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I've been trying to get the to quit aswell. May peace come, as shown Ronald Reagan shaking gorbachevs hand. The disputes between you two is useless, either one of you needs to start the apologizes doesn't matter who at this point but someone needs to, do as Reagan did and get a pair of balls : )deeteekay said:FFS guys I've been reading your posts for the last few days wondering why the fuck can't we move on?
I didn't want to do this, but I'm Dr. Phil the peacemaker now.
Clearly, you two don't like each other in the slightest. I'm not here to turn you guys into butt buddies, I'm here simply to end the bitterness between you two.
Demon Lord & Hash: Shake hands and apologize. This bitching war you guys are engaging in is frivolous. You don't have to like each other to apologize and call off the fighting.
The picture below is how I want this scenario to play out. Demon is Rabin, I'm Clinton, and Hash is Arafat. :lol:
deeteekay said:CommandoBeta said:Woah, woah, woah, dtk. Let's not start copying my images!
Are you being sarcastic? I cant tell from here.Deadly=)^ said:It was very clear....
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