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Just Joined
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6:04 AM
Nov 9, 2010
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Admin: Berserker
Player: Kurk
Reason: rule1, 2 and 4 / disrespecting admin

2011-02-19 21:49:29 : # [Global] Kurk: Heinrich Himmler was a good man
2011-02-19 21:49:41 : # [Global] = 99 ÞR3$$URE: grr
2011-02-19 21:49:55 : # [Global] The Trooper: she did it again
2011-02-19 21:49:58 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: i tell u what kurk...1 more nazi-word and u r done here
2011-02-19 21:50:29 : # [Global] tankrebel: u know what the problem is with this nazi stuff
2011-02-19 21:50:35 : # [Global] = 99 ÞR3$$URE: nazis r crazy
2011-02-19 21:50:42 : # [Global] The Trooper: my aunt is pissed at my uncle right now
2011-02-19 21:50:46 : # [Global] Kurk: Might I say Hitler?
2011-02-19 21:51:01 : # [Global] tankrebel: they play alot of nazi video/history
2011-02-19 21:51:08 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: like i said...ur problem is no respect
2011-02-19 21:51:09 : # [Global] tankrebel: kids pick that stuff up
2011-02-19 21:51:18 : # [Global] Kurk: Respect for what?
2011-02-19 21:51:19 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: that is y u r always provoking
2011-02-19 21:51:25 : # [Global] The Trooper: they have DVDs looking at the whole war
2011-02-19 21:51:32 : # [Global] Kurk: Indeed, because I've done nothing wrong
2011-02-19 21:51:38 : # [Global] tankrebel: it in colour too!
2011-02-19 21:51:38 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: for rules...for ppl..
2011-02-19 21:51:38 : # [Global] The Trooper: they made video games 4 WW2
2011-02-19 21:51:52 : # [Global] Kurk: People don't deserve respect
2011-02-19 21:51:56 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: every1 who gets banned did nothing wrong
2011-02-19 21:52:09 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: so..u dont deserve it either
2011-02-19 21:52:16 : # [Global] Kurk: So, when I'm banned for saying Heinrich was a good man
2011-02-19 21:52:19 : # [Global] Kurk: I did something wrong?
2011-02-19 21:52:21 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73 easting-[CL]: just like everyone in shawshank was innocent
2011-02-19 21:52:33 : # [Global] Kurk: I've never asked or demended respect
2011-02-19 21:52:44 : # [Global] tankrebel: enjoy that movie alot
2011-02-19 21:52:51 : # [Global] Kurk: Racist?
2011-02-19 21:52:55 : # [Global] Kurk: No it isn't.
2011-02-19 21:52:59 : # [Global] The Trooper: o good lord
2011-02-19 21:53:29 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: i wont argue about that
2011-02-19 21:53:29 : # [Global] Kurk: Cool story bro
2011-02-19 21:54:02 : # [Global] HUNAN WOK: BOTH OF YOU CAP IT
2011-02-19 21:54:15 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: hi Terry
2011-02-19 21:54:20 : # [Global] Kurk: So, by your logic Berserker
2011-02-19 21:54:29 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Sapper: hi frank
2011-02-19 21:54:31 : # [Global] The Trooper: omg shut it both of u
2011-02-19 21:54:33 : # [Global] Kurk: If I said Ceasar was a good man, I should get banned
2011-02-19 21:54:41 : # [Global] Cook: Lol
2011-02-19 21:55:12 : # [Global] Kurk: I've yet to hear a strong response other than he killed 6m ppl
2011-02-19 21:55:36 : # [Global] The Trooper: look him up 4 gods sake
2011-02-19 21:55:45 : # [Global] The Trooper: we have wikipedia
2011-02-19 21:55:50 : # [Global] The Trooper: and google
2011-02-19 21:56:00 : # [Global] Cook: No Hermann Goring was the man
2011-02-19 21:56:09 : # [Global] tankrebel: problem is we only know what was saved from the century
2011-02-19 21:56:09 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73 easting-[CL]: goering
