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Clarification 'All the obvious Hacking'

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Local time
8:10 PM
Jan 23, 2012
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im a little behind on the forum, i work and am out of town most weeks, however this week im working in town.
either way, as i was reading Uncle Remus' rant about hackers and naming hackers and what not... i noticed he used my name as one of the hackers. ( Julian 'Drink in hand' ) is one of the names i use, and i remembered how he was making comments about hacking in the server pointing his finger at me, but not directly saying it.
but anyways, toxy doesnt cheat, sorry remus to prove you wrong also.
but i do like your attitude towards the cheaters, i think more people should have that attitude, but have facts also to prove somebody is cheating. and i mean its gotta be like THEE CLEAREST, UNDENIABLE, 100% ON THE NUTS VIDEO of this person cheating, other wise, you can forget about getting the hacker banned.


good luck with that tho.


Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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When this game first came out I played it 10-12 hours a day, everyday, I did that for about 5-6 years. Than I took about a year and a half off because I got tired of playing with all the hackers. Recently I started playing again, I logged 70 hours of play the past week in Hello alone. With that being said when you have played a game as much as I have, you get a feel for it, and what is 'right' and whats not. Ya know, its a game and I don't take any of the bs personally; but again, you hackers that think you can use your hacks in game, than act like you are skillful are full of BS. I have said it over and over again..its not rocket science. Toxic, I have watched you (as a team-mate scrolling through C) a couple times and it was more than apparent that you use the map and aim bot hack. The last time I watched you, it was the map with the NVA Rocket Car (and US Plane) I watched you hang on the outskirts of the Base with the 3 tanks. You would move left to right and spray bullets when the Troops spawned. I watched you kill 2-3 people PER CLIP....you were going through 5 clips so fast you had to keep running and getting ammo. Please bro, how many times do most people need to reload their ammo because they used it all..granted it has happened to me plenty of times but not over and over with the same man... I have watched people like Cooter, run through maps and go into buildings and head right to where the campers are (on rooftops, hiding behind things, etc) and kill them..give me a break. Unless you are using mini map hack..that shit is pretty much impossible, if you don't have a map hack and actually have to hunt troops out..your not going to find them that easy when they aren't even near a base!!! I watched people spawn on rooftops when there is no way they can get up there, sorry the mortar jump is BS, you can't get on high rooftops with mortar jump...lets not act ignorant here..we all know these hacks exist. Most of these maps are big, if you didn't have a map hack and actually had to hunt and find the troops....that would be obvious if someone was taking the time to watch you, just like its obvious when you are using a map hack and KNOW WHERE THEY ARE HIDING. Plus, you map hackers have a habit of running out in the open (U know there is no present threat) but as soon as the enemy is around..lets just say you are ON TOP OF IT!!!

Its really rediculous to even go through this anymore, been there done that years ago. Having always been against the hacks, I have finally reached a point where I want the map hack myself. Just to even the playing field since I know so many use it. I personally think that Hello should just put a link to the mini map hack on their server website, make it available to all that want it. Not just a select group of people, even the playing field.

And you hackers that say, make a video and get proof..thats some funny chit too, you can't PROVE a map hack by taking pics...its just common f-ing sense.

Again, comon people its not rocket science.

If anyone has real skills and wants to make a real kick azz team... get a hold of me on xfire ...uncleremos

Thats uncleremos, remos with an o...not a u


Normal Poster
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8:10 PM
Dec 14, 2010
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Well Uncle, let me make this clear: I absolutely share your hate against hackers, but most of the things you just typed are bs to begin with. Mortar jump works, and you CAN get on to EVERY building on the map. I have done it many times, and so have almost all other bfv players on this forum.

If you really played bfv that much, then you know the obvious camp places. I check every window when im running tru Quang Tri, you might not see that on spectator mode, but its something I've grown doing.

Still, it is possible to spot obvious maphackers on Allmaps. Go thru the playercomplaint topics, and you will see various videos taken where you can clearly see people using maphacks. I know that its sometimes hard to catch a hacker, but thats how it works here.

