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All the obvious Hacking

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Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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I'm not going to spend too much time on this subject, as I have been there and done that YEARS ago. I just want to let you hackers know that anyone who has any common sense, and played this game as much as I have, can sure as hell tell when ur hacking. Your not jumping over chit out of no-where and killing me with one bullet (julian)...your not leaving ur main and heading to the other main in a mi8 (U have every flag already) just to make a quick U-turn to head back towards ur main (that you just left) as I come up behind you in a huey UPEOSHEEN...I was laying there waiting on you as you kept heading the back way to the US main to rape, that move made it obvious that you map hack.... Your not spawning at the enemy main (Exit) that was the first time I have ever gotten killed at the start of the game at my own main. I know what is normal play on this game, please...give me a break!

As you all know you don't have to be in spectator mode to watch someone. You can watch them as your team-mate. I have watched so many people that obviously have the map hack (at a mimimum) its rediculous. The hacking is why I quit playing this game years ago.

Lastly, even if I think you might be using a hack. I'll wait until something unusual happens a couple/few times, before I say anything. Seeing how strange things do occur, but not repeatedly with the same player.

It's just BS and I already know this is going to strike a nerve in some players...especially the ones that hack regularly.

Like I said, your not fooling anyone...least not me


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Well it's great that we finally have someone who can spot a hacker. We haven't had people complain about hackers for months while they are clearly there.

I invite you to join the anti - hacker team. Basically all you have to do is film them, post where you see them hacking, and hand that evidence to an admin.


Uncle Remus

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Jul 16, 2012
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@ Karl...LMAO!!! You don't deserve any other response. @ Blackhawke..dude I haven't trolled you or anything. Unless you are UPEOSHEEN...I play the game with honor and respect. BUT, if someone is going to be a jackass to me, I'll return the favor, you can bet on it.

Uncle Remus

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CommandoBeta said:
Well it's great that we finally have someone who can spot a hacker. We haven't had people complain about hackers for months while they are clearly there.

I invite you to join the anti - hacker team. Basically all you have to do is film them, post where you see them hacking, and hand that evidence to an admin.


Well, I downloaded xfire for just that reason, but I don't know how to use it.

Uncle Remus

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I was wondering what the picture was about (me in a Jeep) first off..I have never used the UPEO Tag AND WOULDN"T . That's childish BS. So, not only are you a HACK, but you are a liar too. Unless of course you have no knowledge of who used the tag and my name (which I highly doubt) I have used three names since I started playing on Hello....Granny, Pit-Bull Kung-Fu and Uncle Remus..I just started using a 4th today...but I have NEVER used any tag..let alone a loser tag like UPEO...ur a hack Sheen and we both know it...but you are not alone...thats for sure.

Sheen, after all the BS yesterday..how come you waited until I made this post today to use your lame Tag claim? Your charachter has definitly showed its colors...so lame dude.

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
Also, i have plenty of screenshots of you trolling yesterday at server and shooting at me while in same team.
I will post them later, right now im busy.

Cya on server.
By Trolling I thought you meant shooting you with my gun while we were on the same team...You know this is BS....so childish Sheen...not only hacking but acting like me too? Using my name with ur lame tag!!!!!!!!


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BlackHawk0012 said:
More Screenshots of Remus raging at server :

Just check the whole album in this imageshack :

Your worse at taking screenshots to blackmail people than MaximumD2 :O.

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
Uncle Remus said:
I was wondering what the picture was about (me in a Jeep) first off..I have never used the UPEO Tag AND WOULDN"T . That's childish BS. So, not only are you a HACK, but you are a liar too. Unless of course you have no knowledge of who used the tag and my name (which I highly doubt) I have used three names since I started playing on Hello....Granny, Pit-Bull Kung-Fu and Uncle Remus..I just started using a 4th today...but I have NEVER used any tag..let alone a loser tag like UPEO...ur a hack Sheen and we both know it...but you are not alone...thats for sure.

Sheen, after all the BS yesterday..how come you waited until I made this post today to use your lame Tag claim? Your charachter has definitly showed its colors...so lame dude.

SAS warned you to change name and you left in Hurry in that day. Stop playing dumb kid.Go bother some1 else.
Im ignoring this thread, and talking to admins "personally" in xfire.

Cya in-game

NO-ONE warned me to change my name. Uncle Remos is in the top 85 in Rankings on server. Is that what this is about?...lmao. You are a hack Sheen..and a lame one...but again...you are not alone!!!

Uncle Remus

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Uncle Remus said:
BlackHawk0012 said:
Uncle Remus said:
I was wondering what the picture was about (me in a Jeep) first off..I have never used the UPEO Tag AND WOULDN"T . That's childish BS. So, not only are you a HACK, but you are a liar too. Unless of course you have no knowledge of who used the tag and my name (which I highly doubt) I have used three names since I started playing on Hello....Granny, Pit-Bull Kung-Fu and Uncle Remus..I just started using a 4th today...but I have NEVER used any tag..let alone a loser tag like UPEO...ur a hack Sheen and we both know it...but you are not alone...thats for sure.

Sheen, after all the BS yesterday..how come you waited until I made this post today to use your lame Tag claim? Your charachter has definitly showed its colors...so lame dude.

SAS warned you to change name and you left in Hurry in that day. Stop playing dumb kid.Go bother some1 else.
Im ignoring this thread, and talking to admins "personally" in xfire.

Cya in-game

NO-ONE warned me to change my name. Uncle Remos is in the top 85 in Rankings on server. Is that what this is about?...lmao. You are a hack Sheen..and a lame one...but again...you are not alone!!!

That day???? We are talking about YESTERDAY UPEO SHEEN...YESTERDAY>>>LMAO>U R LAME DUDE!!