2011-02-19 21:56:12 : # [Global] Kurk: I wish to hear Berserker's reason
2011-02-19 21:56:26 : # [Global] The Trooper: u may wish but u may not get it
2011-02-19 21:56:27 : # [Global] Cook: Goring
2011-02-19 21:56:35 : # [Global] Kurk: I want to know why
2011-02-19 21:56:48 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73 easting-[CL]: spelled goering
2011-02-19 21:56:56 : # [Global] Cook: Goring
2011-02-19 21:57:01 : # [Global] Kurk: Ceasar can kill millions of Germans, and I dont get banned
2011-02-19 21:57:11 : # [Global] Kurk: Yet Himmler kills 6 million Jews and I can get banned
2011-02-19 21:57:26 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: if u get banned u know where u can read y
2011-02-19 21:57:34 : # [Global] The Trooper: r u referring 2 julius ceaser?
2011-02-19 21:57:44 : # [Global] Kurk: Yes
2011-02-19 21:57:44 : # [Global] NEGROPOLIS: ban my big black balls
2011-02-19 21:57:49 : # [Global] The Trooper: ok
2011-02-19 21:57:52 : # [Global] The Trooper: first off
2011-02-19 21:58:06 : # [Global] The Trooper: julius ceaser was b4 the time of the damn nazis
2011-02-19 21:58:11 : # [Global] Kurk: And?
2011-02-19 21:58:16 : # [Global] Kurk: It's still history
2011-02-19 21:58:27 : # [Global] The Trooper: therefore its still irrelvant
2011-02-19 21:58:45 : # [Global] Kurk: Trooper, your logic too
2011-02-19 21:59:01 : Connection reset
2011-02-19 21:59:01 : Disconnected
2011-02-19 21:59:09 : Connected
2011-02-19 22:00:25 : # [Global] MajorStoner: i hate this map
2011-02-19 22:00:57 : # [Global] TurboNegro: heya
2011-02-19 22:01:25 : # [Global] TurboNegro: dont ban me i am actually black lol
2011-02-19 22:01:44 : # [Global] Kurk: Wait, must be a KopiiKatsu
2011-02-19 22:04:58 : # [Global] Kurk: Who are you Negro?
2011-02-19 22:05:19 : # [Global] Kurk: I must know :3
2011-02-19 22:05:32 : # [Global] The Trooper: i have a hunch
2011-02-19 22:05:33 : # [Global] TurboNegro: i always have negro in my name lol
2011-02-19 22:05:35 : # [Global] The Trooper: on who he is
2011-02-19 22:06:04 : # [Global] TurboNegro: i actually just started playing about a week abo
2011-02-19 22:06:51 : # [Global] Kurk: Why you be stealing my name?
2011-02-19 22:06:51 : # [Global] TurboNegro: well the other day i was nigger lips then real american negro
2011-02-19 22:07:20 : # [Global] TurboNegro: then clayton bigsby
2011-02-19 22:07:49 : # [Global] The Trooper: ok turbonegro
2011-02-19 22:08:06 : # [Global] TurboNegro: i just said that
2011-02-19 22:08:18 : # [Global] The Trooper: ok
2011-02-19 22:08:22 : # [Global] «§×§» UlfrikrinnHrafn: lol
2011-02-19 22:08:28 : # [Global] The Trooper: i didnt c it earlier kurk
2011-02-19 22:08:48 : # [Global] The Trooper: now would i?
2011-02-19 22:09:06 : # [Global] The Trooper: dont try that austin powers BS on me
2011-02-19 22:09:14 : # [Global] The Trooper: i got news 4 u
2011-02-19 22:09:18 : # [Global] TurboNegro: lol i dont believe in racism
2011-02-19 22:09:22 : # [Global] The Trooper: it is annoying and immature
2011-02-19 22:09:27 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: ok turbonegro...some ppl r offended by ur name too
2011-02-19 22:09:34 : # [Global] Kurk: That's the point -.-
2011-02-19 22:09:39 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: so...delete that negro-part
2011-02-19 22:09:48 : # [Global] TurboNegro: negro isnt racist
2011-02-19 22:10:11 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: i dont have a prove that u r a black man
2011-02-19 22:10:17 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: so...change it plz
2011-02-19 22:10:35 : # [Global] Kurk: Its not racist, overly-dramatic, are we?
2011-02-19 22:11:05 : # [Global] The Trooper: dont bring god into this now
2011-02-19 22:11:10 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: some1 told me that u had the name turbojew yesterday...