Seeing this as an re-opening of the previous thread, id like to defend myself to blacky once more:

Since you say I said that 3 days ago, I now KNOW that you are lying. The good part is, that there are admins on RM 24/7 with logs. You can ask any1 to check the logs on that date, and will find out I didn't say anything like that in the past months. But please do ask, if you want to look like a total lying turd.

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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Look it is what it is..and I know what it is..with that said..let me know when we can go into the private server so I can watch you mortar on what building I want you to. My experience with mortar is that you barely get high enough for your chute to open...on the way down. Sometimes your chute wont even open and you will die. Hardly high enough to get on top of buildings..a small house..maybe. Just let me know when.

As far as knowing all the hiding spots..LMAO at that and bro...don't you think when I am watching someone I can tell if they are "looking around" for someone to kill as compared to running up to them and killing them?


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Jul 26, 2012
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Remus, when you spectate ppl and view from a top view, you can't tell exactly where they are looking. Just like the other day when you were specing me under a diff name and calimed I went right to where the guys on that roof were. For 1. the guy tried to rpg me and missed killing me so i knew where the shot came from, 2. I was following my teammate around that bldg to the back of the flag and when I looked at him I saw the 2 guys right in my viewpoint that were both just standing there. You obviously can't tell anything b/c if you did then you would know how to play better on ground maps. The only thing you excell at is flying b/c the ppl on the ground cant defend against air support most of the time.

I can tell when ppl are approaching me b/c when i hear footsteps i look around and at my minimap to see if teammates are around, if I have no teammates around then it's a good assumption it is the enemy. So I stay still and let them pass then shoot them in the back. And just like Max said, campers hide everywhere and good veteran players learn to keep their head on a spindle and check every corner and every window for enemies. I'm always looking around b/c there are many that don't which is why you never sneak up on good players. Most the time their back is to the wall so you can't sneak up on them. You can watch me and accuse me all you like but I know how to play the game and be smart about it too. I don't need to cheat or use maphacks to beat players that don't pay attention to small details in the game that give you advantages.

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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@ Cooter....LOL..whatever dude, and I have come in first in plenty of troop maps. We are ground troops long before we become pilots!! And give the footsteps a break, we all hear them. As far as the dude RPG you..BS..I was watching you the entire map. When I want to observe a player..I do it for at least a map or 2. In spite of usually knowing what they are about after watching them for say 2 and a half minutes. And as far as your back to the wall..LMAO @ THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE OF U HACKERS KEEP UR BACK TO THE WALL... YOU DON"T NEED TO!!! that's usually the non hackers trying to be careful and its the hackers that go right to where they are "hiding with their back to the wall" and kills them. It really doesn't matter, the hackers will hack..and that's just the way it is. I wont be playing the game as much after this weekend, my grades in college are starting to suffer because of it and I cannot let that happen. So, I'll have to limit my playing time until the semester is over.

PS) get rid of that rice burner and get a real bike like me, HARLEY-DAVIDSON
Local time
8:10 PM
Jan 23, 2012
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ok, well Remus, i dont cheat. and really dont like your harassment About me being a hacker. Im not even that good dude...I have played this since 05, and if you have played as long as you say you have than you make pretty dumb comments about the game play. cant mortar onto buildings....really? you didnt know that?
You seem to think anyone thats any good at this game is a hacker. You should ask around, or maybe spec longer, or get a better headset and soundcard, or Something...
I dont cheat nor have i, nor will i.
So please stop your pointless accusations towards me or my gameplay. If you dont like it, try and stop it.


