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30million dollar weapon AKA Jhon Repeat TK Offender

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Forum Newbie
Local time
12:02 AM
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
Real Name
Banned Player: 30million dollar weapon AKA Jhon ( He was banned 2 more times as Jhon prior to this for the same reasons. 1st time for a week and 2nd time for 2 weeks 1 or 2 days later.
Reason: Repeat TK Offender
Action(s) taken: 1 Month Ban
Evidence: I was a TK victim of his twice but I only managed to record 2nd TK Plus the chat activity regarding Him, was Fairly active.
There is 2 video Links of his activity posted, within the Chat Below.
1 st video will pause at times because I had to exit to send warnings to him But there is lots there to view 'til the end.
2nd video is me being the victim of his TKing Plus just above the 2nd link in chat, you will see his reasons for doing it.
That did it for me.

8/12/2013 22:23:03 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: flower did you see what he did
8/12/2013 22:23:30 : # [BLUE] MR WART(REMOVER): rocket truck??
8/12/2013 22:23:46 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: who did what?
8/12/2013 22:23:53 : # [Global] Captain Mack: i saw waht u diid
8/12/2013 22:24:06 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: kill me twice
8/12/2013 22:24:50 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: that was a boat
8/12/2013 22:25:21 : # [Global] Captain Mack: stop moving the rocket car when I FIRING ROCKETS
8/12/2013 22:25:21 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: ok
8/12/2013 22:26:17 : # [Global] BF1942: hi all
8/12/2013 22:26:31 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: ok
8/12/2013 22:26:38 : # [Global] ppolicecars: lol
8/12/2013 22:29:20 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon please don't attack your own team'.
8/12/2013 22:29:20 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:29:27 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon please don't play disruptively'.
8/12/2013 22:29:27 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:29:35 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: ok
8/12/2013 22:30:32 : Client: Said '30million dollar weapon WTF Man...u been here long enough'.
8/12/2013 22:30:33 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:30:37 : # [RED] «ßÔß»-Gunner-: there goes main. there goes the neighborhood.
8/12/2013 22:30:47 : Client: Said 'to know not to do crap like that !'.
8/12/2013 22:30:47 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:30:49 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: ik
8/12/2013 22:31:06 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: ok i wont do it any more
8/12/2013 22:31:36 : # [Global] BF1942: i gtg bye all
8/12/2013 22:31:56 : # [BLUE] toby: e5 rocket truck
8/12/2013 22:32:02 : Client: Said '30million dollar weapon Ive started a file on you'.
8/12/2013 22:32:02 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:32:15 : Client: Said 'and im sharing with other Admins'.

http://classic.xfire.com/video/60bd8a/ <---- :)

8/12/2013 22:52:50 : Client: Issue command 'admin.admin_killplayer 17' at console.
8/12/2013 22:52:51 : Server: Command issued at console.
8/12/2013 22:53:01 : # [Global] HENDU: lol
8/12/2013 22:53:08 : Player 30million dollar weapon e868136a0238e0542df0da475aef9827 [unknown] kicked by Flowerpower for ignoring admin requests.
8/12/2013 22:53:08 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon kicked for ignoring admin requests'.
8/12/2013 22:53:08 : Client: Issue command 'admin.admin_killplayer 17' at console.
8/12/2013 22:53:08 : Client: Kick player 30million dollar weapon.
8/12/2013 22:53:09 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/12/2013 22:53:09 : Server: Command issued at console.
8/12/2013 22:53:09 : Server: Player 30million dollar weapon kicked.

8/27/2013 23:46:26 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon please don't team kill'.
8/27/2013 23:46:27 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/27/2013 23:46:37 : # [RED] «ßÔß»-73easting-[CL]: getting shot was not part of the plan
8/27/2013 23:46:48 : # [Global] Jonathan Mehl: Sorry, 30million dollar weapon. My internet had problems
8/27/2013 23:46:53 : Client: Said '30million dollar weapon I Have you lined up for a 2 week ban'.
8/27/2013 23:46:54 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/27/2013 23:46:58 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: sure
8/27/2013 23:47:43 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Because i said so
8/27/2013 23:48:11 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: is there any thing i can do to prevent it
8/27/2013 23:48:35 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: every game you TK 30 mill <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:48:58 : # [RED] «ßÔß»-73easting-[CL]: tunnel camped
8/27/2013 23:49:14 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-Rage VS Machine : awesome
8/27/2013 23:49:40 : # [RED] «ßÔß»-Rage VS Machine : tunnel boobytrapped
8/27/2013 23:50:30 : # [RED] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: get sa7s out
8/27/2013 23:50:33 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Remember yesterday u put a Tank over me and blew it up? <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:50:57 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: and tried to push me off roof <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:50:58 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: Remember Last Map you blew up the Jeep beside me? <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:51:26 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: well the jeep why stand on a jeep <----- :)
8/27/2013 23:51:45 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: if the enemy <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:51:55 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: can blow you with a law <----- :)
8/27/2013 23:52:00 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: in Hue you blew up jeep after jeep <----- :)
8/27/2013 23:52:15 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: So i can see over the bushes <----- :)