2011-02-19 22:11:10 : # [Global] The Trooper: ok plz dont
2011-02-19 22:11:19 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CLF]: which isnt allowed too
2011-02-19 22:11:27 : # [Global] Kurk: why isnt it, btw?
2011-02-19 22:11:28 : # [Global] The Trooper: thats 1 of the 2 conversations u nvr brin up
2011-02-19 22:11:35 : # [Global] Turbo African American: better?
2011-02-19 22:11:47 : # [BLUE] The Trooper: funny
2011-02-19 22:11:58 : # [Global] Kurk: Whys that?
2011-02-19 22:12:01 : # [BLUE] The Trooper: i didnt think that could actually would fit
2011-02-19 22:12:13 : # [Global] Kurk: I want to know why
2011-02-19 22:12:17 : # [Global] The Trooper: kurk
2011-02-19 22:12:21 : # [Global] The Trooper: omg
2011-02-19 22:12:28 : # [Global] Kurk: Shoo, you.
2011-02-19 22:12:42 : # [Global] The Trooper: and grow up
2011-02-19 22:12:57 : # [Global] Kurk: I'm 15th in my class, I'm good with Education
2011-02-19 22:13:13 : # [Global] The Trooper: good 4 u , u want a medal 4 that?
2011-02-19 22:13:25 : # [Global] The Trooper: ur medal is ur high school diploma
2011-02-19 22:13:26 : # [Global] The Trooper: so there ya go
2011-02-19 22:13:37 : # [Global] Kurk: Don't you remember? I don't respect any single human.
2011-02-19 22:13:45 : # [BLUE] madmax: spare tank here
2011-02-19 22:13:49 : # [Global] Turbo African American: cant belive negro was racist to you buncha crackers lol
2011-02-19 22:13:50 : # [Global] The Trooper: U HONESTLY NEED 2 LEARN IT
2011-02-19 22:13:55 : # [Global] Kurk: Spare me a Docterate please
2011-02-19 22:14:02 : # [Global] The Trooper: THATS Y U SUCK AND GET BANNED SO MUCH
2011-02-19 22:14:22 : # [Global] Kurk: Why is that?
2011-02-19 22:14:35 : # [Global] The Trooper: o judas priest
2011-02-19 22:15:01 : # [Global] The Trooper: wrong
2011-02-19 22:15:08 : # [Global] leaking cat butt: tk
2011-02-19 22:15:11 : # [Global] Kurk: That is how I role, nigga.
2011-02-19 22:15:29 : # [Global] Kurk: *Sigh* You don't know me in real life
2011-02-19 22:15:36 : User berserker at kicked player Kurk (4d0f165476bfb887527c67a4dfa95ce0) at for unknown reason.
2011-02-19 22:15:47 : # [Global] Turbo African American: you know clayton bigsby was a black, white supremicist
2011-02-19 22:16:13 : # [Global] leaking cat butt: come on
2011-02-19 22:17:32 : # [Global] The Trooper: yea i mind
2011-02-19 22:17:33 : # [Global] The Trooper: not
2011-02-19 22:17:37 : # [Global] The Trooper: anyway
2011-02-19 22:17:44 : # [Global] Kurk: My niggardliness to that flag is apparent.
2011-02-19 22:17:44 : # [Global] The Trooper: u say i dont know u in real life
2011-02-19 22:17:52 : # [Global] Kurk: You don't.
2011-02-19 22:17:59 : # [Global] leaking cat butt: chat room?
2011-02-19 22:18:11 : # [Global] The Trooper: im guessing that ur probably 17 years old
2011-02-19 22:18:13 : User berserker at said '[BVSM] Kurk banned for rule1, 2 and 4'.
2011-02-19 22:18:13 : Ban added on keyhash 4d0f165476bfb887527c67a4dfa95ce0.
2011-02-19 22:18:13 : User berserker at banned player Kurk (4d0f165476bfb887527c67a4dfa95ce0) permanently for rule1, 2 and 4.
2011-02-19 22:18:20 : # [Global] The Trooper: still living with his parents
2011-02-19 22:21:34 : # [Global] «§×§» UlfrikrinnHrafn: ?
2011-02-19 22:21:50 : # [RED] Beer n Titties: sorry
2011-02-19 22:21:55 : # [RED] «§×§» UlfrikrinnHrafn: thats ok
2011-02-19 22:21:58 : # [Global] leaking cat butt: law fags
2011-02-19 22:22:39 : # [Global] Kurk: I'm surprised he banned me...
2011-02-19 22:23:10 : # [Global] Kurk: So trooper
2011-02-19 22:23:15 : # [Global] Kurk: You were saying?
2011-02-19 22:23:25 : Ban added on keyhash f227ec3f4c68af58f8f878c7b82615fd.
2011-02-19 22:23:25 : User berserker at banned player Kurk (f227ec3f4c68af58f8f878c7b82615fd) permanently for unknown reason.