Forum Rookie
Local time
7:10 PM
May 27, 2012
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It would be much easeir to spot hackers if the specation mode was Free camera. Free camera is good so u can see where the hacker looking at, where he's aimbing at, look hackers from the sky view so u can proove he have map hack or not, and more So can u please give the specater mode with Free camera? That would be easir if people are trying to find hackers. Done
I dont want to watch hacker videos cause i dont know what he's seeing and if i know what he's seeing with Free camera i could tell he's hacking or not. There now just enemble the Free camera and capture it on video and post it on youtube and ill watch it. Done tht simple so can u guys quit all this nonsence
Sorry for the bad grammer :lol: :) :D

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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toxic2 said:
ok, well Remus, i dont cheat. and really dont like your harassment About me being a hacker. Im not even that good dude...I have played this since 05, and if you have played as long as you say you have than you make pretty dumb comments about the game play. cant mortar onto buildings....really? you didnt know that?
You seem to think anyone thats any good at this game is a hacker. You should ask around, or maybe spec longer, or get a better headset and soundcard, or Something...
I dont cheat nor have i, nor will i.
So please stop your pointless accusations towards me or my gameplay. If you dont like it, try and stop it.

I did not say you couldn't mortar jump on a small building..I did however say that you cannot possibly mortar jump on the building at E4 in hue..or return to hue.

As far as my system, its a new DELL XPS 9100 with upgraded EVERYTHING.

To all who read this, I'm sure I haven't accused 99% of you of hacking, and you are well aware of that fact.

Toxic, you are a hack plain and simple!! You don't spray bullets on the outskirt of a flag and kill 2-3 people at a time per clip..and do it so many times you have to keep running to get more ammo because you used all 5 clips up..give me a break..you weren't even aiming..just spraying bullets and mowing em down.

PS) Kinda hard to stop someone on foot when they KNOW where you are. You know what I liken it to? Its like when someone kills you, as you die you see where they are...you spawn and you go to where you seen them and kill them...well..you people with the map hacks..have that advantage ALL THE TIME!!!

Just a bunch of bologna really!!!
Local time
8:10 PM
Jan 23, 2012
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[quote="Uncle Remus
Toxic, you are a hack plain and simple!!

No I'm not. so please stop accusing me.

You don't spray bullets on the outskirt of a flag and kill 2-3 people at a time per clip..

Well i do. and i know how to click NOT spray so i kill them easier.

and do it so many times you have to keep running to get more ammo because you used all 5 clips up..

I do it all the time, its not that difficult to stay alive and outlive your ammo supply.

give me a break..you weren't even aiming..just spraying bullets and mowing em down.

And How would you know? does spectating me allow you MY view, rather 1st person view? No it doesnt...
And really im sick of your shit accusing me of cheating when i dont, havent and Wont... ok, so anyone that knows me should be re-assuring this kid i dont cheat. That or i WELCOME ANYONE, ANYTIME, use a different name, use your own, have your friends watch video me spec me screen shot me, idc anytime do it... i dont cheat.

Just a bunch of bologna really!!![/quote]

The Only bologna is you continuing this, and only1admin is saying anything to you about you accusing me and others of hacking. You accuse people from your point of view, not facts, which pretty much seems like harassment when u do it over and over and wont let it go... dude, some people are just better than you. give it up.


Elite Poster
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4:40 AM
Jul 21, 2010
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i can shed some light on spectator mode.... it doesnt work! and no one knows how to fix it! ive wanted it fixed for many years.. ive lost count :D mainly because u can get heaps better pics and video of ur buddies. im not gona provide link to the topics,if u want look back thro the forums go for it... Perhaps it CAN be fixed and ppl are just saying that so players cant use it to cheat, but the arguement can be, with skype, xfire voice chat and ventrillo .. ppl can tell enemy where u are verbally and dont even need spectator mode to do it... so if it can be fixed and its not a excuse, it should be...... please+thankyou

toxic has got me afew times and i thought how the hell.. like him in middle base on hue and me in buildings near bridge, he rabbit jumped and shot me with 1 shot...

but i have aweful ping so i get alot of deaths kinda strange like i duck down behind a wall layprone,, but am killed while laying, even tho i got down, just bad ping related usually.

I dont think toxic cheats becuase he is a competitve person (like alot of ppl are on the server) and his victories would all mean NOTHING if he knew himself to be cheating....so it doesnt make sense.