8/27/2013 23:52:20 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: and the tank <--- :)
8/27/2013 23:52:28 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: ittle my fault <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:52:44 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: people be mean and tank
8/27/2013 23:52:47 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: You charged at me with it <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:52:57 : # [BLUE] CHEF DONT JUDGE!!: MAIN
8/27/2013 23:53:25 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: well i thout you were the person that kill me last time
8/27/2013 23:53:35 : # [BLUE] 30million dollar weapon: i am sorry
8/27/2013 23:53:45 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: I Also have on Record you saying you are JHON and your Back
8/27/2013 23:54:01 : # [Global] «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL: I Might just make it a Month long Ban
8/27/2013 23:54:02 : # [BLUE] CHEF DONT JUDGE!!: MAIN
8/27/2013 23:54:06 : # [BLUE] CHEF DONT JUDGE!!: NO HELYS
8/27/2013 23:54:09 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: i dont condone main rape
8/27/2013 23:54:22 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: l you make 6 mth bann?
8/27/2013 23:54:28 : # [BLUE] CHEF DONT JUDGE!!: ALL HELYS GONE
8/27/2013 23:54:51 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: admin if I pay you will you make it a 6mth bann?
8/27/2013 23:55:02 : # [BLUE] soyouwannatk: :)
8/27/2013 23:55:10 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: too late
8/27/2013 23:55:15 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: fucked game up
8/27/2013 23:55:45 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: now mi8 stolen
8/27/2013 23:55:48 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: by this punk pussy
8/27/2013 23:55:53 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: learn to play with dignity ffs
8/27/2013 23:58:05 : # [Global] oldtimêr: they over here rapin n stealin hueys too
8/27/2013 23:58:11 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Vmax: cmon USA get out of your main and take some flags
8/27/2013 23:58:28 : # [Global] Heeler: you dont learn do you 30 mill? you just shot me <---- :)
8/27/2013 23:58:38 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: ns helo
8/27/2013 23:58:45 : # [BLUE] CHEF DONT JUDGE!!: MAIN
8/27/2013 23:58:51 : # [Global] Lenin and McCartney: he blows up ou own vehicles all the time <----- :)
8/27/2013 23:59:11 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73easting-[CL]: just video him and ban him
8/28/2013 00:02:28 : # [Global] Heeler: :)
8/28/2013 00:03:20 : # [Global] oldtimêr: bah
8/28/2013 00:03:32 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: hit 3 shots with mi8
8/28/2013 00:03:37 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: and no killshot lol only hit markers
8/28/2013 00:03:44 : # [Global] oldtimêr: u dont learn do ya 73
8/28/2013 00:04:04 : # [Global] Rbilly: balless fkcr
8/28/2013 00:04:20 : # [Global] -[HELLO]- mRoRanGe: hi ALl
8/28/2013 00:04:32 : # [Global] Heeler: hi orange
8/28/2013 00:04:37 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Vmax: hey
8/28/2013 00:05:38 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: lol at hitzones here timer
8/28/2013 00:06:00 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: all my team is using them lol
8/28/2013 00:06:03 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: im not rushin ur main
8/28/2013 00:06:34 : # [Global] oldtimêr: \rst of ur team is
8/28/2013 00:06:38 : # [Global] Rbilly: easton knows
8/28/2013 00:06:39 : # [Global] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: wht i said
8/28/2013 00:06:45 : # [Global] ROGUEWARRIOR: no help
8/28/2013 00:07:04 : # [Global] Heeler: dman sam i was areloaading
8/28/2013 00:07:19 : # [Global] oldtimêr: :)
8/28/2013 00:07:40 : # [Global] ROGUEWARRIOR: take flags not main rape
8/28/2013 00:09:19 : # [RED] =d][b= Hardcore Pwn: get mig
8/28/2013 00:09:46 : # [Global] Heeler: lol
8/28/2013 00:09:47 : # [Global] Major Blunder: we kikd your ass with zero air cover
8/28/2013 00:09:54 : # [Global] Heeler: made you smoke
8/28/2013 00:10:02 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73easting-[CL]: lol
8/28/2013 00:10:03 : # [Global] Rbilly: fcck u easint
8/28/2013 00:10:09 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-73easting-[CL]: thats a bad thing?
8/28/2013 00:11:13 : # [Global] 360° Toxic Ft. [AK-47]: whoa, new pc, new settings
8/28/2013 00:11:32 : Disconnected
8/28/2013 00:11:32 : Exited
8/28/2013 01:27:57 : Battlefield Vietnam Remote Manager v2.01
8/28/2013 01:27:57 : Started under Personal Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
8/28/2013 01:28:02 : Connected to server at as user Flowerpower with access sgfiaTMPBuhC.
8/28/2013 01:28:31 : # [Global] Vandal420: lol i was gonna say.... hes cheap as hell but doesnt cheat =) h
8/28/2013 01:28:31 : # [Global] Vandal420: hahaha
8/28/2013 01:28:34 : # [Global] maddog: we know he cheats, boys always will :)
8/28/2013 01:29:39 : # [Global] maddog: thats why a lot of BoB-members quit BoB, 2 many cheats
8/28/2013 01:29:57 : # [Global] «ßÔß» Bullet Magnet: just enjoy your game
8/28/2013 01:30:08 : # [Global] Vandal420: im a lone ranger and always will b