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:04 AM
Feb 11, 2011
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lol fail ban -.-


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
Only thing I did wrong was say "Nigga". The ban was uncalled for, therefore you are to revoke the ban this instance.


Just Joined
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12:04 AM
Oct 7, 2010
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no kurk first off u got banned 4 getting ur nose in the admin's business when it was none of ur concern 2 begin with. secondly, u were comparing some1 julius ceaser ( a man who lived 2000 yrs ago) to a german that lived during WW2 and that killed people believe on racist beliefs and no this logic is not wrong u need 2 relearn ur history u say ur 15th in ur class but i highly deny that badly u need 2 have some respect 4 other people and players otherwise u will not go far in life that is a promise


Forum Newbie
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5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
L&DPhoenix said:
no kurk first off u got banned 4 getting ur nose in the admin's business when it was none of ur concern 2 begin with. secondly, u were comparing some1 julius ceaser ( a man who lived 2000 yrs ago) to a german that lived during WW2 and that killed people believe on racist beliefs and no this logic is not wrong u need 2 relearn ur history u say ur 15th in ur class but i highly deny that badly u need 2 have some respect 4 other people and players otherwise u will not go far in life that is a promise
Is it not up to the public to discern wrongful punishment? I bet if I went into my school and went to my homeroom teacher and told him "Himmler was a good man" he would laugh and continue his work (mind you, he's German). And why is comparing Julius Caesar to Himmler not logical? Himmler killed because he wanted to; Caesar? Because he wanted to. Do not even attempt to say: "But no1! Himmler kiled ppl bcuz of there religion." Guess what? You ever stop to think that maybe Caesar was racist against Germans. I mean, he is Roman; Didn't Romans see Germans as Barbarians? Its the same fricken thing as the Nazis, just 2,000 years earlier.
Why are you questioning my intelligence when you can't even form a coherent sentence? My being 15th in my class has nothing to with this argument.I mean, come on, the American Education system is joke. I maintain a 4.3 GPA whilst studying Japanese in my classes. That's pretty sad. Simply put, I was explaining (and mocking) to them that I do have intelligence, albeit they seem to believe otherwise (which is their right to do). Also, why respect someone who doesn't respect you? Obviously Berserker has little respect for me, seeing as he told me to mind my own business like he owned the place. He also ignored my points, which could have easily been put down as they have a multitude of flaws. Some respect, eh?


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
«ßÔß»-ßêR$ërKêR-[CL] said:
Fine then, new person. Ban me for saying "Stalin was a good man." Hell, let me mention Mao Tse-tung as a gentleman. I bet you won't. Besides, isn't Himmler just a soldier? He was just doing what he was "brain-washed" to do by Hitler. In a sense, he was a good man for following orders like a soldier.


Grand Master
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7:04 AM
Sep 27, 2010
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the Netherlands
I understand what you mean, Kurk, but why did you say it anyway, knowing that it would cause problems?
By the way is it also forbidden to have the name Erwin Rommel?


Forum Rookie
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6:04 AM
Jun 10, 2010
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Theodor Forselius
Yeah i agree with you commando, this is like the sebasjee thing. Sure there might be issues with a admin, but that is not a reason to provoke him to ban you. Instead report before you turn it and it becomes a different situation. I know it can be hard when your pissed off but sometimes you just have to swallow your pride, do the right thing and you will get justice.