Are we going to have to make a new rule , "no accusing ppl of cheats or hacks", we will now treat accusing like insults? would that make the server better? just a thought.

and also about the mortar... ask someone ingame 1st or try it urself before start accusing , go into private server contact me on xfire ive aleready given u my xfire evn tho u havnt added me.. i can change the map for u and u can test it if u dont believe max or others..im sure they would even show u how if u had the courage to ask them :D

I dislike cheaters as much as anyone but if u want to accuse toxic or anyone else, get a vid, post it and point out where hes cheating, someones gotta do it.... cheers

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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Toxic..You said you can mortar jump on any building...Let me know when you can show me that you can mortar jump on the building at E4 (where I seen Japan) in hue so I can watch... make the mortar jump on E4 in Hue and I'll come bk on here and admit I was wrong...until than, just keep talking your BS...say what you want dude. And if accusing someone of hacking is harrasment..Hello should just close shop now.

I don't care what you say, I know 100% without a doubt you hack... I would actually bet my life on it, that's how sure I am, thats not to say that you have the hacks turned on all the time..but the times I have watched you..without a doubt you were hacking.

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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BlackHawk0012 said:
Uncle Remus said:
Toxic..You said you can mortar jump on any building...Let me know when you can show me that you can mortar jump on the building at E4 (where I seen Japan) in hue so I can watch... make the mortar jump on E4 in Hue and I'll come bk on here and admit I was wrong...until than, just keep talking your BS...say what you want dude. And if accusing someone of hacking is harrasment..Hello should just close shop now.

I don't care what you say, I know 100% without a doubt you hack... I would actually bet my life on it, that's how sure I am, thats not to say that you have the hacks turned on all the time..but the times I have watched you..without a doubt you were hacking.

As i told you via PM toxic. He claims we hack.
Kinda Nice, that proves we are indeed good players.

Hey Blackhawke/UPEOSHEEN..it is of little surprise that you, Toxic and Cooter are friends and I'm certain private messages aren't all you share....lmao!

Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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Ray said:
70 hours a week wtf ? your shitting me ?

Yeah, I know...and I agree that's rediculous. Maybe xfire was wrong????
Local time
8:10 PM
Jan 23, 2012
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idk but remus plz stop accusing me of cheating, i dont ever cheat, havent ever cheated at any game, EXCEPT Doom3 on singleplayer mode and that was ONLY to beat that goddamn game lol.
as far as bfv, or anyother online game i compete on i have never. so i guess if your just so goddamn positive i cheat to win than i will take that as a compliment, as you must be jealous of my scores and envious of my gameplay.
i dont cheat bro, but think what u want.
if you have played as long as you have, you should know better...and no wonder TKO server failed, probably started banning ANYONE that killed you, or anyone that you specd and found suspicious. pretty soon, theres no one left to fight but bots huh.
good luck with your anti toxic campaign... you should get some pom poms and start cheerleading.

leave me alone and stop accusing me and we'll be just fine.


Grand Master
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Sep 27, 2010
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the Netherlands
toxic2 said:
idk but remus plz stop accusing me of cheating, i dont ever cheat, havent ever cheated at any game, EXCEPT Doom3 on singleplayer mode and that was ONLY to beat that goddamn game lol.
as far as bfv, or anyother online game i compete on i have never. so i guess if your just so goddamn positive i cheat to win than i will take that as a compliment, as you must be jealous of my scores and envious of my gameplay.
i dont cheat bro, but think what u want.
if you have played as long as you have, you should know better...and no wonder TKO server failed, probably started banning ANYONE that killed you, or anyone that you specd and found suspicious. pretty soon, theres no one left to fight but bots huh.
good luck with your anti toxic campaign... you should get some pom poms and start cheerleading.

leave me alone and stop accusing me and we'll be just fine.

This might always show you what it is like for others. You come to the forums , 100% sure that someone hacks, and you're suprised we do not ban him. Now, someone is 100% sure you hack, and is surprised we do not ban you. While you are both very experienced BFV players. That is why it is important to take a very good look at evidence before shouting ' HACK - BAN!'.


Forum Newbie
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7:10 PM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
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Aoustino Rufrano
As long as there is no Aimbots, I like hackers. More of a challenge.


Kurk said:
As long as there is no Aimbots, I like hackers. More of a challenge.

There is lots of discrimination against hackers here..
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