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
DeadlyGun said:
Just ignore UPEO Sheen or Blackhawk :p
i am dude. Already ignoring him :p

You are so ignorant that you don't even realize its me being told to ignor YOU...get a grip dude and stop using the hacks..whether you have friends that are admin or not.

Uncle Remus

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I'm not spamming, I'm responding to messages on the thread that I started. Show some respect for all the people that play the game and quit hacking dude, and isn't that against Hellos rules anway? Obviously I'm not the only one that see's right through you and your BS.

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
Can someone please lock this non-sense topic ? its making us, real hackers-catchers look stupid.

If you are one of the "hacker-catchers" ..than we are all in trouble!

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
Uncle Remus said:
BlackHawk0012 said:
Can someone please lock this non-sense topic ? its making us, real hackers-catchers look stupid.

If you are one of the "hacker-catchers" ..than we are all in trouble!

So you admit hacking ? Oh boy...

Anyone can watch me or ride with me...its more than obvious I don't have any unfair advantages.

My comment was in regards to hackers like yourself catching hackers....LMAO!!!!


Normal Poster
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3:24 AM
Dec 14, 2010
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Blackhawk, quit the trolling already. You keep trying to flamebait, and its getting annoying.

As for this topic, we need proof in order to undertake action against hackers.
You can use Xfire to capture gameplay, press Scroll-lock+V in order to vid.
You could also download fraps or hypercam, for a better quality (helps alot to sort out whether some1 is hacking or not).

If you suspect someone from hacking, then the best thing to do is to start recording immediatly.


Normal Poster
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Dec 14, 2010
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BlackHawk0012 said:
Max said:
Blackhawk, quit the trolling already. You keep trying to flamebait, and its getting annoying.

As for this topic, we need proof in order to undertake action against hackers.
You can use Xfire to capture gameplay, press Scroll-lock+V in order to vid.
You could also download fraps or hypercam, for a better quality (helps alot to sort out whether some1 is hacking or not).

If you suspect someone from hacking, then the best thing to do is to start recording immediatly.

Hey, I dont need to give you satisfactions of what i do. And if you dont stop, maybe i should post the screenshots of your love, ray, saying im a "nigger" and a "faggot".

What you think ? You better stay quiet friend.

I don't have to stay quiet at all. However, you might want to reconsider your attitude on both the forums and the server. It seems that YOU always get into trouble with other players. And I'm pretty sure that, that wouldn't happen if you acted normal, and showed some respect for others.

I have a pretty good memory, and I don't even remember calling you something like that in the past. However if I ever did, then it must have been quite a couple of months back, and probably not without reason.
But feel free to post whatever you want, if thats what satisfies you ;)

Uncle Remus

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So I decide to go into BFV. The map is LaDrang Valley. Since I am on the same team as UPEOSHEEN I decide to watch him. He is NVA and he stole the US PLANE. I'm watching him attack the US main where the chinook is, the huey, and transport plane. The NVA control the map...than I watch Sheen leave the US main (where he has stayed the whole time, attacking chinook, huey and transport plane) go clear accros the map...and bomb his OWN flag where Casino is...he kills casino (the only us troop there) and than goes back to the US main....maybe I don't know how to use xfire..but I sure as hell know that wasn't "normal play" ..its just rediculous and if its so easy to catch people hacking...why isn't it being done? Something tells me that if I was to download the hacks..I'd be caught right away...some people just seem to be able to do whatever they want.

Uncle Remus

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BlackHawk0012 said:
Uncle Remus said:
So I decide to go into BFV. The map is LaDrang Valley. Since I am on the same team as UPEOSHEEN I decide to watch him. He is NVA and he stole the US PLANE. I'm watching him attack the US main where the chinook is, the huey, and transport plane. The NVA control the map...than I watch Sheen leave the US main (where he has stayed the whole time, attacking chinook, huey and transport plane) go clear accros the map...and bomb his OWN flag where Casino is...he kills casino (the only us troop there) and than goes back to the US main....maybe I don't know how to use xfire..but I sure as hell know that wasn't "normal play" ..its just rediculous and if its so easy to catch people hacking...why isn't it being done? Something tells me that if I was to download the hacks..I'd be caught right away...some people just seem to be able to do whatever they want.

Well , i can teach you how to use Xfire. Maybe you are overreacting on me dude. I got audio config in BFV in a good configuration. Also, i got headphones and a good audio card. So i can hear footsteps and anything at all.

I think you should calm yourself Down and play nice. I know there are a lot of hackers out there but you cant go out accusing one by one. I will play later and i will call you to watch my gameplay in Xfire or in my team.

Ask my xfire for one of the hello admins.

I hope we can end this subject.And play friendly again.

Obs : Maybe it wasnt you who changed tags, theres a lot ppl using others name nowadays, so.. i forgive you, if it wasnt you.

You forgive me if it wasn't me? Go suck a duck dude. It wasn't me, and you already know that!!!!! You have headphones and a good card so you can hear footsteps...OMG---LMFAO!!!!!! So, lemme get this right...you are NVA in the US plane, the map is Ladrang Valley and you are bombing the US main, but hear casino and his footsteps clear accros the map.....thats some funny chit dude.

Listen up, you know that I know..and thats good enough for me...lets just let it die now.


Elite Poster
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11:54 AM
Jul 21, 2010
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Remus.. i dont know you but my advice would be dont even reply to blackhawk u dont have to justify anything to him, and if u suspect someone of cheating and u want to do something about it like record a video.. first contact a admin and ask them to record the suspect players information.. so if u post the vid and the community/management agrees they should be banned we can act.. my xfire is bloodonyourface...u can add me.. i would be happy to give u help on using xfire
and supply u with other bfv admins xfirenames..im at work atm.. be home in 5 or 6 hours cheers
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