Forum Newbie
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5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
CommandoBeta said:
I understand what you mean, Kurk, but why did you say it anyway, knowing that it would cause problems?
By the way is it also forbidden to have the name Erwin Rommel?
Why? Because I didn't actually think he was going to ban me for something so trivial.
helloclan13 said:
Yeah i agree with you commando, this is like the sebasjee thing. Sure there might be issues with a admin, but that is not a reason to provoke him to ban you. Instead report before you turn it and it becomes a different situation. I know it can be hard when your pissed off but sometimes you just have to swallow your pride, do the right thing and you will get justice.
I still haven't done anything really wrong. I was simply asking him why (like I have been the past week on the forums) someone can't have "Nazi-symbols" in their name.


Just Joined
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12:04 AM
Oct 7, 2010
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OK Kurk, first off its not up 2 the public 2 discern ban involvement (try guessing who the trooper is genius). 2nd, u just r motivated by rage 2 tick every1 off so they get banned and u don't (i've seen some good people get banned because u provoked them by pissing em off). 3rd, idky u arent perm. banned 4 having a speed hack its nearly impossible 2 hit u when u use the damn thing. 4th, when u have a fricking hack and dont want people 2 know it, you should try 2 keep that a secret instead of confessing it 2 the public (and with u having a so-called 4.3 GPA i would think u would b smarter not 2 mention it).


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Ben Dover
L&DPhoenix said:
It's impossible read this shitty type of english influenced by l33t-speak like in the upper post.

The world history is ruled, and even Hitler was a puppet in someone's hands who was given a script with all this nazi thing to perform. You all look very cute arguing about this. Berserker is taking all this too serious, it looks like he's bringing his sore subject to us (no disrespect). I'm sure Kurk should be unbanned.

P.S. Kurk, I thought you are the one who should know this rule:


Forum Newbie
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5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
Player_0 said:
P.S. Kurk, I thought you are the one who should know this rule:
Finally, someone with a brain. I know that, but even if I win and am retarded, I still won. I like wining against people I don't like, even if it makes me retarded. :3


Forum Newbie
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Jul 31, 2010
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Montréal, Qc. Canada
Kurk said:
Is it not up to the public to discern wrongful punishment? I bet if I went into my school and went to my homeroom teacher and told him "Himmler was a good man" he would laugh and continue his work (mind you, he's German). And why is comparing Julius Caesar to Himmler not logical? Himmler killed because he wanted to; Caesar? Because he wanted to. Do not even attempt to say: "But no1! Himmler kiled ppl bcuz of there religion." Guess what? You ever stop to think that maybe Caesar was racist against Germans. I mean, he is Roman; Didn't Romans see Germans as Barbarians? Its the same fricken thing as the Nazis, just 2,000 years earlier.

Not really the same, Himmler killed being racist (killed innocents). Julius Caesar killed because it was a kind of war against them, which in that case, he is allowed to kill.


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
RyanCooper said:
Kurk said:
Is it not up to the public to discern wrongful punishment? I bet if I went into my school and went to my homeroom teacher and told him "Himmler was a good man" he would laugh and continue his work (mind you, he's German). And why is comparing Julius Caesar to Himmler not logical? Himmler killed because he wanted to; Caesar? Because he wanted to. Do not even attempt to say: "But no1! Himmler kiled ppl bcuz of there religion." Guess what? You ever stop to think that maybe Caesar was racist against Germans. I mean, he is Roman; Didn't Romans see Germans as Barbarians? Its the same fricken thing as the Nazis, just 2,000 years earlier.

Not really the same, Himmler killed being racist (killed innocents). Julius Caesar killed because it was a kind of war against them, which in that case, he is allowed to kill.
Indeed, Caesar still killed the women and children. What about Stalin and Mao? Huh? They killed millions of their own citizens for nothing. Starved them, and then killed them for questioning anything. Why can I tell Berserker that "Stalin was a good man" and not have him bitch about it? The ban was rascally motivated, as Berserker is German and can't get over the fact that his ancestors were duped into murdering people. They need to get over it and stop acting like America does to the negro community.

