: seems funny to m
4/13/2014 23:49:44 : # [Global] «ßÔß»Blueheeler: upeo ur a real fukwit if u put hitler vids up
4/13/2014 23:49:44 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: me
4/13/2014 23:49:52 : # [Global] «ßÔß»mRoRanGe-[CL]: you should do it now
4/13/2014 23:49:54 : Client: Said 'Plus that Videos don t belong in there'.....:)
4/13/2014 23:49:55 : Server: Admin message sent.
4/13/2014 23:50:01 : Client: Said 'Its a Poll'.....:)
4/13/2014 23:50:01 : Server: Admin message sent.
4/13/2014 23:50:03 : # [Global] «ßÔß»Blueheeler: ban him for a mth
4/13/2014 23:50:34 : Client: Said 'You have 2 minutes to delete them, hows that'.....:)
4/13/2014 23:50:35 : Server: Admin message sent.
4/13/2014 23:50:42 : # [Global] Aims Sniper Dino: stupid
4/13/2014 23:50:55 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: horrible and ugly sense of humour
4/13/2014 23:51:30 : # [Global] «ßÔß»Blueheeler: 1 minute left
4/13/2014 23:52:33 : # [Global] «ßÔß»Blueheeler: times up admin ban him for a mth or life
4/13/2014 23:52:36 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: i hope CEO delete all u fkn videos demond
4/13/2014 23:52:43 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: stfu deltoya <------:)
4/13/2014 23:52:47 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: )
4/13/2014 23:53:02 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: go and check forum
4/13/2014 23:53:07 : # [Global] «ßÔß»mRoRanGe-[CL]: he has Hitler related content up on our forums ?
4/13/2014 23:53:08 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: r u hitler?
4/13/2014 23:53:11 : # [Global] «ßÔß»mRoRanGe-[CL]: i hope so
4/13/2014 23:53:25 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: why i stfu?
4/13/2014 23:53:30 : # [Global] «ßÔß»Blueheeler: come on admin show some balls and ban him
4/13/2014 23:53:38 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: im free i can speak
4/13/2014 23:53:48 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: without insults
4/13/2014 23:53:59 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: im free to make them.....:)
4/13/2014 23:54:06 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Did you delete them?
4/13/2014 23:54:13 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: but not call us nazis
4/13/2014 23:54:28 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- SiR Deltoya: no???
4/13/2014 23:54:38 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: no but maybe u should ask jerry
4/13/2014 23:54:40 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: aka good hash
4/13/2014 23:54:41 : # [Global] catch22: bs
4/13/2014 23:54:55 : # [Global] freewestpapua: u can fly vmax
4/13/2014 23:55:13 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Whats the Exorsist got to do with this Demon?
4/13/2014 23:55:30 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Im unninstalling this game
4/13/2014 23:55:34 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: but just too proof im first
4/13/2014 23:55:39 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Im better than all of you

4/13/2014 23:58:25 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Yes you cried for me to delete your videos
4/13/2014 23:58:30 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: that felt good
4/13/2014 23:58:52 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Anyway,thanks for making rules to stop me raping
4/13/2014 23:58:53 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Invalid
4/13/2014 23:58:55 : # [Global] freewestpapua: lol
4/13/2014 23:59:12 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Your forum stuff and your way to use power to make others do as
4/13/2014 23:59:13 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: u want shows it
4/13/2014 23:59:27 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: screw you and deltoya. good bye....:)....:)
4/13/2014 23:59:47 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Your the only one that feels that way so...
4/13/2014 23:59:48 : Server: Player =UPEO= Demon Lord kicked.
4/13/2014 23:55:56 : # [Global] =UPEO= Demon Lord: Cya Guys! And by the way flower, enjoy your little power play


Oh Boy, im banned again FP?

Banned for saying "Screw you" ? You made me remove 4 videos during in-game.Why not send a pm in forum? You are really out of your mind.

"Remove them in 2 minutes or else"

Funny that you just said that after i started saying i was first in scoreboard.
And banning someone for saying "Screw you" is really mature.You are completely insane.
Anyway, i already threw away my cds and my keys are gone.
But you gotta feed that Ego inside you so its totally understandable.

Am i the only one here who thinks this ban is totally ego-feeding?
"Oh yeah, so i banned him for saying screw to me... Yeah dude, hes banned for 7 days now.. thats like 1000 hours u know.. yeah boy"


Forum Newbie
Local time
1:30 AM
Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
that is what u get for being a troll... enjoy
Local time
1:30 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Just an FYI, but when Demon Lord was unbanned from his last permanent ban, it was either Lost, or Alpha that very clearly stated that if Demon had ANY, even the Slightest of rule infractions that his ban would quickly be reinforced and he would be put back on Perm ban indefinitely. That was close to a year ago I believe, idk for sure. But I do know for a fact that those were the stipulations of him coming off perm ban. If you ask me, id say hes been asking for this... if not Searching for this ban for sometime now.
Therefore I would be inclined to Strongly disagree with Demon, I do not think this ban is ridiculous. Not ego related whatsoever.. And furthermore Flower is a Very patient admin, and does not deserve your verbal cow manure!!
Not only is the ban deserving, but the Hitler vids..... cmon. Anyone who down plays the atrocities Hitler had done, anyone that mocks the holocaust doesn't need to be allowed on forums, or ingame. IMHO

Yes I know this is online, bla bla bla....but poking jokes and making fun using Hitler is out right Un-human.
Almost 6 MILLION people he had murdered. Babies, children, teens, the young and the elderly. Slaughtered,... For What?
Sorry, I don't mean to get all seriel on everyone here. But I find it disgusting!


Forum Newbie
Local time
12:30 AM
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
Its worse...
6 millions of jewish persuassion(is this correct English??)
some 20 millions communist, socialist, homosexuals and any against Hitler/lebensraum/3rd Reich were also killed...mostly germans ( and some still like him 0.o )

Stalin(the butcher) was no better, he killed atleast 40 million russions and adding som others during the war...
His "Himmler" was Beria.

the numbers are not chopped in rock so...so google it :)

The one week ban is a good call!
- gives a perspective to learn
- and foremost doesnt scare people away, we need more players!!!not less...

Same with THAT GUY ABEL if you get my drift... ;)


Hitler has killed 30 millions of soviet ppl
Stalin has killed 30 millions of his own ppl,after war
Thats even not a great sin, thats madness..
of the post-war period..

But during the war
Without Stalin
we couldnt win this
Without Stalin
The whole europe would be slaved by 3rd Reich/Japaneses

Yeah,its the past - but do u really think that the small America had a chance to win in this case?

Its a big discussion that Im not going to start,
but dont compare the nazi with Stalin.


Forum Newbie
Local time
12:30 AM
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
GoodHash said:

The case seems very closed...
sometimes it is not meant to be...
I hope you will find another game to play since it seems you are leaving the server and forum

Be ok Alex, regards/Jaws


I just want to add up that all the Hitler Parodies in Youtube are being reported by those fellas.
Obviously, making fun of a nazi is supporting nazism, im such a douche to not think that way before.


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