8/28/2013 01:30:08 : # [Global] Vandal420: im a lone ranger and always will b
8/28/2013 01:30:11 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Thanks Vandal
8/28/2013 01:30:59 : # [Global] Vandal420: LMAO maddog talking shit and camping with toob
8/28/2013 01:31:12 : # [Global] maddog: least i KILL LOL
8/28/2013 01:31:18 : # [Global] maddog: & cleanly
8/28/2013 01:31:42 : # [Global] Vandal420: u just rpged a guy with a knife from the 3rd floor?
8/28/2013 01:32:00 : # [Global] maddog: knife, that my RPG
8/28/2013 01:32:13 : # [Global] Vandal420: lol
8/28/2013 01:33:00 : # [Global] Vandal420: thx for the machete OJ =)
8/28/2013 01:33:52 : # [Global] maddog: lol look at scorch score, no way hosey
8/28/2013 01:34:06 : # [Global] maddog: only kill he got, i did with Matt :{=}
8/28/2013 01:34:43 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : N1 Scorch
8/28/2013 01:34:47 : # [Global] Vandal420: heheh
8/28/2013 01:34:54 : # [Global] Vandal420: 8 knives so far
8/28/2013 01:34:58 : # [Global] Vandal420: 9 coming up
8/28/2013 01:35:18 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : 1
8/28/2013 01:35:22 : # [Global] [US] INFIDEL: Hot Knives?
8/28/2013 01:35:33 : # [Global] Vandal420: NOOOOO u got maddog haha
8/28/2013 01:35:46 : # [Global] Vandal420: i was gonna knife the bastard =)
8/28/2013 01:35:54 : # [Global] maddog: bullet used wall hack with tank, lmFao, boys
8/28/2013 01:36:04 : # [BLUE] «ßÔß» Bullet Magnet: on roof
8/28/2013 01:36:11 : # [Global] maddog: B4
8/28/2013 01:36:15 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Please be quite
8/28/2013 01:36:25 : # [Global] scorch: take out emty tank
8/28/2013 01:36:38 : # [Global] maddog: lool crack-head speaks, time 4 re-hab again ay ? :_
8/28/2013 01:37:22 : # [RED] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Hes going well
8/28/2013 01:37:26 : # [Global] maddog: not my fault ur a crack-head
8/28/2013 01:37:42 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : GG
8/28/2013 01:37:43 : # [RED] 30million dollar weapon: we lose any way
8/28/2013 01:37:43 : # [Global] Vandal420: gg
8/28/2013 01:39:15 : # [RED] Vandal420: runnin tunnels lol
8/28/2013 01:40:06 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : oops
8/28/2013 01:40:08 : # [RED] Vandal420: lol yup
8/28/2013 01:40:14 : # [Global] maddog: i
8/28/2013 01:40:19 : # [RED] maddog: i got uda tunny
8/28/2013 01:40:43 : # [RED] Vandal420: boat full of men headed to shore
8/28/2013 01:41:17 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Admin will be contacted <--- :)
8/28/2013 01:41:30 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Stop desrurting game play <---- :)
8/28/2013 01:41:41 : # [Global] maddog: usa got tk'er in main, again ? <---- :)
8/28/2013 01:41:48 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Yes <---- :)
8/28/2013 01:41:55 : # [Global] maddog: typical
8/28/2013 01:42:07 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon please don't attack your own team'. <--- :)
8/28/2013 01:42:07 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/28/2013 01:42:23 : # [Global] maddog: maybe he old Samcro, always did that this map
8/28/2013 01:42:32 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Told you
8/28/2013 01:42:33 : # [Global] maddog: then he crash server
8/28/2013 01:42:34 : # [Global] Major Magoo: kick 30 million <--- :)
8/28/2013 01:43:07 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon please don't play disruptively'. <---- :)
8/28/2013 01:43:07 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/28/2013 01:43:32 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Vmax: needs a #permaban
8/28/2013 01:43:36 : # [Global] Vandal420: lmao
8/28/2013 01:43:41 : # [Global] Vandal420: fun fun
8/28/2013 01:43:45 : # [Global] maddog: fuk again SCORCH U HACKER
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Player 30million dollar weapon e868136a0238e0542df0da475aef9827 [unknown] banned by Flowerpower until Fri Sep 27 01:43:58 2013 for Ban player for 1 month.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Client: Said '[BVSM] 30million dollar weapon banned for Ban player for 1 month'.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Client: Issue command 'admin.admin_killplayer 11' at console.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Client: Ban player 30million dollar weapon.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Server: Admin message sent.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Server: Command issued at console.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Server: Player 30million dollar weapon banned.
8/28/2013 01:43:58 : Server: Banlist has been updated.
8/28/2013 01:44:59 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : Ty
8/28/2013 01:45:26 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: btw guys guy named "bman" is a good friend of mine
8/28/2013 01:45:34 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: just started playing
8/28/2013 01:45:44 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : All good Osama
8/28/2013 01:45:45 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: take it easy on him if you can
8/28/2013 01:45:56 : # [Global] [US] INFIDEL: Hes the Player Dude?
8/28/2013 01:46:07 : # [Global] «ßÔß»-HookedOnCrack- : lol
8/28/2013 01:46:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: yea i heard he pissed some people off wrecking a jet?