L&DPhoenix said:
OK Kurk, first off its not up 2 the public 2 discern ban involvement (try guessing who the trooper is genius). 2nd, u just r motivated by rage 2 tick every1 off so they get banned and u don't (i've seen some good people get banned because u provoked them by pissing em off). 3rd, idky u arent perm. banned 4 having a speed hack its nearly impossible 2 hit u when u use the damn thing. 4th, when u have a fricking hack and dont want people 2 know it, you should try 2 keep that a secret instead of confessing it 2 the public (and with u having a so-called 4.3 GPA i would think u would b smarter not 2 mention it).
First off, that was nearly my first time playing in months, minus my gaming under the name TurboJew (I've used it for years on Hello All maps and on RCN and haven't ever gotten a complaint - until berserker, that is). If you've played me as TurboJew, you'll realise I don't talk, because I use "game.useHud 0" in order to avoid retards. That said, who have I provoked to get banned? I would like to know, because I must be great at provoking in my sleep. Transitioning to my "hacking", you sir, are an idort. Speed hacking is near impossible. You actually think I would admit to hacking under my main name, Kurk? Ha! You must be more of an idiot than your English puts off.


Kurk.. watch the rules:
"incorporating it into the game would be the problem child" anti-hacking possibility by kurk
"No." anti-hacking possibility by kurk (okay this is no breaking the rules but without an explanation, its just plain rude)
"He probably made a layout of it on paint." (byrd took this as an insult, you might to o if you read the topic) -Map Making contest by kurk
"Noooo!!!! You ruined the 1337 posts!" -Enable specators/admin killing by kurk
"You all fail." -Operation flaming dart
"Dante's 6th pit of hell" on kurks profile page
"Chinese-fricking-restaurant"also on his prfolie page
"Intrests:... your mum[][][][](oh yes i did)" also on his profile page
"Its the same fricken thing as the Nazis"-in this topic by kurk
KURK, either you just dont think the rules apply to you, or you dont know that there are 12 (and possibly younger) years olds here. Tedde and tank boy can esily compensate for u if you were banned, and everyone else could cope without to.
and fyi: "Also, why respect someone who doesn't respect you?"- kurk, kurk you dont show respect to most people.


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:04 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
Real Name
Aoustino Rufrano
If you read the log, I don't respect almost anyone. I did generalise a bit. Yes, I respect my Nonna, as she does provide a roof for me and hasn't once complained about it. I also respect my Father, as he sparked my interest in East Asian languages and is a great friend to have conversations with in Chinese. Also, how is "Dante's 6th Pit of Hell" bad? Nor is "Intrests:... your mum[][][][](oh yes i did)", because you can see it's 「PCゲーム(oh yes I did)」implying that I just incorporated Japanese into PC Games (ゲーム= Game). Also, most forums have a TOS that requires users to be over the age of 13, however this one doesn't. But still, if you aren't 13+, then GTFO, as the internet forums are not places for you to be. I was being benevolent not putting "Fucking" instead of "Fricken".
"incorporating it into the game would be the problem child" anti-hacking possibility by kurk
"No." anti-hacking possibility by kurk (okay this is no breaking the rules but without an explanation, its just plain rude)
"He probably made a layout of it on paint." (byrd took this as an insult, you might to o if you read the topic) -Map Making contest by kurk
"Noooo!!!! You ruined the 1337 posts!" -Enable specators/admin killing by kurk
"You all fail." -Operation flaming d
These are just random quotes that aren't anywhere near rule-breaking. And did you not just make a layout on paint?

... Upon re-reading the logs, why am I banned, again?

"No." anti-hacking possibility by kurk (okay this is no breaking the rules but without an explanation, its just plain rude)
Since you say its rude, heres the explanation. It's not possible. You must modify to .exe of Battlefield in order to get a bot to work in the manner you are speaking of. Modifications of the .exe is prohibited by EA's EULA, therefore making it illegal. Are you happy? It seems "No." was a much simpler answer to this.


Forum Newbie
Local time
9:04 PM
Feb 16, 2011
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Kurk said:
... Upon re-reading the logs, why am I banned, again?

At this point my guess would be because you've caused too much intellectual curiosity.


Forum Rookie
Local time
6:04 AM
Jun 10, 2010
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Real Name
Theodor Forselius
I unbanned you kurk, got a pretty good idea who banned you, and why he did it
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