-Inlusting: Some people in order not to get introuble, insult in directly. They dont say a direct commment, such as you are..., they say it indriectly, such as bye asking a question: Are you ...?, critsise harshly, or by not directing directly at the person while speaking about them. Anyway, The intent of many of these instances is to cause harm/ hurt the other person/to make them feel inferior, which is bullying, period, causes people feel unconforatable, and makes them not want to be here. Then, they play, in byrds opinion, stupid and say "i didnt insult them, i just did ___ (or something along those lines)" (byrd gets the feeling that they know that they were bullying), and they go one doing it to more and more people. This is quite possibly one of the biggest promblems on HELLO. Is Insulting someone inderectly against rules, i think it is, because it is still insulting? is nbo, it should be, because it hurts someones feelings.