Grand Master
Local time
7:02 AM
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Nice, these videos are pretty conclusive.


Normal Poster
Local time
6:02 AM
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
I wouldn't mind if we kept him banned longer than a month.


Forum Newbie
Local time
12:02 AM
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
Real Name
Max said:
I wouldn't mind if we kept him banned longer than a month.

I Think that's going to happen next if he does it again. I Really don't get this guy. He plays well for a while and he is a good player but then all of a sudden he goes Bonkers.
I will likely have to ask upper command as to what should be done with him in the event this happens again.
Any how...
Good to see ya around Max. Hope all is good with you.

Because I Do give a shit.


Elite Poster
Local time
5:02 AM
Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
Reading, England
Real Name
He plays well for a while and he is a good player but then all of a sudden he goes Bonkers.

I'm certainly with you there. I was playing flaming dart and he parked his jeep in front of my jet but as soon as I warned him he apologised, drove off and didn't do it again.

The fact that he apologises about it, and in your logs asks what he can do to not get banned, makes me think he doesn't do it with malice...perhaps he finds blowing vehicles up fun. :S

I've also had games where he has done nothing wrong and played fine the entire game; although he only uses team chat ( I did let him know in the past that he must use global chat if they are not on his team but he seems to have forgot) so if you don't get a reply, and you're on the opposing team, that could be why.

Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what he is like after a month or if he makes a successful appeal prior.


Normal Poster
Local time
6:02 AM
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
Max said:
I wouldn't mind if we kept him banned longer than a month.

I Think that's going to happen next if he does it again. I Really don't get this guy. He plays well for a while and he is a good player but then all of a sudden he goes Bonkers.
I will likely have to ask upper command as to what should be done with him in the event this happens again.
Any how...
Good to see ya around Max. Hope all is good with you.

Because I Do give a shit.
Thanks flower :)
Don't have as much time on my hands (to play bfv) as I used to have :(
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